Artificial Intelligence is Here, and it's a little Scary!

Mycoplasma bacteria.
Or more specifically…
Mycoplasma laboratorium/Synthia
Recently you may have heard of Mycoplasma pneumoniae AKA White Lung Syndrome Pneumonia

Fair enough…
I believe it was created with a form of VD so depending on your definition this may or may not fit the mold.
Some say they have created life, I do not wish to argue that point.


You wish to state it though.

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Just repeating what the scientists stated, that statement was originally theirs, if you take issue with it please take it up with them, I do not represent them or their views, my views are my own and should be considered as such.

A simple google search results in this response.

Five years ago, scientists created a single-celled synthetic organism that, with only 473 genes, was the simplest living cell ever known.

scientists created the simplest living cell ever known

You are free to interpret that however you wish, as you said defining life can be complicated and I do not wish to argue what exactly is life.

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I’ve already decided it’s a bad thing. Like a few years ago (many years?) when CVS showed up in the Southwest and started competing with Walgreens. Both companies had great hours and many helpful employees. Now there are no 24 hour Walgreens or CVS. Neither company has enough employees, and though the stores open early, the pharmacy in them doesn’t.

Long story short, the larger the corporation the worse it is for us. And I’m pretty sure that Walgreens and CVS don’t compete anymore, they collude.


If you go by Biological Definitions-- yes…a virus is ‘alive’ it just is not a life form similar to any other on this planet…
energy use
response to stimuli
adaptation to environment (a form of mutation)
responds to environment (also a form of mutation)

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When I talk to AI it seems more like predictive text than anything else.
great tool. powerful tool. I believe if AI goes sideways it will be at the direction of humans.
if it fails to improve life it will be humans cockblocking the a.i. like when they make dairy farmers dump milk.


i can do all of that with a computer and it’s not alive. i’ve participated in the discussion in class before but forgot how it goes.

If AI is used to create something band new, that is not currently banned it may leave a loophole in the current regulation sysytem.

see about 9 min in for that reference.
Today AI has the ability to create new things a lot faster than humans can, some may say at record speeds.
Will AI be used to control certain elements of the population by creating new and more powerful Nuroweapons?
Could AI be used in such a way to weaponize data.
See 11 min in for what is weaponized data.

The link is from…
The Homeland Defense & Security Information Analysis Center (HDIAC ) is a component of the U.S. Department of Defense’s Information Analysis Center

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There was an article posted online the other day (sorry, don’t have the linky, but googlez is your friend, for now), about Sports Illustrated publishing articles from two different staff writers who were both AI generated fakes with fake content. Another company discovered the fakes by searching the website of a company that creates fakes and sells them So SI had photos and bios of the “writers”, and the photos had been purchased from a different company.
Articles and bios were immediately removed, but garuanteed the hundreds of thousands of readers that read those articles had no idea it was all fake.

Bonus points:
How many of those articles have each of US read?


And you want to know who’s good at this?..Fucking Google is good at this. And the NSA/CIA is good at this. And they’re a fuckton better at it than Sports Illustrated.


bonus points if you can spot the fed(s) planted on og. i have my opinions on who it is…


That’s a pretty bold and large accusation. Who’s the fed boi?

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i’m not starting that shit show. i don’t know anything for certain, as in have not intercepted transmissions or seen a badge or anything but there is no way in hell there is not at least four plants on this website just from the us. probably more and some from other agencies around the world. i know for a fact there are chinese folks watching all the posts. that is not a secret that they do it in every social media site that exists. usually using folks that have left china that are being coerced.


Are the Chinese folks the fed bois?

why ask me? chinese spies have infiltrated everything so probably. those are just the ones we know about. there are probably more spies than anything else in some places. also, notice the probablys and maybes, that means it’s all conjecture. except for the israeli spies at the party we went to that one time. they were obvious in some cases.

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Everything is monitored by any number of agencies/governments, all the time, period.
And there’s no way to detect it, stop it, or defend against it.

Now we have spies on the OG too?

Yes, that’s different than feds actually being on the boards.

yes there is. too much information that is false spread among the real info creates too much for them to sift through and poisons the supply. not perfect but it helps.

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Can you expand on this some more?