Artificial Intelligence is Here, and it's a little Scary!


Definitely could say these same things about any group that now has people who have become US citizens. That is everyone except indigenous peoples.

Yet here they are always being accused of being spies for China.

What about shit like this?

The guy spied for over 40 years.

Remember the Japanese internment camps? Those were US citizens also.

Anyway, eventually, every country will have some form of no human intervention necessary kill bots like they’ve been using for awhile so blaming China will neglect other countries like Japan, Russia, Israel and especially US (or NATO backed countries).


Sounds Hegelian

sounds like you’re just hearing about this. yeah, it amazed me when i first heard too. running an informal (formal?) police force around the world is pretty sneaky. not quite as bad as some of the things the us has done, but still.

Full List of China’s Unofficial Police Stations Around the World (

Something like this?


probably where i heard about it. the way they monitor the internet is even better. unofficial spies in every forum and message board that exists. they all have them like that now though. and that’s before you consider the collection of every bit of data that travels the internet for inspection.


Are you aware of ssl and ssh encryption? Our data isn’t just flying all around in plain text, if it is, you’re using websites run by irresponsible people.

ssl is broke and they use tsl now, and yes, having a security+ cert requires the knowledge of security protocols. are you aware the nsa can read it anyway? not sure on other countries’ abilities but i assume they all can read it.

edit: my bad, i am veering off topic again. sorry, i’ll stop now.

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Tls 1.3 to be exact, yes I’m aware. This site uses tls 1.3. 1.2 is still secure as well, depending on the cipher suite you use.

Do you think the NSA cares about us? I don’t. I also don’t agree with their information gathering, but here we are.

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yet can still be read in the clear by the nsa, despite all that.

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They’ll learn that they need more calmag.



So many tangents


We are an expeditionary force. That is why we can be anywhere in the world within 24 hours or less, or the freedom is free.

We must eat our freedom fries with extra ketchup.

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You took 1:02 days so no freedom for you.

No no no, the freedom is even freer if it takes more than 24 hours.

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I’m not sure I can handle extra freedom. Could I get it on the side?

You can have it on your forehead.

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But wouldn’t that be like bragging “hey everyone check it out im free and you’re not.”

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if there’s enough money involved, or oil, etc, it never does.