Artificial Intelligence is Here, and it's a little Scary!

AI will develop new drugs. It already has.

They have recognized new antagonists and previously unknown pathways to hedonism.

I went to that link and am pretty unhappy with the premise - that it’s really important to stop people from getting high, even when the substance is legal.

Otoh the second link - awesome tech!

That’s one use of the technology.

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I don’t think they “care” or “target” generally. I don’t think they have to “care” about data to capture it… The whole thing after the Snowden Disclosure came out was that “I’m not important to watch” wasn’t a factor when the goal was Total Information Awareness.
What they “care” about is knowing everything, on everyone, all the time. Yes. They do try to do that. Yes, they do have the capacity to do that and supercomputers specifically for it, programs like PRISM and TIA specifically for that…aaand okay. Yeah, this could go wide off topic lol
As far as the topic, it’s already part of several class action suits that DARPA/Google AI and facebook dot gov uses a training set of… everything everywhere, with or without creator permission.
Does OpenAI “care” about the artist work it just scraped? Probably, no, sure. Doesn’t mean they’re not being scraped. :man_shrugging:


Yea I generally agree with what you said. I am not for the gross invasion of privacy of us as people.

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Data is #1 commodity in the world.

That was announced just a year or two after it was made legal to sell customer data by ISPS.


This 100, Information is the new currency.


Back on track people… Scary Robots!

Tesla bot army takes on Cybertruck in viral video

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Will AI learn to power itself via atmospheric electricity AKA the tesla method?
Or even develop a new method of wifi charging like some vehicles are today…

Will there be no way to turn it off.

Will it learn to protect itself?
Will it strike first if you are perceived as a threat?
Current AI seems to say it will use any means necessary

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Will AI be used for misinformation?
From the link above…

“AI provides a tool that allows researchers to ‘play’ with the data and parameters until the results are aligned with the expectations,”

Is the human race doing the work to develop AI in the real world.

“There is way more variation in the real world than in the lab, and the AI models are often not tested for it until we deploy them,”

I am pretty sure electronics are beta tested on paying customers these days.

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A different kind of robot used by cops in NY.
They claim some functions are not enabled for privacy…LOL

This is nothing new. Robots have been around for a long time.


I had a robot serve me at a sushi restaurant. Though it did ask for my personal information…

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The worlds first factory…in the USA?
I think that would be called new, at least to me… that is what I call something new.
A robot patrolling NY on it own is not new either?
Well that is new …to me anyhow…

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Anyone ever mess with ChaosGPT?

What is chaos GPT used for?

What is ChaosGPT and Why It Wants to Destroy Humanity ...

ChaosGPT’s objectives are the annihilation of humanity, the acquisition of immortality, global dominance, and human manipulation. These are undoubtedly lofty objectives, but ChaosGPT seemed unfazed. The AI was primarily concerned with annihilation, dominance, and ultimately immortality.May 1, 2023

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That’s a tin can with cameras on it.

I’m pro robots + hats.

Oh, I see…when you said THAT you were probably referring to the robot itself.
My bad, but I hope you can see, you were a bit vague in your response.
I do not disagree, but they probably want that robot as benign and as docile looking as possible.

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