Artificial Intelligence is Here, and it's a little Scary!

It’s ruining youtube as we speak, the suggestions used to have random stuff I would actualy want to watch now it only shows stuff that fits in with what you have been watching most recently and you have to fight with it to show you better results.


That’s annoying as hell.
Seems like youtube algorithms have been doing that for at least a decade though.


Good point.
Only this thing will not know the love of a mother.
We all know what can happen to neglected kids.
Here is the way I picture it going, well you get the idea anyway.


what we do know is that it is nowhere nearly as smart as we imagine it is. check out a good friend of mine on a tv interview. he is a much better hacker than myself.

also found this article about how far behind ai actually is.
"The systems can “understand” only specific situations they have been exposed to in the past and are unable to generalize in a way that humans find easy, he added.

“It shows once again we’ve been far too hasty to ascribe superhuman levels of intelligence to machines,” Russell said."

I’ve had some “conversations” with proto-AI in the past, and yeah, it usually degenerates into noise after a few exchanges. If they’ve managed to make this thing last through 15 responses before it starts going insane, that’s an improvement, anyway… but yes, I’d assume we’re still a long way from creating true electronic life, capable of its own motives and genuinely original ideas. Whether that’s a good idea or not is up for debate, of course. Whether it’s a good idea to give them our own biases is up for debate too, really… certainly we want them to have some, like placing an intrinsic value on human life. Either way, if we’re ever gonna allow them to be anything beyond annoying & amusing chatbots, we need to know they won’t abuse their power. Chasing down how and why biases are learned is gonna be part of that.

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introduced, not learned. they don’t learn anything yet. i doubt we will get them there, at least not in the next century anyway. or whenever we understand our brain completely and are able to reproduce it with technology.

edit: and it is absolutely a bad idea to create artificial intelligence for real.

Honestly guy probably 25% of the members here are growing automation robots…:wink:…really…

and @lefthandseeds is a chicken (or chickens)…haha, really…Again…“he” is a little unsure about his “rights to the plant” as a independent cannabis breeder…:wink::+1::beers:

Modern times, eh?


Word on the dirt road. Bury a body standing up with a pine tree planted on top. Who looks for a body under a tree. :rofl:

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Are these the responses you got, lol?
I haven’t done this in years…

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I didn’t ask alexis lol. It’s a joke. :rofl:

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Oh! Siri used the suggest thing like swamps, rivers, and landfills hehe.


My microwave tells me secrets.

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“That’s just what probability suggests.”


What are you talking about? You’re more of a nonsense bot.


Im just saying that probably, you, because (you, not you; are wrong), are more likely a chicken than a Homo sapian… Probably. :wink:

“I’m just saying, probability suggests you are a chicken.” :wink::yum:


I will peck your eyes out for that


Outlook looks Hazy…:grin::wink:.



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Can anyone imagine what it’s going to be like when they incorporate these A.I as sentient android type beings… with human like aesthetics… basically real world androids. They say that A.I. might someday run our companies… govern municipalities… an A.I. could practice law or even decide the outcome in a judicial setting, possibly even enforce the law. It’s a scary thought. A.I governance is surely a long way but some people think it’s inevitable.


It would be funny to be a fly on the wall when that happened… not much fun having to be part of it, but funny to watch. :stuck_out_tongue: Dunno. A few years ago self-driving cars were a big deal, but they seem to have mostly disappeared out of the news after a few tests went badly wrong. The biggest problems? The AIs had a tendency to just sit there paralyzed by indecision because humans were going around breaking all the rules - they had no actions that they could perform without breaking rules, so they didn’t. When they did, occasionally they got it wrong and killed someone. Now Tesla’s under criminal investigation for continuing to develop them and all the other companies have just quietly wound their program down.