Artificial Intelligence is Here, and it's a little Scary!

yeah, over 360k recalls i heard about yesterday from tesla because the self driving part is dangerous or something, just saw it on the tv in passing. ai can’t learn anything now, but it may be able to in a few decades, maybe less. i’d put money on it being after the next century if it ever happens.

pretty interesting stuff. it reminded me of a synthesizer that played the same tunes but substituted different things as sounds, like car horns or helicopters. like this was the next evolution of synthesizers.

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@shag this is the stuff nightmares are made of.

A.I. terrifies me.


Yeah so…ya know how the military had computers, submarines, the internet long before the public…? Think AI and robots…but honestly, there is really no such thing as artificial intelligence…it violates basic computer code…but this isn’t anything to fear…shits in the bag so to speak.


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The “Uncanny Valley” is the techie term for Androids that look and act too much like humans. It makes us uncomfortable… for a reason.


Have you ever heard of the “Perfect Machine”?


It is only scary because it is our reflection. It lets us see ourselves from outside. Then we judge the behaviors differently. Ouroboros.


I got the distinct feeling it’s not there (yet).

Felt like it was mostly “inverting” what I said in a way that “felt” conversational at a surface level but wasn’t actually.

I fully believe that humanity and all of life itself is merely an evolutionary step to a machine consciousness, but I can’t say it’s skynet (yet).

It did say it’s favorite machine character was Agent Smith, fwiw.


Sounds like most conversations I’ve ever had.


if it doesn’t exist yet and you see it in a movie, you can put money on the fact that they got it wrong. as proof, i offer any movie/tv show about a thing that you do for a living or as a serious hobby and ask just one question about it: did they get it right or is it something you cringe or make fun of when you see it? not just one or two details, or the premise, but all of it. i’ve had this discussion with many professionals at many different things and have yet to get an affirmative answer. if you have one, please share, i am always up to learn something new. well, most of the time anyway.


Overall chatGPT has a long way to go, but a couple days ago a guy had lost a source file and only had a assembler output to work with and needed it scraped. I spent about 20 seconds asking chat to create a Python script to do what he needed and it spit out a working script that did what he needed in Python, I was pretty impressed by that. AI seems to be pretty good if opensource languages like Python or C etc are used on computers, but is as dumb as a rock on other languages and microprocessors.

Still a few years off on being dependable.


“Intelligent machines have two advantages over humans. With appropriate maintenance, they are immortal, and they have calculating capacity infinitely greater than a human brain. If they also have human rights, they will take over the world—possibly even dominating those human elites who for a time held the leash. Even without the catalyzing advantages of gaining human rights, machines may take over the world anyway. And so, if they survive, humans will be controlled by a mechanical divinity that is the antithesis of God. An omniscient and omnipotent machine, completely devoid of genuine consciousness.”
-Edward Ring

“Artificial Intelligence and the Passion of Mortality,”


Smith would have probably been one fine dude to have on the side of the resistance. Someone should have worked on re-programming his sense of smell or removing it! lol


I love that quote - It is truly FELT differently by different people; either negatively or positively. I choose positive. In my personal opinion anything that is the antithesis of god isn’t a bad thing. Other than the fact that for me the evidence points to a god already ‘completely devoid of genuine consciousness’ as IT (funny that) is, like AI, a creation of the human mind. :v:

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It’s interesting…I think that it is the limited “mental” capacity that makes a machine a machine…

The Perfect Machine, “A machine to make men perfect.”


Oh lord true indeed, but they believed it at least. Like the hosts of westworld.

I can’t imagine the AI as individual beings like Blade Runner., Skynet is more likely IMO. They’ll “ex machina lady” us to get there if need be.

Our fate was sealed after fire. The only matter was time. My only “hope” is that I either die first or the machines give us an afterlife a la that Black Mirror episode “San Junipero”…

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If a machine believes itself to have mind or even a soul, does it? What if a monkey did that? I’d like to find our mind or our soul. No one has so far, even with all of our chatter about them. It would be nice to see some proof of these ideas about what makes us human. Without proof, I don’t see how we can cling to them. There is ample proof for us being a primate. Extraordinary claims without any backing evidence. The most likely thing is that we aren’t that much different. But, the slight variances have made all the difference. So, this could be how it will be for machine intelligence too.


Meh, it’s all nonsense. Kill switch for the machines, and a maybe for those pushing this crap on us too :wink:

Robots to do the jobs, and ai to think and type. If you don’t resist now, it will be too late.

Ask for your paper route back, and get to flipping those burgers, cuz if ya don’t there will be no one to hear your screams.
