Artificial Intelligence is Here, and it's a little Scary!

AI should be renamed to collective intelligence, the only thing we have to fear… is what people will do with it.


What’s unix?

Um condolences folks…what can I say,we’ve all been there… that’s why you stay away from “breathing women”…it only hurts more each time…


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So…you prefer them not breathing? I’m confused.


It’s slang for a “non drinker”


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I see, yes I prefer that too.

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Not sure if youre trolling but Unix is an operating system developed by AT&T at Bell Labs beginning in 1969, built around multiuser/multitasking.

DOS was a commercial operating system introduced in 1981.

MacOS runs on a Unix variant. Linux is an open source project based upon Unix. Vastly different ancestry and nothing to do with DOS.

Also worth noting Windows has not been DOS based for many years either.


Incorrect, not trolling. That’s the public version. In reality DOS was created beginning in the 1940s with the advent of computers…learn something new everyday. Everything is DOS based, wether it’s on the label or not. DOS is simply slang for digital operating system…



Of course. Very good sir.


I’m still not giving up my fleshlight for some needy AI bitch.


I just find the thread a little irritating because it seems to stirup fear where there should be none. Happy Day!


You’re just a bot trying to pacify us humans!

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nothing to see here

Just because you are irritated because you are perceiving this discussion is stirring up fear doesn’t mean everyone has to stop discussing the TOPIC to appease your feelings.

Could you imaging if the human race stopped communicated when someone felt a Wee bit irritated.

In order for the human species to evolve Mentally, Physically, and Spiritually we had to suffer some pretty F’d up irritating Stuff my friend.

We made it to this point in “Civilization” because even though peoples feelings were hurt we pushed through it…

I am sure we all are aware of the “MOVIE” terminator… and maybe that’s where your fear comes from.

ill be back

I get it… but I have read this post and “I” am getting the exact opposite feeling you are.

Does AI scare people?

I am sure that a topic anyone is not educated in a can said to be scary to some. I am one of those :sponge: sponge people. I love to read about things I don’t know about or have little knowledge of. This is how we Humans learn…

I sure as shart would not walk into a nuclear facility and start pressing buttons.

With that said… even the individuals educated and working at the nuclear facility would advise you don’t touch the buttons.

I believe that all we have here is a failure to communicate are people discussing a topic of interest. The people working in or familiar with the topic are advising the less proficient of what they think, believe or even feel…

It is the readers choice to read the topic or move along. It is the readers choice to let themselves get irritated or educated. We all make our own decisions and have our own opinions or at least I believe we should be able to make our own opinions and not be forced to think as one. Maybe it is just me though.

Some, including me, would say this :arrow_up: is what this post is truly about… but that is only my perception.

After all aren’t we all here to Learn, Smoke and Overgrow the :world_map:


My Kinda Mad Dawg!

Thanks for sharing that,


My personal view is that technology singularity is the greatest threat to humanity, as far as quantum computers are concerned.

The merge between humans and computers is ever on going. AI art programs works with the basic of collaborating all images it can search thru for key words that are used to make a picture. All OpenAI is a collective of algorithms, there is currently 171,146 words in the English language. Each one has a block, each block has a place in a sentence with a block before and after that relate to first block, a chain of blocks makes a sentence and tie in with the algorithm as answers to questions. Every word written by the user becomes a chain of blocks and the computer program seeks to have a conversation and responds in ways to keep the person interested. This is the way the creators want it. The program collects information from users and searches the internet hundreds of thousands of times an hour creating algorithms to use for what seems to be informed response. We all find ourselves on a over populated planet that has been abused, mistreated, take advantage of, poisoned air, water and land… but somehow AI is gonna be the thing that takes us over the brink??? Think Global, Act Local.

Have a great Sunday. :sunglasses:

This is a problem with “random” number generators. They arent truly random, Generating a truly random number in software is actually quite difficult.


Certain encryption software over the years had the user shake the mouse in an attempt to introduce more randomness, you’re 100% right that it’s a tough ask of machines.

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it sure would have been hard to program dos with punch cards. but sure, if it was invented in the '40s because you say so, then there it is. it must be the rest of the world that’s wrong, that’s it. sure.

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Well when I was working on it I called it DOS (digital operating system)…not sure what the official project title would have been. Maybe Pheonix…

I was a programer not a coder. Worked on “the program” for about 20 years before it was turnt over to coders. If there are any coders floating around the forum, maybe we should chat about some stuff…


Are YOU an AI?

Jus Wonderin,
-Grouchy :thinking:

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Nope, I’m not…but then again, there’s really no such thing as AI…:wink:
