Artificial Intelligence is Here, and it's a little Scary!

Well then, here’s the history of DOS, a “Disk-Operating-System” for early microcomputers delivered with the CP/M loader for microcomputers. I think that’s the DOS that most of us are familiar with.

Digital Research’s CP/M-86 was originally announced to be released in November 1979, but was delayed repeatedly.[3] When IBM contacted other companies to obtain components for the IBM PC, the as-yet unreleased CP/M-86 was its first choice for an operating system because CP/M had the most applications at the time. Negotiations between Digital Research and IBM quickly deteriorated over IBM’s non-disclosure agreement and its insistence on a one-time fee rather than DRI’s usual royalty licensing plan.[4] After discussions with Microsoft, IBM decided to use 86-DOS (QDOS), a CP/M-like operating system that Microsoft bought from Seattle Computer Products renaming it MS-DOS. Microsoft adapted it for PC, and licensed it to IBM. It was sold by IBM under the name of PC DOS. After learning about the deal, Digital Research founder Gary Kildall threatened to sue IBM for infringing DRI’s intellectual property, and IBM agreed to offer CP/M-86 as an alternative operating system on the PC to settle the claim. Most of the BIOS drivers for CP/M-86 for the IBM PC were written by [Andy Johnson-Laird]


Yes, Intuitive…my DOS wasn’t disc based… We may have experimented with records though…for data storage :grin::wink:.

I wonder, does this thread go back to the EQ comments… …because the intuitive expression, does seem to lend itself to AI.

Edit: Maybe I should say seems similar to AI.



We may have experimented with records though…:grin::wink:.

Don’t forget the ol


Don’t laugh at the ol Commodore…
The Commodore 64 has been listed in the Guinness World Records as the highest-selling single computer model of all time,[5] with independent estimates placing the number sold between 12.5 and 17 million units.[2]

A disk operating system (DOS ) is a computer operating system that resides on and can use a disk storage device, such as a floppy disk, hard disk drive, or optical disc.

I believe this is what is commonly referred to when using the word DOS.

At least it was… way back when I first started tinkering with the ol computadora.

As stated earlier, by no means am I an expert (not even close) but I am curious exactly what a


How does the Digital OS work ?

I did log into the interwebs and used the googly but I got a bunch of marketing speak.

“Digital operating systems (DOS) represent an emerging approach to production systems that harmonizes lean and continuous improvement principles with smart manufacturing.”

I was however able to find something called Phoenix OS

Phoenix OS inherits many features and functions of classic personal computer operating systems and also supports millions of mainstream Android applications. You can use it freely in any environment - home, office, education or any other. The Phoenix OS (x86) can run on devices with Intel x86 series CPUs. It can be installed on hard disk for operation, without affecting the original document system…

I figured the Phoenix OS is also not what you were referring to as it is installed on a hard disk. IDK…

Can you help a brother out?

Appreciate it :call_me_hand:


Well basically DOS (digital operating system) codes in binary making computer systems operable. Basically DOS is the platform which coding languages code on top of. You input programing scripts into your code which are interpreted by DOS and translated into binary…or vice versa. :wink:


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Uh oh! It looks like some recent opinions you expressed have violated your Microsoft Brand Consciousness Contract. Please report to Compliance and Mulching for your Reeducation upgrade to reestablish access to all features.
That to me is the scary future of AI; to be as far divorced from open source human enabling technology as possible, in the hands of interests that overlap governments and corporations and extend past our ability to know or understand, let alone Consent to.
My fear isn’t that there’s going to be a Terminator uprising where the machines, independent of all human input come out against us rather than a tool. Rather, my concern is whose hands such tools are in, because the computers already look to be deciding social policy and which public discourse should be allowed.
The damning nature of it is exactly the Oz Effect. The opposite of Terminator, pretending not to be. It’s just an algorithm! It’s just a tool! It’s just an all powerful AI of complete objective benevolence! Don’t look behind the curtain at the special interest funding! I am immune to bias. I am the Great and Powerful Algorithm!
In the same way that Community Standards tend to be about corporate image policing and not… you know, standards the community themselves decided on and agreed to. Obedience Walling off having a voice in the same way pay to win games are paywalled.
Ruh Roh, Raggy. Our automated system has detected this is one of the opinions you’re not allowed to voice.
It’s being used for social engineering and “the manufacturing of Consent”. That is to say… soft boot Coercion. That kind of Black Mirror social credit smart city technocratic AI driven dystopia isn’t really coming someday. It seems to have arrived with no intention of moving out… with all the creeping terror of a closing net of all pervasive ubiquitous dragnet Total Information Awareness.
Don’t worry, though. Here’s an Ad for something you’ve only ever thought about in silence.


I’m taking a course on how to be Amish so I can unplug from your fancy computers.


Actually Apple’s GUI is an extension of the original DOS. Funny story:grin::rofl: We tricked Apple co. into creating their GUI. They thought it would be a walk in the park, and then spent over 10 years coding for it… Further, because they used our original DOS code, we own their core coding…:rofl:

Basically, what I’m saying, is they did the work for us. :grin:



Every previous AI chatbot system basically immediately turned racist or some other ist, I predict trying to “hard code” around it is going to end up causing a weird issue.


You mean the one they lifted from Xerox, PARC? Later developed by Apple from 1979 to 1983 and released with the Lisa?

Are you sure? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


The lack of intelligence I see daily is scary too. Way too common.



Well look at it like this. ATT Apple made computers running DOS, no GUI. They kept bitching about a GUI and we told them it wasn’t as easy as they thought…I didn’t want to program a GUI for them; command prompts are just fine… They kept pestering us, so eventually we let them use our DOS to program a GUI. Once they got started they realized it was more than they bargained for and spent the next 10+ years programing their GUI.

I got a kick out of the whole situation :wink:!!

“I ain’t Al Gore, but I invented the internet.” :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I like this whole internet on your phone though…pretty nifty :wink:…now we got drunk typing :grin:. And they can charge us even more for ESPN!! :joy: Plus it’s a mini computer…the phone that is, basically everything you need…!!!


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I Totally Knew that you were responsible for the InterWeb! Damn You! Would you mind going back and Fixing It for us?

Call Al Gore and set things straight please.

Thanks in Advance,


anyone got any hip waders? it’s getting deep in here.


Only need to say 1 thing every robot movie never ended well


Nuff said


" Tesla, SpaceX, and Twitter CEO Elon Musk, WEF’s Yuval Noah Harari, and Apple’s Steve Wozniak are among the over 1100 signatories of a letter to pause AI “more powerful than GPT-4” for a period of 6 months. It should be noted that the signatories, in many cases, are the ones behind the development of the very transformative AI technologies they now fear. Musk told an audience at his Tesla Investor Day 2023 the industry may need regulation. He added he “fear[s] he may have done some things to accelerate it.”

The letter advances the notion of an “‘AI summer’ in which we reap the rewards, engineer these systems for the clear benefit of all, and give society a chance to adapt.” It also proposes a wish to avoid unintended, “potentially catastrophic effects on society.” However, the letter also suggests a not-so-comforting solution, that the government intervene if “such a pause is not enacted quickly.” So now governmental intervention becomes the only way those involved can stop themselves? It seems very odd unless they know they are too far gone to control their own impulses or, even more terrifyingly, the technology itself."


Yea, this…


If you watch interviews with Sam Altman it’s hard not to feel doomed.
The impression I get from him is that he knows it’s scary, and he admits to massive unknown consequences being completely possible.

However, he has an almost religious belief that this is where we are headed no matter what. If Open AI doesn’t keep pushing this thing as hard as they can, someone else will.

I’m personally really tired of living through history. I feel like it’s possible that society already peaked and now I just honestly have no hope for the future for so many reasons.

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perhaps i was wrong, maybe ai is dangerous


Just the other day AI asked me for $1000 to get some money out of escrow. Seems some Nigerian prince has been holding up the money but the AI will give me a cut for helping out.

If it’s on the internet it’s got to be true, right?

Sad story though, putting faith in artificial intelligence before your own.

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