Artisan’s Auto Adventures

Terrible picture, but the tent is up in the spare room! I gotta double check, but I do believe everything other than the lights are here!!! I’m super excited and now I’ve really gotta got the hydro store :grinning:


So I had some unexpected stuff come up and had to hit an audible! No worries other than a little dialing in and all should be well. Instead of baby bu’s soil and coco mix it is going to be straight happy frog for now with some added worm castings. Amendments will be kelp meal, alfalfa meal, and a seed starter mix by down to earth that sits at 3-3-3. Hope all is well and happy growing!

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Just waiting for seeds to pop and the magic will begin!


The seeds have popped! They just barely cracked open so I changed the water and am going to let them open a bit more then throw them directly into the soil :smile:

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After about 3 days of growth they are both looking very solid! No stretch so far and the environment is staying pretty stable. My humidity won’t go too high because I have all vents open and the door flap 1/3 unzipped to keep airflow nice, but stays within 15% of what I have it set at so I’m happy. Trying to keep at 81 as this seems to be more favorable for led. Any suggestions are totally welcome, happy growing! :smile:


One week later and they are booming! Humidity and temp are holding much better through the bulk of them being alone, drops when I open the tent of course. I plan to raise the lights slightly on their next lights on and give them a bit of water. Still holding off on feeding as they seem to be just fine. Couple spots on the leaves, I believe it could be ph slightly out of range. My ph pen arrived broken and I have just been winging it with purified water and putting some of the medium into the water to at least get it in relative range. Overall, they look great and I’m very excited! Planning to start training soon as well!

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P.S. have been having a strange white film develop and I’m not completely sure from what! It doesn’t behave like PM as it’s not starting from the plants but it seems to be everywhere in the tent like a fine dust that blankets everything. I’ve vacuumed and Clorox wiped everything, planning to do so at least once a week while it’s manageable. I believe could possibly be some dust from the ac vent directly outside the tent, possibly perilite dust or something similar as I haven’t fully watered in the media yet, or microscopic plastic shavings from my fans. Either way it bugs me and I would love a second opinion! Thank you guys in advance, cheers!

Upon further investigation I have learned that the white dust I am experiencing is from putting tap water into the humidifier! Thank goodness for the good ol interweb :smile:

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Yep, it was bad. I have R/O water now for them.

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I only have a little pur pitcher to filter water for now so I’m going to have to figure out a better solution, but certainly a necessity to have clean water!

I slack a bit at updating this, but then I realize I’ve been doing almost weekly so that’s probably plenty of updates! :laughing: these little plants have been chugging right along very maintenance free and very nice to watch grow. Both are showing signs of sex, one completely female and one seems to be exhibiting signs of male preflowers on the first node that is showing, with female preflowers above that. I am going to let everything keep chugging along and just pluck the first set if no other sets start to show! I also have done slight defoliation on them that I haven’t got pictures of yet!

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Also, I mixed a small batch of kelp tea and let it bubble 24 hours with a very small amount of happy frog in with it for its “mycorrhizae content” I’m sure there had to have been trace amounts of something. Going to use left over tea as a diluted foliar spray as well just to keep everything nice and happy!

Looks good!! I’m pulling up a chair! Are you going to top it soon? Or let it go natural? If you have a male and female are you going to make babies?

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@Dalorean Thank you! I don’t plan to top these ones, but the leaves I took off should help some bottom branches reach the top and give me a little more even looking plant. These are supposed to be fems so wasn’t planning on making babies and I’ve plucked off the male flowers so possibly could have been slightly stressed at some point while dialing everything in. Hopefully with a little tlc we can keep her a she lol. Not a very big deal though as these were free from a while back so I’m just glad for some nice vigor out of them and looking forward to a nice bit of headstash

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These things are going wild! :smiley: the larger one is the one that was showing male preflowers and upon closer inspection I noticed all the first nodes were showing male flowers so I plucked them all off. I don’t see any above the first mode though so I am pretty hopeful. They are just over 3 weeks old so flower is probably about upon us!

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Some interesting growth on what we will call the smaller pheno or left plant lol one node seems to have 4 leaves growing from the same spot or very closely together if not. The other is from the same plant just a strange leaf from a lower node. Super excited to smoke the girls and see how they turn out!


I’d say there’s a very good chance we are in flower and experiencing the stretch :wink: the girls have been getting rather large and showing white poofs all over! The are 28 days old and chugging right along quite beautifully.