Attic setup help please

Yeah ill have to run some tests but it was somewhere in the range of 25c up there when it was supposed to be a high of 17 today

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Probably outright to hot to use in the summer tbh. And looks like not enough height to do anything wider than 3ft. Could nail a board to the rafters and run a 2x4 tent in the winter though, a couple 3-5 gallon pots ainā€™t gonna get heavy enough to break nothing.

Yeah im not worried about space up there as its long, i run LED so its 12 inches at most from the plants so that kinda height isnt an issue just want to do the flooring proper so im either not messin up the insulation permenantly or going through the ceiling

The most important thing is that itā€™s functionalā€¦ and that you donā€™t damage your home.
If i sold my property they would bulldoze this house and build another Iā€™m sure. 5% population increase on a yearly basis has the market crazy here.
So providing your growing throughout the winter, lights on at night then you should stay warm with one layer. Maybe not as much air flow as one would like up there, but I think you can make this a functionable space to grow in.
When i first popped it open and looked in my attic it was not much different then what your looking at. Then I got the itch to grow in it. Am still scratching the surface and mine is not what i would call a successfully built grow room by any means. But it serves its purpose and has provided me good medicine that I was thankful to have.


Bag the extra insulation to keep and floor it with th 18mm
Get a nice base to work from first : )
Then you take it from there : )

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@G-paS Is this the thread you were talking about. If it isnt Bob13 you might get some ideas from it anyway,


Interesting method but it skips the flooring of the attic :joy:

Does this help?


No insulation in the attic floor. I see it in the walls but. I would still have to put it in the floor to help with clement control.

:green_heart: :seedling: