Authentic Genetics Seed Company

In my search for GC this was a no brainer! Def in search of the “get up and go” stuff. This one does have some weird things going on lol. Might be stressed due to competing for light? None of the others have anything like that going on. I’ve got them (17 different seedlings) pretty close together under a 40w 2ft GE LED hanging from a shower curtain rod. I just ordered a Growers Choice Master Pursuit 500w CMH last night to give them something better to veg under. Sold my Mars Hydro 6500 a few days ago, and my cheap ViparSpectra I use for seedlings is on loan at the moment.


If you don’t mind me asking, why did you sell your Mars Hydro 6500?

The one I got had the LM301H diodes (FC6500-H), and they stopped making that specific one, so I couldn’t buy another exact light to add to my setup. The biggest reason was a buddy offered me a good price for it. Bought it for 800, used it for a couple runs, and he offered me 700. Figured I wouldn’t get that price out of it again so I took it lol.

I actually just ordered another Growers Choice Master Pursuit 500w CMH light the other day, so I’ll have 2 going


Started some lst for this Green Crack x ON Haze that topped itself


It would be nice to get this 200 seed packs to overgrow the world, $20 per 10 seed pack. Sell in lots to the OG community?. Sounds good but lacking, proper planning, a mod (@DougDawson or @Enjoi802? ), a collector, distributor, etc.


What can I do to help?


Lol I’m def not a Mod (yet… :joy:) But @ToddMcC is only answering emails as of late, and the discount code he gave us still works. So it would be a percent off if someone order the 100 for 200.


Posted on IG. 25 days of flower? I mean really?


Holy crap!!! Imagine what it will look like by day 60! :eyes:

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Day 60? It is done at day 25! He will be well into his third grow cycle by sixty days.

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Damn! That’s almost 13 crops a year indoors! What do you say we go in on a few packs?

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If someone told me I could have a bud like that in 25 days I’d say “Thanks. I’m good.”

Plus I do enough repotting.

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yeah according to the comments, the guy that’s getting this done in 3.5 weeks says it only happens in a specific spot in Hawaii. That very same plant in a greenhouse takes 8 weeks to finish. :thinking:


Hmm. That sounds plausible! Lots of Boron in the soil in that region, maybe?


I am thinking it is more likely due to a high concentration of bovine manure.


High everybody,

Thank you to everybody who has been so supportive of the Authentic Genetics project. Disseminating high-quality genetics to the community and skipping over decades of questionable breeding has been my goal for a long time.

I want to apologize to the people who try to contact me on social media, please do not take it personally that I do not answer social media messages because it’s not a secured messaging system. I freaking hate Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, but I use them out of necessity to communicate outwardly what I’m doing. I’ve lost IG accounts and I think that the main reason people have accounts suspended is because of AI using OCR and eliminating accounts with words that are programed to be outside of their community guidelines.

So if you want to reach me, please simply email me. Todd@ AGSeedCo. com

I wanted to take a minute to address a rumor about my experience being more of an activist and less of a grower, which has been circulating and I have seen in this thread.

It’s wrong.

Cultivating cannabis has been how I have been self-employed for practically my entire life. Activism is something I did on the side because I felt like I could make a difference by speaking up and speaking out. When I met Jack Herer in January of 1994, it was because of my cultivation capabilities that I had the financial ability to help him with organizing the initiatives, hosting rallies and printing his book, The Emperor Wears No Clothes. Activism per se, does not bring in any income; they’re ain’t no money in trying to save the world. If you’re an activist, you better have a side hustle or you not going to get very far.

I started growing cannabis at the age of 13 in January 1984, when I traded a $20 bag of weed for a Mel Frank & Ed Rosenthal grow book.

After seeing my friends homemade grow box, a 4’x8’x8’ plywood & 2x4 wood grow-closet, that he put together and painted gloss white, I went home and cleaned out my closet and put together my first fluorescent light set up and popped seeds that I had gotten from my mom’s friends of some killer skunky pot that was supposedly grown in a Vermont greenhouse back in the summer of 1983.

I made my first seeds in the winter of 1984 simply because I did not want to kill my males as they looked so good. I have had successful harvests since I started cultivating cannabis and I realized that I had a very green thumb because my plants always thrived. I was raised rather poor and growing cannabis was like having a gold mine in my closet. I think the reason I was so good at cultivation was because I read every cultivation book and Sinsemilla Tips magazine I could find. As a timeline comparison, in the winter of 1984, I was making seeds in my small grow even before Nevil bought seeds from Skunkman Sam in July 1984, or Seattle Greg in September 1984, or moved into what became the cannabis castle, which he purchased around September of 1984.

As a kid with cancer in the 70’s, I would sit in my hospital bed putting together models and reading magazines left behind by my hippie/biker parents, which consisted of Easy Rider, In The Wind and High Times. Amusingly, a lot of the more conservative nurses would take away my magazines because they thought they were inappropriate for a child, but my biker dad would always bring me more of them.

In order to put together models, or tuneup a Suzuki RM 50, which I was given when I was eight years old, I had to be able to read the directions and owners manuals and I became very good at reading directions and figuring out how to put things together and take things apart. Cultivating cannabis, was not much different than figuring out how to tuneup my motorcycle or put together the very cool Visible V-8 model, I just followed the instructions in the cultivation books I read and it worked.

Once I started cultivating cannabis at the age of 13, I grew addicted to growing cannabis. I know that sounds strange to say, but I think it’s true. I freaking love doing it and whenever I’m not in prison for growing cannabis, I am growing cannabis. I don’t like smoking cannabis that I didn’t grow myself because I often can’t get the varieties that I want to smoke from other people. So in my opinion, growing cannabis is a necessity.

I grew cannabis in my homes in Rhode Island from 1984 to 1991. When I moved to Florida in 91, I first discovered “Gainesville Green” and I used to drive up I-75 to go score some sticky kind bud that was absolutely amazing. I continued to grow cannabis in my sunporch in Florida until I left in 1992 to go to California. I then grew cannabis in San Diego until I got busted in July of 1995, operating the San Diego Cannabis Compassion Club, where I was growing cannabis and giving it away to people who had medical conditions and needed it.

In the summer of 1994 I was invited up to Spyrock Road in Mendocino County and joined Richard Davis (RIP) in growing and harvesting his Hindu Kush variety which I recently re-acquired in seed. It was the first time I saw somebody harvest over 100 pounds from a single greenhouse and a small group of us spent over six weeks trimming. It was an incredible experience in Northern California cultivation.

In November 1995, I moved to Amsterdam and was offered a position of editor-in-chief of an English edition of Highlife magazine we called Hemp Life, which we published in November 1996.

From December 1995 until December 1996, during the day I also worked at Positronics with Ol’ Ed (RIP) growing and selecting plants while making seeds from his old stock. It was a daydream working with Ol’ Ed and I treasure the time that I got to spend with him. Ol’ Ed and I got along so well that when I moved back to Los Angeles and acquired the mansion, he left Amsterdam and came to Los Angeles and was working with me in the winter of 1997, sprouting plants and starting the selection process indoors under lights. Fortunately he went home to see some family in July and got a cold so he was not at my house when I was raided and did not get caught up in that catastrophe.

During my year in Amsterdam, I was also working for Serious Seeds/Simon, who is one of my good friends to this day. At night I would go around with another guy I will just call G, to their small grows in Amsterdam and tend to the seedless gardens; Chronic, AK-47 and Kali Mist were in constant rotation. I have assisted in growing more cannabis in Amsterdam attics than I can count. Simon also had me handling some of the harvesting and seed separation, which along with my editorial working relationship with Robert Clarke (see the “Hashish Enlightenment” article in Hemp Life), who was working on his soon to be released book HASHISH!, it gave me an amazing lesson in sieving, trichome separation and hash making.

I came back to the United States with over 50,000 seeds and the dream of launching my own seed company after the passage of 215.

Upon arrival in Los Angeles, I had a meeting with a famous publisher and I ended up getting a six-figure publishing deal which is how I ended up in a Bel Air mansion with 4,116 marijuana plants in the summer of 1997. Because the law had changed, I felt like it was a green-light to move forward with cannabis cultivation research and 215 finally gave me the ability to grow out my huge seed collection, but I was wrong.

At the time I started growing cannabis at my Bel Air home, I did not know that proposition 215 did not create a “positive conflict” with the federal government and did not legalize anything. Unfortunately, proposition 215 merely created a persons ability to present a medical necessity defense in state court once they were prosecuted for a cannabis crime. It did nothing to legalize our cannabis-related activities, it left cultivation a felony and it did not protect anybody from the wrath of the federal government prosecuting people for abiding by California’s new compassionate use law.

If you don’t understand what a “positive conflict” is, don’t feel bad, neither did I, it is only one sentence long and is the only reason why the DEA is not raiding every legal cannabis facility in every legal state across the United States. In short, the 10th amendment protects state rights and states that actually legalize cannabis and creates a conflict against the federal government by having opposing state laws or as it’s called, a “positive conflict”, and because of the 10th amendment and section 903 below, the state law wins.

§903. Application of State law

No provision of this subchapter shall be construed as indicating an intent on the part of the Congress to occupy the field in which that provision operates, including criminal penalties, to the exclusion of any State law on the same subject matter which would otherwise be within the authority of the State, unless there is a positive conflict between that provision of this subchapter and that State law so that the two cannot consistently stand together.”

But I digress, it’s hard for me not to want to educate others as an activist, even when I’m trying to not talk about my activism.

Dennis Peron, who had known me since 1994, got flowers from me many times and visited my San Diego grow house, visited me in Amsterdam at Positronics and again at my grow house in Bel Air, where we even had his gubernatorial party at my home in Bel Air, said this about how he viewed my experience as a cultivator in this LA Times article over 25 years ago in 1997:

““He pure-breeds plants,” said Dennis Peron, director of the San Francisco Cannabis Buyers Club. “He’s an amazingly intelligent person and the kind of genetics he does, he needs a lot of plants. He isolates them and combines them to form newer and better strains.”

In 1995, McCormick was arrested in Ohio while en route to Rhode Island with 30 pounds of home-grown marijuana to begin such a club in his hometown of Providence. After appealing to the courts, he was allowed to use marijuana to treat his malady while in custody.

The charges were later thrown out after a judge ruled that the marijuana seized in McCormick’s arrest was illegally obtained. “Todd is as determined an activist as I’ve ever seen to make sure others in need have this drug available to them,” said lawyer Don Wirtshafter, who represented McCormick in the Ohio case.

“He’s always believed that there were loopholes in medicinal marijuana laws because the government doesn’t really provide adequate ways to acquire the drug and isn’t letting the general public in on research of newer and more effective strains of the plant. Todd was goaded on by his own success and it’s to hell with what the authorities think.”

After living for a year in Amsterdam perfecting new strains of marijuana in a country where such research is legal, McCormick moved back to Los Angeles in February with a new goal. “He was going to use techniques he was using in Holland,” Peron said of McCormick, who according to friends leads a holistic lifestyle and does not drink alcohol or even take aspirin.”

In 1998 I released my first book titled: “How to Grow Medical Marijuana”

Because I was on bond and fighting the government from mid 1997 until getting out of prison in 2004, I’m just going to skip ahead in the story.

Upon release from prison in 2004, in order to get back on my feet, I started a nursery that I called “Select Strains” in Los Angeles and started distributing cuttings in November 2004. Because I was revered by Josh D’s roommate “Mad Dog”, I was given a couple cuttings of OG Kush again when I got back out of prison in 2004. Aside from OG Kush, I was also selling Romulan, Purple Kush, M-39, Super Silver Haze and Sensi Star. If you got any of those cuttings in Los Angeles in 2005 or later, you’re welcome, they all came out of my garden.

Yes, even back in 2005 when I made the “Select Strains” trifold, I was promoting Overgrow.

After getting out of prison, I have been raided for growing in 2006, 2009 and 2012 and I have been prosecuted all three times because I will never freaking cooperate and I will also never stop growing cannabis.

Because I have a spinal fusion, I need a lot of cannabis or the chronic pain from my spinal fusion is really freaking annoying. It motivates me to constantly cultivate cannabis. It causes me to look for different varieties that help me to better deal with chronic pain from the spinal fusion that I have had to deal with since 1972.

People who say that I am not experienced growing cannabis simply don’t know who I am, have never seen where I live, have never seen my cultivation facility and frankly never will.

Because of both cops and robbers, I do not post what my place looks like. In 2012, the home I currently live in was raided by the feds in relation to their raid on Oaksterdam and Richard Lee, they confiscated 38 lamps and 730 plants at my place but did not arrest us. Because I would not cooperate, I was prosecuted starting in January 2013 until May 2017 for cultivating cannabis. J. Tony Serra was my attorney because we are old friends going back to the early 90s. The case was dismissed in 2017 after proposition 64 turned all felony cultivation charges into misdemeanors. The judge stated that under the current laws he doubts that the police could have even gotten a warrant and that the prosecution was the punishment, so he dismissed it after five years of being prosecuted.

Freaking charming experience and of course I grew cannabis the entire time I was being prosecuted.

So many people in the current cannabis industry are pretending that having some funding and a big grow gives them clout, and unfortunately I see a lot of punks, fake “Dr’s” and suits with very little substance, claiming to be activists and experts, but really they’re not. All while talking pure shit about people like me who have been doing this for their whole friggin life. I have had the same 7,000 square-foot cultivation facility since 2011 and I recently replaced Dosatrons that had been clicking away for the past 12 years.

Unlike some BS seed companies who are a riot and don’t even grow cannabis and who need to have other people grow seeds for them, I grow everything myself. As does Mel Frank, he’s not just putting his name on somebody else’s work, the seeds that I have sold from his collection, were grown by Mel Frank in his personal garden.

People like to make up stories about other people to fit their own narrative because they are trying to sell you their bullshit and because they cannot document their own work experience.

My life has been well documented because I have had the courage to risk my own freedom for what I believed in. I am a disruptor, I am trying to change the games played against cannabis on a lot of levels which pisses off a lot of people who are making money off of the status quo. I use to have cops to debate with and now I have fellow cannabis cultivators who are upset that I am making seeds available at profit margins that they don’t approve of, or that I am ruining their ability to make easy money selling flowers because I am promoting legalization. Oh well…

For a long time, I have been sick and tired of seeing people selling seeds for stupid amounts of money, especially considering the lineage was often tainted with their bullshit.

Which is why I have been working with the original breeders, Skunkman Sam, Mel Frank and Seattle Greg to bring the genetics back to the community unadulterated at the lowest prices possible. What I am doing now will benefit generations of growers to come. No more do we have to rely upon hybridized and muddied up varieties out of Amsterdam, we can go back to the primary colors and re-create varieties based on highest quality instead of quantity of bud and speed of flowering.

It was because of my activism and the fact that I never cracked under extreme pressure, and that I went and did time only to came back stronger and went back to work educating people about how stupid prohibition was, that those guys even had respect for me and the reverence to let me have access to these classic genetics that had been set aside since the 80s and work to disseminate them.

As a kid who grew up reading High Times and being fascinated with cannabis cultivation throughout my life, it is an insane honor to be able to bring the community the original Haze, Skunk #1, Durban and NL genetics that I read about in my youth from the people who first brought them to the community. And really, that is only the start, we have plans on making available landrace varieties from the Hindu Kush mountains, Thailand, India and Afghanistan in the not too distant future. As I write this, I am anxiously awaiting for Panama Red seeds to arrive that have supposedly been kept for decades.

I have plans on testing terpenes, cannabinoids and thiols, along with DNA of all of the varieties I’m holding in order to get a better understanding of their relationships. I will be making all of the information public so that we can all benefit from it as it comes in.

Yes I’ve been an activist because I feel that if you don’t like something, don’t just complain, do something positive to change it.

I always found it funny that I was able to fund my fight against prohibition by using prohibition. I will be the first to say that cannabis has incredibly improved my life, I feel like it saved my ass when I was going through cancer chemotherapy and radiation treatments and I will forever be grateful to this funky little flower. I would like to see the greed get taken out of cannabis and more people have access to the life-changing effects, which those of you reading this on OG already know.

Now that legalization of sweeping the world, I am continuing my activism by making Authentic Genetics available to people who want to experience the genetics they read about themselves. I am the anti-corporation cannabis company that is working to preserve the public domain genetics and put them into the hands of people before big cannabis corporations can start calling our old/public domain genetics, “IP” and start only selling it to people in a jar.

I am also proud to be able to support this website and my apologies for not having the ability to spend time in these forums, it may sound funny to end this with but, I’m actually really busy running my cultivation facility and trying to get seed orders out immediately as they come in. If you made it this far, thank you for reading and my apologies for it being so long.

Happy Harvest!


Glad to see this post great insight and really enjoyed your potcast episodes very inspirational love what you have done and continue to do for the cannabis community being Relatively new to growing cannabis again for sure have plans on trying your genetics have seen some great things come from some of your original haze crosses from my research wishing you the best on your journey much love good vibes and happy growing @ToddMcC


Thanks for stopping by. I really appreciate reading your story, and the quote above is what excites me most, moving forward. I am really excited to grow out the NL2 I have purchased from AG.

I am curious about ON Haze. A lot of your catalog currently is ON Haze crosses. Could you offer any insight about your choice to use this strain on so much of your work? I am unfamiliar with it, and would love to hear more, if you ever have time.

Thanks again for this post. I hope you find time to stop back, occasionally. I really appreciate what you have done for the community.


Hey @ToddMcC, what a great read! I amazed at how well you streamlined what has been a long and complicated journey. I think it’s all you can do for those who doubt your sincerity.

For one, unless you lived in those times, you wouldn’t have a clue. I started smoking in '71 at 16 yo and never stopped. People can’t believe what pot smokers were facing in those days. And, for someone like you to be doing the growing and breeding, and learning, you had a target on your back regardless of who or where.

People were gunned down by cops. I had a really good friend that died that way. He was dealing and older than me, but he dated a best friend. The police were trying to pull him over and when he ran they opened fire on his car like he was Satan himself. I forget how many bullet holes were in his car, but I’ll never forget that image.

Man, I’m so giddy when I read that you’re about to gain more legacy seeds. I think the best pot I ever smoked was in the early eighties. I got out of the Navy in Washington State and moved to southern Oregon first, and then back up, before moving to Montana. I think our buds were coming from BC as a lot of locals traveled to places like Fernie, BC to ski. Plus some was coming from close by because it was fresh sensi.

Anybody from those days who stayed with it deserves kudos, because we all got busted more than once and some were really serious for some folks.

I truthfully wondered if we would ever see it as free as it is right now. I live in southern Colorado and it seems like nobody is interested in my personal grows in my yard. People have accepted it and life is wonderful in my area. Our cops are great since I’ve been here. They know it’s not us causing serious problems; it’s the heroin, meth users and serious alcohol abusers. They know that pot people are chilling!, ha. They’ve told me that before.

So, I for one want to THANK YOU for being the guy with bigger balls than I had in those days, and for staying with it so that I am now and have been able to enjoy cannabis and growing while I was still alive. I know what sort of sacrifices and danger that you were forced to operate under. Lots of rats, too. It was really dangerous for many reasons. And why? Because of a freaking beautiful, useful, medicinal and recreational plant. Shaking my head…

Love you brother, and seriously, Thank You for all you have done and continuing with the journey today, and tell all of your buds the same to them, and that some of us understand, because we were there. Nobody would believe what it was really like back then, lol. peace


Oh yeah, I really laugh when I think of the three seeds I popped of the O Haze x ON Haze. I got a keeper out of those three and although I didn’t get a cut, I did get a really cool cross made with it of a Paonia Purple Paralyzer x Panama Haze as the other parent.

I can’t wait to get more of your collection at some point. peace