Authentic Genetics Seed Company

Just noticed the Purest Indica up on Authentic Genetics today, under special offers/collections I believe. Much love


Iā€™ve been waiting for Purest Indicaā€¦ I think I have everything else Todd has offered with the exception of Melā€™s Cambodian and some of the really super early stuff.

His gear is great.

The only thing I wonder about is how many will be successful with Purest Indica outdoors. It requires low humidity (which is perfect for my environment). It might require more work to get it to go on towards the coasts.


Iā€™ve made multiple purchases from AgSeedCo in the past, and in the future I would stay away.

Todd has decided to start calling F2s ā€œInbred Linesā€ and heā€™s blocking anyone who disagrees with the decision.

It is, at best, disingenuous, and at worst, an active attempt to misrepresent the seeds he is selling.


AG released the purest indica today!



But, isnā€™t a F2 technically the start of an inbred line?

Itā€™s not an F11, but on itā€™s way towards.

I donā€™t feel like heā€™s misrepresented anything and I have purchased many times, dozens of packs. I know Iā€™m getting hybrids heā€™s put together, but more importantly is the source of the genetics heā€™s working with.


And that is why I have not been outright calling him a scam artist. Heā€™s intentionally playing to a loophole in order to make his lines sound highly worked when they are not. Itā€™s a gross business practice.

If an F2 is an inbred line than the term ā€œInbred Lineā€ means NOTHING


Or ALL the preservation runs here are now IBLā€™s too :sweat_smile:


My understanding is an F2 is the next generation after an F1. If someone makes another generation of a seed thatā€™s been bred for many generations Iā€™m pretty sure that should not be referred to as an F2. Now, on the other hand, I think ā€˜IBLsā€™ donā€™t really exist in cannabis at this point, since an ā€œinbred lineā€ implies absolute homozygosity of all genetic traits. In the case of Todd, I think itā€™s clearly misleading to refer to his lines as IBLā€™s (as it is for anyone to refer to any line they have as an IBL) but I think itā€™d also be misleading to refer to cultivars that have been reproduced many times since they were outcrossed as ā€œF2ā€™sā€

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Maybe IBL is wrongly applied here, for sure, but it is definitely inbred, just not worked very far.

Ah so I think itā€™s just technical terminology hereā€¦

By saying IBL he could just mean he used two of the same strain/line to make them, so F2 would qualify under this definition: Basic nomenclature of cannabis genetics- Alchimia Grow Shop.

Whereas most of us would think IBL as meaning True Breeding. Which would require the line show the same phenotype across all plants (not necessarily 100% same traits tho extremely close) and that usually requires much more work than just making f2ā€™s. :thinking:


I think it really depends on what generation they were before they got to Greg, and subsequently Todd.

If Steve Murphy has been working this Purest Indica for a while, and those before him who we sourced it from hard been working with it. Making selections and seeds. It seems highly unlikely that when they got to Todd they were F1 or F2. Would be awesome to hear what Steve Murphy has to say about it all. I ordered two packs and took advantage of the BOGO thatā€™s running until the end of the month to stock up on a couple more packs of the Nl#2 and the NL#5. Seemed like the thing to do. Much love


That is sort of how I took it as well. These are reproductions from worked lines. (Iā€™m supposing)


If that was the case I would have not said a word, because they would, by definition, not be an F2. If the line was an inbred line I would stand by his decision to call them that, regardless of how many generations he has been running them.

He is releasing F2s of hybrids that he created, and calling them inbred lines. When I and others made it clear that this is dirty-pool, he blocked our accounts.


That just seems stupid and ultimately self-destructive. If heā€™s marketing to people who want IBLs, and theyā€™re getting F2s with all the variability that entails, heā€™s going to make all of one sale to those people before they blacklist him and tell everyone they can about it. For example, he just lost a potential customer in me, just from word of mouth marketingā€¦ :roll_eyes:


what kind of strains would you recommend for people who havenā€™t grown since the mid 70ā€™s?

There are some people locally who used to grow in the hills in the 60ā€™s and 70ā€™s, and they asked me for seeds. What do you think I should set them up with for their first grow in almost 50 years?

should I give them something modern?
something high yielding?
should I give them something thatā€™s just going to be easy to grow outdoor and wonā€™t get bud rot?
should I give them an heirloom or landrace, which might be more similar to what they smoked at the time?

I have a lot of options.

itā€™s kind of a funny question. but all Iā€™m hearing from them is that they want to grow some plants again, and I just have so many different lines to choose from Iā€™m not sure what to give them.


What do you mean by hybrids? I can see the distinction with respect to the NL#2 and NL#5 lines as they werenā€™t pure to begin with, and it would definitely depend on how much work had gone into them before being stashed in the sisters freezer. So that story goes. Maybe without really knowing, they shouldnā€™t have been labeled anything more than what we know?

The Purest Indica, however, I was assuming was already worked pretty heavily and pure before Steve Murphy even got them, landrace or heirloom genetics perhaps, and Iā€™m assuming he didnā€™t hybridize it either but I wasnā€™t there so I really donā€™t know. Perhaps there are things we donā€™t know about the freezer seeds that Todd and Greg do?

The nomenclature aside, and Iā€™m all about things being as factually correct as possible especially as they relate to genetics and lineages of retail seeds, at least we know the story behind it a little more than what the description says and can make our own judgement call based on that.

Were the plants you got from the seeds not representative of what was on the description or what you would associate with the name? There really arenā€™t many reports on the different forums for the recent NL#2 and NL#5 releases yet from what Iā€™ve noticed but the plants Todd posts on IG look pretty good. All said, itā€™s a bummer to hear that you werenā€™t satisfied with your purchases. Thatā€™s never a fun feeling and I appreciate you for sharing your thoughts and opinions and advice too. Much love


One thing that I noticed in the descriptions, however, is that in the description for NL#2 it says that NL#1 was also known as Purest Indica while in the description for Purest Indica is says that the Purest Indica was the backbone of the NL projects and what was first acquired by Greg from Steve Murphy. The description says that Murphyā€™s Afghan, the Purest Indica, was inbred at least once and then passed to friends who in turn crossed it to their own living libraries, giving rise to the NL#1-11.

So it seems like the crew would call both the originals from Steve Murphy, and the most Afghan dom of the NL hybrids, the same thing or am I reading that wrong? Much love

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Purest indica or rather, Steve Murphyā€™s afghani is its own thing. Nevil made NL1 by crossing it to his Mazar-I-sharif and sent that back to Greg.


I liked the NL#2, it was yummy. I will buy some of the Purest Indica seeds just to see what pops up. I donā€™t mind leafy plants, the Hero was really leafy but had the best stone ever. Looking at the AGseeds website and reading the story line provided there, it seems that Steve Murphy inbred a line called Purest Indica and then Todd McCormick inbred Steveā€™s work. That would definitely seem to me to be confirmation that the latest F2 of Steveā€™s or Toddā€™s inbred purest indica line is truly an F2 of an IBL. So I donā€™t see Todd lying or cheating or trying to fool anyone. Todd also claims he never gave the purest indica to Neville. He says he inbred Steves Purest Indica and shared it with his friends whose work resulted in NLā€™s #1-11. The pics posted above showing purest indica crossed to Nevilleā€™s afghani is most likely the cross he gave Neville so as to not give Neville direct access to the these now-released Purest Indica genetics.


If Greg gave Nevil the Purest Indica x Nevils Afghan, then would that mean that Greg first ordered seeds from Nevil, used his Afghan and crossed it to the Purest Indica, and when the group of friends all crossed their stuff to this new Purest Indica, what Greg had was some Afghan that he already ordered from Nevil?

Where did the other numbers go? NL#3 or #4 or numbers 6-11? Were there eleven friends? Eleven different varieties they crossed the Purest Indica to?

I didnā€™t purchase the seeds for the story. I purchased them because they looked pretty good in the pictures and Toddā€™s descriptions of the scent profiles seemed really nice and he seems pretty passionate and genuine about the plant and that goes a long way with me. How could a seed collecting addict pass up such a chance? I basically woke up saw the email and said take my money. Been waiting for these to be released since last year. Excited to see what people start pulling from these. Much love