Authentic Genetics Seed Company

I feel you on calling things more accurately what they are and enjoy this discussion. Thank you for so eloquently sharing your point of view, I enjoy your thoughts and perspective on these things. Your points about these terms and titles and how they’re being used in the cannabis community compared to the agricultural community as a whole are valid and I feel very similarly. You’re able to articulate it very well too!
Very cool! Much appreciated. Much love



  1. Sam was never arrested, indicted or charged with anything in the states, so he went to holland. there is no evidence for any sacred seeds busts, etc. prior to him leaving america that has documentable proof.

  2. it was not illegal to sell seeds in holland, he never broke the law there. he sold seeds to the people who became the 1st generation of dutch breeding, they took all the legal risks and he was completely insulated. still nothing for the dea to prosecute. If he was breaking the law, we don’t know about it.

  3. He started a company thats been responsible for massive breakthroughs in medical cannabis and the acceptance of a prescription artificial cannabinoid medication. Why would the dea be on board for an operative proving the medical legitimacy of cannabis when they have been fighting to keep it schedule 1 (meaning without any accepted medical values) for decades? it’s undermined their research and their funding and was part of the wave of modern cannabis medicine and pharmacology that is still ongoing.

  4. if my seeds i worked with and bred became the top 2 of the 3 biggest names in cannabis, why wouldn’t I want to get some acknowledgement and legal protection for a product that is going to be internationally legal and one of the biggest new cash crops in 100 years? every corporation and their mom is going to get into patenting their strains, why wouldn’t i want recognition for the fact my strains are such a backbone of the modern genetics pool?


I did see an sheriff arrest record way back when, I have no proof of this and can not be sure it was authentic.

Also expungement could play a role here.

So you agree with me then, you know sam wants his royalties.
I did not say he did not deserve them, but I think plant patents should not be allowed.
Some here are calling me crazy for suggesting sam wants his royalties.
It happened just now, you know who you are… :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:.LOL

I repeat:
The skunk man is not a friend of free cannabis.

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I dont know what sam wants lol. I am a internet nobody from nowheresville.

I am asking wouldnt you want protections in that case? As has been discussed, it also doesnt work like i get 25% of all profits with my genetics into perpetuity across the universe. Just what would you want? I would want that money before monsanto

Is there any reason to trust nevilles posts? He was kicked off the forum for breaking rules and was generally unwell before his passing from all reports. He also didnt know/refused to accept sam had no part in his bust.

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I don’t know the history here and I’ll leave that discussion up to you folks.
I do have a hazey memory of Sam being part of the tracking genetics (Monsanto) so he could get paid for everything.
I also seem to recall a discussion about genetically modified the dna for a termination gene. Keeping mothers and breeding would not be possible. You would need to keep buying new seed.
This is Monsanto business model


Ask all the folks on the message boards who all claim they had it.

All I’m saying is, if it was there, and it was out and about enough for all these people to have had it and experienced it, it is not one man’s fault that it is erased from the genome. Someone should have saved it if they liked it. It’s many peoples fault. It’s the community’s fault. It’s growers’ fault. It’s prohibitions fault. We have enough finger point and divisiveness amongst us.

I think it’s a combination of it was selected away from because of prohibition, also because many people who have come back across it or who have vivid memories of it also say it wasn’t that potent, plants were grown, processed, and packaged somewhat differently then. The planet is a different place now. Skunk smells come from the thiols, recently there have been brewing yeasts that have hit the market that have been selected for increased thiol production. One could even suggest that whatever the source of these, the conditions of the grows then resulted in more thiols being produced.

Either way, one man is not responsible for the disappearance of “RKS”, or true skunk, or whatever. A lot of the accounts of when grisly slinky plants were being grown even state is was NOT skunk #1, which puts it even farther outside of Sam’s hands.

Again, I have zero horse in this race, but it seems you want to vilify the man based on a lot of hearsay and speculation. Whatever, that’s fine. These boards are full of that kind of shit.

The one thing I know for certain, is no one person is responsible for erasing “skunk” from the genome, if that is even what happened.


So you all believe the cops would raid a place for seed sales and leave the seeds in the dumpster.
They take all evidence when you are raided , especially evidence that pertains directly to the search warrant, Hortapharm was given open doors when other more qualified institutions were denied.
It’s not a coincidence he was able to get his products federally approved for medical use while the same government denied any medical use , after there own studies determined otherwise years prior.
Sam laughs about skunk being gone and even jokes saying it was ran over and left for dead.
Maybe he had a part in nevils down fall maybe he didn’t but active informants are never listed on paperwork with there name so nobody will ever know.
I promise when somebody gets busted they normaly have multiple information sources not just one so knowing that Raymond was the main snitch does not mean that there were not others. Ask yourself how did they know to approach ray and get him to turn…No matter how you look at it sams stories change over time , he does interviews as a sock puppet and has been given open doors that nobody else was at the time. You can hear resentment and opportunist predatory tones and lines of questioning when he talks. He is a very ego driven person and does not respect the community as a whole. Nevil was always soft spoken and kind with his words , in the end he was working on cbd lines and how to keep them in public access. What is Sam doing , still sitting around talking him self up and working with companies that want to own the plant. I believe he is currently or was involved in a cbd patent lawsuit.


I do not feel that is true.
I call sam a liar, cause I caught him lying myself, I posted this in public, he went back and erased all of the evidence of his lies.
BTW, I called him a liar right to his face/screen, not like I am running around spreading false rumors.

I don’t have a clue what happened to skunk, but he is the one that said he removed it from skunk, however he did it.

I am just sayin’ it is the cannabis worlds biggest !image moment, and he seemingly led the way.
We should call him the anti-skunk man, cause that makes more sense to me.

I personally asked sam all about GMO cannabis, he said it did not exist.
Just another one of his bold faced lies.

I was just informed by a patent expert that cannabis patent laws are currently unenforceable.
Do you by chance have a link?

You missed several other parts of my post where I explain that the skunk many people say they have often didn’t even come from skunk #1……nothing to do with Sam, but you bring it right back to him.

I’m not defending him, just trying to separate fact from conjecture.

Personally I don’t really give a fuck what happened with him decades ago. Could be a hero, could be a villain, likely he is just a man. I don’t give a fuck really. Fun stories though. Either way ain’t shit we can do about that

In terms of the plant being kept accessible in much more concerned about the possibility of the government trying to reschedule it, which means that they could change anyone growing the same as if you were producing prescription pharmaceuticals in your home. They don’t want us to be concerned with that, they would much rather we bicker over tribal bullshit from 30-40 years ago.


This is MY fast takeaway. Their is enough confusion around Sam that I personally don’t want to support. So anything he is involved in I’ll pass on. Plenty of awesome people I’d rather support


Looks like it fell apart

But cannabis patents are going to be a huge thing there are already thousands filed.
Lol I forgot Dave claims to have invented selfing until I read this again


100% as soon as it’s fed legal there’s gonna be lawsuits and things will be enforceable. There’s some nasty parents on the plant already.


He does call himself the skunkman.
Yea, it’s All in good fun I hope. :slightly_smiling_face:

To be honest here, I have a real issue with Liars, thieves and people who snitch.
Seems there is a chance sam is all 3 of the above.
So you can see why he gets under my skin, not to mention the fact he is selling out cannabis to the likes of Syngenta ect.
Oh, I forgot to mention sellouts, they are almost as bad and will do just about anything for money. :money_mouth_face:

I hope I did not offend you during this conversation.
That guy just gets under my skin.

Good call here! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I am always ranting on that too.
But better save that for another thread.


All in the affidavit. They didn’t get him to flip, he went to them



Heh, doesn’t really get any more damning than that, does it?


My story about Superior Growers in michigan.
It was the first real Hydro store around.
The tech was out of this world.
I read about it all the time, all the people I knew said don’t go there.

One day of course I had to.
A girl from out of town, that was super straight laced stopped in so we took a 1.5 hour drive to see what things were about.
It was worth the drive.
I learned what rockwool was, got to see light movers in action.
Kid in a candy store, can not describe it all.

Anyway I did not intend to buy anything, I would not have known how to use it way back then.
So we left and even she said to me, “That place felt like it was loaded with cops.”
I agreed and never went back.
I thought I would have seen something about it in Green merchant busts but maybe that was later.
That was the first mention of Superior Growers I have heard of, although I believe I did read all of the Cogo stuff.
Funny he is still sellin’ nutes today.
Maybe that is what he got in return for snithcin’…LOL

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Wow lots of political stuff that happened loooong time ago! I thought this thread was about AG and growing. Maybe this thread should be split up for another topic? @NovaSphere


Todd has posted about Cogo in the past. He is a pretty adamant Sam supporter. I still think it’s all relevant but I agree. I would like to see the subject move back to AG’s seed offerings.

I am about to pull out a bunch of NL2. I want to hunt a staminate parent for crossing with my Tahoe OG Kush cut. I figured this is probably a good place to try.

I really liked my NL2 tester last year. I wish I would have got pics… Huge, dense buds. Heavy myrcene earthy funk. Nice high.


You are right, mods can send my posts to the Skunk I was there thread, that is where they probably belong anyhow. :pensive:

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