Authentic Genetics Seed Company

Same container, at least mine did.


Some purest indica at day 22 of flower l, getting all frosty and one is smelling like a sour citronella candle, damn thrips are back. The battle continues lol. . .


When you say it smells of citronella do you think this is a high terpinoline example or more citrus like?


Pure lemon scented. Have you ever smelled lemon balm? Very similar, almost like lemon soap but with a little sour smell to it. Not getting any terpinolene


Sounds wonderful!


That one and done solution posted here in OG or this product will handle thrips safely, just avoid the bud as much as possible. Thrips are burrowing little bastards so a good stalk and stem soaking is needed.

AgroMagen, GrowSafe Bio-Pesticide For Spider, Organic Natural Miticide, Fungicide and Insecticide, (8.5 fl.oz.)

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I’d use some predators like minute pirate bugs, ladybugs, Trichogramma wasps and lacewings
but that just međŸ€Ș


I brought some plants in from the outdoors that had mild infestation of thrips that became a problem.

3 applications of Monterey Spinosad did the trick.
Granted these were not crack smoking resilient urban uber thrips, who have been exposed to a host pesticides, but gentle forest thrips living happily with the slugs.


I had an uncle that spent time in Afghanistan working with an anthropologist who was studying local tribal politics. His wife finally found his seed stash after a long search full of Red Herrings (he was a bit paranoid late in life). He had nine beans labeled
“Pre-Invasion ‘Honey Grape’ Farm4”
One sprouted and it looks very similar to the Purest Indica plant. Needless to say I’m pretty excited and it’s quite beautiful already.


Those are great options for prevention once control is established no doubt. I’ve found it difficult to knock down an existing infestation with predatory insects in a timely and effective manner however, excellent follow up control mechanism though.
The product posted has soybean and corn oil for actives which is why I feel comfortable using and recommending it. It will obliterate a spider mite infestation also. Really good stuff to keep around the grow.


That IS squat :smiley: Very nice.


Thanks for the suggestion. Ill never truly get rid of them though and ive come to terms with that, i have way too many house plants and fruit and vegetables going at all times in many parts of my house. the thrips also tend to make their way inside every summer anyways after i open my windows to keep my house cool all season. i live in farm country and the thrips are everywhere. I shut down every june and reset the grow room with a deep clean every year and they usually stay away unless i slack and even when i think ive got them eradicatef i know they are hiding somewhere. In the fall asian lady beetles try and get into my house, i let them in the grow area and they usually live for a few months and eat any pests in the grow . i get extremely busy with life this time of year and slack in garden so the thrips tend to make an appearance after the lady beetles die off, thrips are a nice reminder to stay on top of preventative ipm for me, nematodes usually do the trick in keeping them at bay and if for some reason the population grows i blast with purecrop 1 for a week as a last resort. Normally i also blow plants with high pressure forced air as well that knocks them off but even slacked their, these thrips are totally my fault. like i said i ran out in nematodes in December and haven’t purchased any to reintroduce so these thrips are on me. Its always a tiny problem and never gets out of hand. never truly becoming an infestation and ive come to terms with them being around here and there. I normally apply nematodes every month and that usually does the job but i ran out and slacked on my ipm around xmas and that usually deals and keeps them at bay. I use neem oil emulsification in veg and that works great, pure crop1 in flower, nematodes and leaf blower but because ive been crazy busy last couple months the garden was a little neglected. Again thanks for the suggestion. Cheers and happy growing.



Nematode grenades : )


I don’t think that product you recommended is “allowed” in Canada. Could be wrong but couldn’t find a source. Pure crop1 that i use isn’t either but i get it from a place that has it under the radar, they’re both pretty similar sounding. Canada has some weird regulations when it comes to garden treatments.


Thats dope. I always have waxworms on hand for my lizards anyway!!


Sure thing. They can have a positive effect if managed actually. A little nibble on the plant from chitin mandibles triggers the resin dip switch. You may have noticed some intensified terps and frost when they’re around in numbers that aren’t damaging.


I was wondering about that.


Do you think light pruning has the same effect?

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Got my Authentic Genetics order today.


I use Purecrop1 also. I highly recommend it to anyone that has pest or PM problems.