Authentic Genetics Seed Company

Looking great! What’s the smell like?

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The smells on these started off uniform and all had a lemon scent in common. By the end i would say they have all gone fruity, hashy and spicey smelling, like green tea and bananas with a hint of dank, very subtle, all in different degrees.One has a subtle sweet earthy floral kush thing going on and that was the best one that i found. Nothing loud or offensive, old school smelling. I would say green tea floral spice and hashy are the best descriptors if the ones i had. I was looking for gassy skunky afghan so wasnt for me but. Nice ild school smoke, very earthy, very narcotic and outs yiu right in the couch. Going ti try my favourite outside this year in the ground and see if she likes outside better. They were all done at 7-7.5 weeks


Thanks for the detailed description!

Interesting… I wasn’t expecting you to say lemon. lol

I anm kind of bummed to hear there wasn’t that old school afghan funk. That’s what I was kind of thinking they’d maybe smell like too. Or like that old school dank, or old NL (at least what I knew as NL here).
I’m not a huge fan of lemon or straight fruit these days. The high sounds right up my alley though!


I bet with higher numbers you could find something stank. Its very subtle but an underlying funk is present. In sure some phenos are probably in there that are more offensive than fruity but i just didnt find em. Only had 10 beans, 5 females, 4 males 1 herm. I would like to hunt more sometime because i think yiu could find something really nice.


From Seattle Greg’s own mouth, the NL1 is Steve Murphy’s Afghani crossed to Nevil’s Mazar-I-Shariff. They crossed it themselves from seeds they bought from Nevil. I don’t have the screenshots handy at the moment but Greg did an interview with Riot on Breeders Syndicate and said it on there too.

At best, the Purest Indica is a seedline from Steve Murphy’s afghani. Father is unknown, maybe Don’s Afghan :thinking: maybe a brother to the mom :man_shrugging: but it’s not NL1.

That’s about the best info I’ve read/heard over the years.


Awesome job with the purest indica and NL2 grows. Your journal starts with the plants already in flower period. I have a couple questions about your veg period:

when did you transplant to the 3gal pots and how tall or # of nodes did they have at 3 weeks? mine are 6" with 4 nodes at 3 weeks and are in 6" pots, I plan to use 3gal grow bags as final home. I’ll post a picture of them when I figure out how to do it:-)

did you do any training or pruning/fimming during veg, if yes how did the plants respond? I have height limitation and plan to do some bondage for height control and even canopy.

when did your purest indica show their sex?

thank you very much for sharing your knowledge and experience


What Greg told me back in 2018 is that they made the NL line and NL numbered lines before they traded with Nevil. And that NL was the two Afghans, then the numbered lines are outcrosses of NL.

Kandahar x Mazar = NL.


That is how I remember the story as well.

I’ve got some trimming to do and it will be a good time to relisten to the Seattle Greg interview.


I think its hard for some of these cannabis legends to admit that when they were younger they didnt really know what they were doing and stories have been made to add allure after the fact, thats why we get so many variants or phenotypes of the history lol and memory can def be a factor. time changes the memory but now these legends have people that look up to them and have to pretend they were always using proper nomenclature and always knew exactly what they were doing, always had a plan, def were NOT pollen chucking……yes they were.


I wonder why that is? Everyone that pollinates a plant is by definition a “breeder”. I dont understand this need for some people to say they are a real breeder and others are pollen chucking. Is it ego? Is it done for marketing? To somehow distinguish their seeds from others? I have a lot of respect for the old time breeders and the best ones are the most humble and down to earth. Just regular guys.


Yeah, my understanding from listening to his interview and reading all his posts over the years, was they bought the Mazar(-i-shariff) from The Seed Bank. No trading/talking involved. Trading with Nevil came later. It was still Nevil’s Mazar.

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Breeding takes direction an skill. Chucking is akin to when your female gets impregnated by a neighborhood dog or litter mate.

That’s the difference imo.


Pollen chucking, to me, requires no real selection. You’re generally taking someone else’s work and putting pollen on it, also usually from someone else’s work. Using the first plant(s) that come up. Co-op preservations are “pollen chucks” in my eyes. Legit, one of the rules of the co-op is NOT selecting anything.

Breeding or a breeder, to me, means you selected some plants and bred them together for a reason. You’re not starting with someone else’s work. CSI making S1’s of Chem91 and Purple Urkle is pollen chucking. Him growing out a ton of those and selecting an S1 from each of those lines and putting them together, that’s breeding.


To me, all breeding is chucking but not all chucking is breeding. Some breeding programs turn out junk and some chuckers produce legendary elites. It can happen the other way around too. It’s less about the how and more about how they perform. Many blessings and much love


I disagree in the sense that CSI had goals with his plants, beyond the lofty “dank, fast flowering, high yield, high potency” sales pitch every white label throws on their garbage.

I can see the arguement for f1s being pollen chucks reguardless, but making an s1 takes a bit more effort due to reversing sex.

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Not really much more effort. Couple sprays. Either it works or it doesn’t. Slightly harder to collect pollen but talking a few more minutes.

I’m not at all saying pollen chucking is bad. I’m just saying it’s not “breeding” to me. If he, or anyone, made the plant that was s1’d, id consider it breeding, but if it was a cut that was passed or from seed given, that’s chucking. I’ve pollen chucked myself, and I’ve done some breeding too.


Yeah the PI to my understanding isn’t NL1 it’s the Murphy Afghan parent of NL1.

The PI x NL5 I want to grab too. Looks like some broadleaf kush to me lol


Ive probably missed it, but what is the consensus on what the purest indicas genes are? I understand that there were 4 seeds from steve murphy to gregs crew, so there were likely all grown out and used up eh? So where was this additional seed stock Greg found inbhis sisters freezer supposed to be from? A open pollination or a backcross?

So is it a purest indica s1 or a backcross?


I believe that’s called an open-pollination, and the rationale is to preserve as much genetic diversity as possible.


Oh yeah it is. I’m not talking bad about it. Just quantifying terminology :wink: