Authentic Genetics Seed Company

I wouldnt make crosses with the feminized ones. Get a few packs of regs to make your outcrosses. GL.


Maybe if @DEFSeeds is still aroundā€¦

I personally wouldnā€™t bother with Toddā€™s NL5 but thatā€™s just me. I do have his PI and NL2 though, if that says anything.


I greatly appreciate that advice. I will adjust my AG list accordingly. :+1:


Iā€™ve ran fem seeds /taken cuts from fems /and pollinated femsā€¦had success and no issues
Iā€™ve heard that before tho but forgot why? :thinking: @Hashpants


DEFSeeds 89 NL5. Itā€™s from Melvanetics and is closest iā€™ve seen to Nevilā€™s NL5 unless thereā€™s old Sensi Seeds stock in a fridge somewhere.

Toddā€™s NL5, from Seattle Greg, is at best, the NL5 that never went to Holland and Nevil said wasnā€™t as good. Plus if you ever got NL5 flower in the past, unless you live in the PNW, chances are you had Nevilā€™s/Sensi Seeds version and not that one.


NL#2 - Had a lot of fun growing these out. Classic NL terps, great structure and felt like I was going back in time!


Thatā€™s great to hear. I recently had an experience with some Puck Star from C&C last month. I was gushing over it to the bud tender felt like a time warp back to the mid 90ā€™s! Soul healing heavy indica. :exploding_head:


One report came back from a member of nanners during a growout of the fems. Although there have been many clean grows.


AKBeanBrains has both the NL5 x NL5 which I believe is early 90s Sensi stock, and he has the 89NL.
While Ive not grown the. Uptown Growlab Seeds has repros of Bodhi NL5. 20 seeds for $80 USD.
I believe Bodhi got his from a clone he has, may be NOOF Cut, and older F3 British Columbia Seed Company stock.


I respectfully disagree. He has a handful of crosses in his library, and theyre all high quality cuts x legacy gear from someone else.

Hes a preservationist first, a breeder far second. He doesnt seem to have a knack for it, which isnt an insult. He spent much of his life in activism, growing weed, not breeding it. He used the connections he made from activism (sam S, mel frank, etc) to get older, already fairly stabilized gear, and continued inbreeding. This doesnt mean theyre all totally true breeding, especially the haze, but my point is the gear was heavily worked decades before he got his hands on them.


And he doesnā€™t have a single pic or description of any of the parents heā€™s used. Just buying a black box and hoping. He wonā€™t even offer any info when asked.


Itā€™s all seedsman, Mr nice/Nev gear. The same skunk he hasā€¦ Is ansestral sk. Seedsman sk .ECT. and I may be wrong but I thought Murphy affie was a fem. Not a line ā€¦ but any who ā€¦whatā€™s a salesman without marketing.


I can agree that I donā€™t think the genetics are bad. I own more than a few packs from Todd myself.

I donā€™t think heā€™s a bullshitter after a money grab either. He sincerely/genuinely cares about the plant.

Prices are fine.

I donā€™t really care what Greg says at all. If weā€™re going with vouchers iā€™d rather go with Mel Frankā€™s but even this is splitting hairs. Todd can stand on his own.

Who knows if the pics on his IG are the breeding plants or smoking plants though. No descriptions of the parents used at all anywhere that Iā€™ve ever been able to find. General line description sure but he offers basically no other info at all. Last I heard he was maybe doing Open Pollinations and thatā€™s supposedly why no info on the specific parents butā€¦ cmonā€¦ I can do better than that and I donā€™t charge for beans at all, not even getting to most otherā€™s here.

I already gave out all the packs I had available here so youā€™d probably have to find some on trade. The C5SensiStar stuff is from Mel Frank I bought through Todd.

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Sensi Star is One im after.

I have lots of beans that can be traded, precious metals, antique items like 18th century Japanese wakizashi swords, high end knifes, etc or straight $

Id give a testicles for some non bastardized Sensi Star genetics pre fem dayā€™s.

You say the trader posts?

I asked Todd a question about Haze once and I never got a response. I was a good customer before that but havenā€™t bought anything since that day. If he canā€™t answer a simple question that tells me all I need to know about him.


I never disputed any of that lol


Ok so, AGseedco has Skunk #1, and its description makes it seem to be the one everyone has been hunting for :man_shrugging:

So why are we hearing more about it?? Why isnā€™t Kevin Jodrey hunting thru these?? ā€”apparently he was or is on the hunt for that true acrid skunk.

So whatā€™s the dealio???

Iā€™m not sure why some people get a lack of response from him but I have had several nice conversations with the man, he keeps associations with people I would not but thatā€™s his choice and as long as the beans arrive and are as described he is doing his part.
Also sometimes people just stop responding because they get far too many emails and direct messages to deal with unless they hired a secretary. There are many breeders who wonā€™t respond at all like soma , I tried all avenues and from what I can tell soma seeds is owned by a larger company and has been sold more then onceā€¦
When you have rare cuts and or knowledge about the cannabis scene others may not itā€™s shocking how many people come out of the wood work wanting to say hello.
On the other side of things if I sold the amount of beans he has it would change my life and I would feel more than obligated to respond to every person possible.
120 emails at 2min a each would take 4 hours , letā€™s say the average was 4 min per response you would be looking at a 8 hour dayā€¦.
Todd was already living in a nice home with a multi million dollar view before he sold a single bean. I donā€™t think he is the type to need or want to scam people out of money.If I had to guess I would say his motivations come from passion or ego , maybe a dash of both but he is fine financially.

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In his emails Todd talks about having an assistant and says WE will do this or that. He makes it sound like thereā€™s more than one person working for him. But maybe itā€™s bullshit and heā€™s trying to make it seem like thereā€™s a lot of people working there.

Maybe he does now Iā€™m not sure i talked with him a bunch when ag seeds was first getting started and he was even on here briefly.