Authentic Genetics Seed Company

Todd has sams skunk. Sam bred towards floral notes, away from skunk. Its really that simple.

Dont read too much into descriptions. If its too good to be true, it probably is. Ive heard theres really good smoke in those beans, even a bit of stank at some point in flower, but never have I seen someone report finding true skunk spray phenos.


I think the whole idea of AG was to be the first version of the Dutch companies, only in America. I think when Todd says, ā€œweā€, heā€™s talking about everyone who is and has been part of the company-- Mel and Greg included. His , ā€œassistantā€, is likely his girlfriend who seems to help out with all the work that needs to be done. His genetics are the same as the Euro guys have. The Skunk no1 and Haze are from Sam, I have confirmation from the man himself on this. His NL are Gregā€™s, and Mel gives him all kinds of stuff. Get over it people


I think everyones just having casual conversation about AGseed co. A little speculation doesnt hurt.

For instance, I dont think he needs to sell seeds, but he saw how much money is being made, knows how to grow weed well, and he has alot of unique old school genetics.

His prices are extremely generous given the market. I think hes doing right by the plant he is so clearly passionate about.

To the earlier point about euro geneticsā€¦ his NL is pre nevile, who only recieved the female NL5, and allegedly crossed it to a male NL2 (If i recall correctly) as discussed earlier in this thread.


I just get sick of the doubters hating on Todd manā€¦ itā€™s thereā€¦ it is, and it influences people who are looking into AGSeedco to see if they are good or not, and itā€™s like, alright alreadyā€¦ The stuffā€™s what he says it isā€¦ is it like Nevilā€™s? Of course not, Nevil was a genius breeder, but are the sources the same? Yeah, they are.


AG seeds is probably white label spanish seeds that he has been familiar with dutch style. Me and buddies threw down for if i remember right was like a bogo deal. Buy one get one free. Bought many. 2 packs were short a seedā€¦no big but quality control flags go up then the results from finished females were mehā€¦doodoo really. He is selling history, selling hype, selling dreamsā€¦any excuse like owner/operator falls on deaf ears. Buy from OG here buy from breeders here. Stay away from seasoned commercial hype like AG is punting


Disagree completely.


i purchased the sale on the purest indica, nl2, nl5, original haze, skunk 1 packs for $125. so far ive run a whole pack of nl2 and half a pack of the haze. heres how it went in my grow. purchase was smooth and seeds arrived quickly.

original haze - germinated 5 seeds, got 5 plants. 3 females 2 males. 12/12 from seed in quart sized pots of soilless mix. 2 females were not great but the other 1 had the 2 row wheat type growth pattern and tastes like incense. i think thatā€™s a decent ratio of good for open polinated original haze.

nl2. germed 10 seeds got 9 plants. 6 females. 4 of them were really great and i would have kept them but im not set up to keep moms. i saw 3 growth types- kush, umbrella looking plants with almost fruity flavors (i loved these even though i generally like the more nasty tasting types), and a large budded afghan type that threw the strongest flowers ive grown so far.

overall im very happy and cant wait to run the purest indica and nl5. considering some of his other seed lines too.

im about 40 years old and came up on the east coast of Florida smoking that good surfer weed like tk


Cool man sounds interestingā€¦ Iā€™m also ab to hit 40 in a couple months time and from the deep south. Love growing and consuming cannabis like most of you fine folks


Todd has two of Samā€™s skunks that he got from Mel Frank.

Yes two types. One that was worked in the direction of being sweeter and the other one that was given to Mel in 1988 Mel stuck goes in the fridge until 96 when he just did a reproduction of them and then store those for another handful of years until 2020 when he gave them to Todd. Todd in the regular authentic skunk number one line he has made selections based on accurate skunkiness. Even he says that was against how Sam told him to breed for them.

But if you look at his stuff he has more description and talk about each one of his strains than most breeders at all so I donā€™t understand where the comment above from the guy came from about him not disclosing anything heā€™s doing or using for parents etc when he talks in depth about it yeah he might not show the parents but go to CSI Humboldt page 90% of the descriptions are just the strain nameā€¦

And that goes for 707 seed bank dynasty crickets and cicada everything Todd has some of the more in-depth informative descriptions and what heā€™s doing with the lines than most breeders do.

it appears he actually changed the description of the authentic skunk number one in the last month possibly due to people giving him shit.

Because he had a pretty in-depth description of the direction he was taking it explaining how he was making selections for skunkiness over sweetā€¦


Also in Todd mentions " we" the fact that heā€™s selling beans directly from Mel Frank, getting genetics from people like Sam and Robert and Mel and Seattle Greg, I think thatā€™s where the We comes from
As heā€™s trying to be a little more transparent instead of just me me when it was a group effort for a lot of his strains.

I spoke with Todd on a few occasions too and interact with him daily on his posts there should be not one try to hate coming from anybody and if there is itā€™s probably because something Todd doing or has said or done goes against the narrative that that person during the hate is trying to portray or support


He only gives generalized descriptions. For being so public and approachable, he has ignored every single question or comment asking about direct information on the specific parentā€™s heā€™s used in his crosses. Any and ALL of them.

Or at least, he ignores all of mine :sweat_smile:


Like, he took Mel Frankā€™s C5SensiStar(NL5 x Haze x SensiStar) line and crossed it to his OHaze. I ran the C5SS from Mel Frank myself and found a WIDE variation of highā€™s from K.O. to Speed weed.

Any idea which one he used to cross to the OHaze? Nope. Not a single word. Not even a pic of the mom(s).

How about what effects or smells his OHaze male carries? Nada. Can you even find a pic of it? I canā€™tā€¦

Smells/Stem rubs/thing to look for in the NL lines he carries? No. Nothing. You get a general description of the overall line at best, and thatā€™s stretching.

When asked about any of these things, or when I have since the day he made the site, Iā€™ve not gotten a single response. If I want to buy some though heā€™s immediate.

This is my only real gripe with Todd. I own a good portion of his beans regardless, but cmon.


The seeds have been grown out and nobody has said its the skunk people are looking for, so while he made an attempt, it didnt quite hit the mark.

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Thereā€™s nothing to go with the pics though. Who knows if theyā€™re the mom, a sister, a pic of the offspring of said cross as an example of what you might find, etc.

NH is wide af too and no info on what traits it had before he crossed to ohaze. Only info we get on the NH x OHaze cross is ā€œhaze scent and flavorā€. Does that mean frankincense? or floral? :man_shrugging:

Any idea what his favorite NL plants were like? He doesnā€™t say that either. Like check this out:

Not a single word on scent or flavor or anything he selected for when making these beans. We get a history lesson and thatā€™s it.

He does better with the Purest Indica but NL2 and NL5 both lacking. These arenā€™t IBLā€™s that breed true and every plant looks/smells the same. The same what? IDK, he doesnā€™t say. PI says dank and gassy.


I spent over $1000 dollars in the first few months he started the business. I paid $100 a pack. Then he lowered everything to $50. My investment in his genetics got wiped out by half their value over night. Good luck trying to sell anything now right. Then like was said before he doesnā€™t respond to questions unless youā€™re buying something. He could do a lot better if you ask me. Now heā€™s trying to cash out and looking for a buyer to pay millions for his seed business.


Check out AKBB. He has SensiStar F4.


This is just how many well-known breeders are, unfortunately. They wind up secretive because they donā€™t want to subject themselves to endless circular analysis online of all the bad decisions other people think theyā€™re making.

We are spoiled here on the forums because there are tons of people who DO disclose those kind of details, but most of them donā€™t have business reputations riding on it.


Trimming up some NL#2 from AG right now


So youā€™re salty because he lowered prices after ge picked uo steam and you canā€™t resell them at a profit? That kinda sounds like your fault for thinking youā€™re going to make money on just possessing and reselling his work.

His prices got lowered at the request of the community people saying they can not afford them such as disabled vetā€™s and such.

So hes a dick because he made his beans more affordable for us?

Not once where they sold as precious metalsā€¦


It does suck to be the one who pays more than everyone else. And I donā€™t buy seeds from people who wonā€™t communicate with me. I never said he was a dick

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