Authentic Genetics Seed Company

I always thought legalization would be great but now I see the government taking control of the supply. Soon they will sell us ditch weed for a weeks salary and all you will get for your money is a sore throat. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Hey, i know some years ago. I Was also after this taste/smell . I bought from Conaisseur the Dankincense. Should be the one we looking for. Only 2 weaks old so i dont know if it is the real Incenseā€¦

I think his pricing is respectable and Authentic Genetics is for sale apparently, from an email Todd sent out, so google, youtube may be a way he went with to generate cash and advertise he wants out of the game perhaps? I have no idea, just my thought, respectfully brothers et al! Its sad to me, I have to stand for something, otherwise Iā€™ll fall for anything, and some say Todds a smuck, but I respect a man who did time for the reform of Marfijuana laws, didnt snitch, and came out of prison fighting for reform the same way he went in to the jojnt. And if Sam the Skunkman felt the same way, I could see Sam giving the man real deal seeds, I know I wouldā€¦



ā€œDefiningā€ is more appropriate here though

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Iā€™ll take it ^^

did anyone actually, successfully, run the nl5 from AG?

and, why does everyone run the NL2 from him.

having run nl2, all the NL5 (that one clone, maybe from CO) i smoked in the early 00s was better. ask someone in 2000 which they wanted NL5 or any other NLā€¦same answer, all the time.

I saw the guy who posted that couldnā€™t get the seeds to pop, and then could keep them alive or whatever during a AG-CSI side by side. There were two blurple pics that looked the same of the AG NL5 being bred to some NLD. But, i canā€™t really find a living soul who has grown this stuff out with something to show for it. There are a lot of strains like that out there, but this seems pretty mainstream for such a low following.


The NL2 just produces better smoke.

Seen some people post about the AG NL5 on RIU, itā€™s been grown out plenty. The NL2 seems to consistently out perform it, which is probably why the cross Todd went with was NL2 x OH instead of trying to recreate the Nl5 x Haze of old.


For me, NL2 was more of a rare bird. Iā€™d heard of it, and seen it mentioned in old High Times magazines, etcā€¦ but never tried it.

NL5 is everywhere, and in so many strains. Iā€™ve probably got 12 varieties in my seed box that are NL5 crosses (including some from Todd Ive never sprouted)

But when Todd released the NL2 I jumped on it. And once I grew the NL2 out, I fell in love.

I personally like the high from NL2 more than I do NL5 usually.


my very small sample of growing it did suggest a larger yield than average for the NL2. Itā€™s been around, and i think it or variations of it were in a lot of the mersh at some point. it didnā€™t have much smell. the NL5 smelled great though. it wasnā€™t funky, but it has this great ā€˜hydroā€™ smell. i never associated it with the smell of something else. growing that/crosses of it was fantastic. The NL5 is a dirtier high imo. NL2 is super clean dopeā€¦iā€™ve a got a bit now.

iā€™ll check out the RIU postsā€¦i donā€™t really go there anymore, but thanks.


From what little I know.
The NL5, you were smokingin the early 2000swas most likeley genetics from Sensi Seeds, which originally came from Nevil, when he sold out, in 1990.
AG NL5, is closely related, but than different than Nevils, and is also said that Nevils was better. I believe Nevils was crossed to NL2.
Also to add to confusion, Sensi Seeds originally called their version of NL, of which we are speaking-NL5, when it is in fact a Hybrid, of the original NL5. They changed theior wording more than 10 years ago, and no longer says NL5, but still advertise it as the cup winner.
The Sensi NL5 from back then, would blast, your ass. IMHO, it went downhill, around 2007, as did several other strains/companies genetics. Same for Sensi Original Hashplant seeds. Those were Nevils Original Hashplant, from the 80s. Some of the best Indica found anywhere. Crickets and Cicada, have the closest thing to those genetics, and do use the original base genetics, and offspring/Puck, in their breedings.
AKBB 89 NL, I believe is a sister line to Nevils, that Nevil created, but never released to the public. But it was passed around to some, and has made its way to availability. I may be wrong, and sure I will be corrected, if not correct.
Some say the 89 NL, is the best of it. I dont know, as Ive not grown that version.


nice write up.
ya, iā€™ve only seen that same NL5 (or whatever it truly is) cut once since about 2003 which was in maybe 2018 or so at a dispo in Trinidad. The cut was widely dispersed. i think there was a large snow storm the following year and a lot of folks lost their cuts afterwardā€¦there was that summer with no weed some years ago in southern CO. anyway, i figured it was gone since the storm, but maybe someone holds it. That same cut of NL5 was in a lot of crosses at the time. It could be smelled distinctly any time it was used in a cross. my favorites were the white lightning (NL5 x WW) and the NL5 x plum bud. people would order NL seeds to grow, and were scared to run the NL5 cut because it actually had an odorā€¦the NL from seeds not so much.

the pictures I have seem of the AG NL5 donā€™t really look different in color from what i expect, but I havenā€™t seen one that had the level of frost i remember. I havenā€™t see an NL2 like that either.


Those purest indica grows look great yall. A very good looking plant, and quite frosty too. Seems hit and miss with most there stuff but the pi looks consistently good.


Did anyone here ever grow out the straight :point_up_2:t2:GDP from Todd???


Yessir I have some of the first release fems going for my outdoor. Two actually. And I also did this for the other ones I popped from that first drop of his. Mel franks GDP run


Right when I asked I scrolled past your post and checked it out lol

I remember that when you did it! Just wondering because itā€™s hard to find any information on those AG GDP :beans:

Iā€™ll eventually do a big GDP run with those GDP seeds from AG and King Klones GDP :fire: :fire:


Mel Frank GDP. Todd didnā€™t touch them. I donā€™t wanna attach his name to it. Same with this NL5 x Haze x SensiStar I run that Mel Frank made, Todd just sold them.


Hey @HolyAngel. I have been poking around for a while reading up getting to know folks a bit. Anyway I was curious if your the Sephirot(h) genetics on ole seedfinder? I saw you mentioned the NL5 haze SS. I was just looking at SS and I love NL. I have seen your name in the credits over at JPā€™s and I have been meaning to ask you for a few weeks but I am an easily distracted pothead. Do you still hold those strains and is that something you share,trade or distribute?


Ah yeah Sefirot Genetics on seedfinder is me ^^

I do still hold beans of most everything, but not enough to share at the moment. Iā€™ve given out at least 90 packs each of most everything Iā€™ve made and kept back just a couple for myself to look through. Iā€™m currently trying to find new parents from those few in order to make more beans but itā€™s a bit slow going :sweat_smile:


Ha, awesome. Good to know. I will keep an eye out going forward. I have so much good stuff to grow from the good folks around here that I am in no hurry just collecting information where to find goodness. I picked up some NL2 from @JohnnyPotseed which I believe came from @FirstCavApache64.
Is there a seed available NL5 be it 5x2 or the bx8 that you all think would be valuable for say an out cross? I see Todd has a NL5 x Trainwreck. Anyone have any experience with that?


I only gave @Hashpants the clone I was running and he did the hard part with STS and he sent them to Johnny. It really is a great strain and Iā€™ll be running it again along with some NL5 seeds later this year.