Authentic Genetics Seed Company

Most other breeders are either unable to really get a hold of, or they’re chucking against known clones. Bodhi usually gives numerous descriptions of things to look for, as well as info on the parents and uses known clones on top of that. Information that can be gotten.

Because he seems to hold himself to a higher standard, and he always says he’s available to talk. Except when you wanna know anything specific about any of the parent’s he’s used before bothering to spend time and money growing them out. IMO, I took a risk buying what I have just in the hope it’s close to what I remember. If he wasn’t touting his availability and whatnot, I probably wouldn’t even say anything as then he’s just like 99% of the other guys.


I apologize for getting a little hot and shitty myself.

Its just absurd to hear all these weird nit pick style complaints that could be applied to every other breeders anyone holds in high regard.

Holy, tolerance, chara, i apologize for being a bit rash.

But to the white label comment, well we all know that’s Just not true.

It seems as though alot of people want his seed’s to suck and not be the real deal as ge says they are, but with all the vouchers From the people that held the real thing, it’s kinda silly.

If they suck, let them speak for themselves, they’ll either sink or swim in due time.

You don’t stand the test of Time if you’re product is all smoke and mirrors like a lot are trying to say they are. So it’ll all come out in The Wash eventually if hes blowing smoke.

A few poorer results grows im seeing around are from rather new growers who have the same less than stellar results regardless of the genetics used.


Nah man, you just don’t even know what you are talking about. I have independent verification on a bunch of his stuff, and guys like you are almost laughable at this point. The Haze is unworked, from Skunkman himself. It is all over the place, have to work it if you want consistent potency, but it is absolutely direct from Sam. 100%. I bet we could get Mac to further verify this, as he knows Skunkman. 100% guarantee he will say the say the same thing. The stuff from Mel is also 100% from Mel. The stuff from Greg is from Greg. It’s all already been confirmed by the guys themselves. Like I said, haters with false egos trying to ruin a genuine guy selling genuine seeds.




Naw you outright claimed they’re white label seeds from Spain… that’s completely unfounded and absurd.

Without a doubt 100% Todd is making those Seeds, proof is on his Instagram, harvesting seed, cleaning seed, etc.


Again, this seems to be projection from you.

No one here is being a keyboard warrior other than yourself.

You can say you had piss poor results from his seed and that it sucks. That’s 10000% fine, no skin off my dick or anyone else’s. If that’s what you experienced, then that’s that. Its factual in your case. His seed sucked for you and your criteria.

But an absurd claim that hes White labeling is 100000% slanderous and has 0 basis in reality. Its in fact beginning to cross The line of being a malicious hater.

And i don’t think you Know the definition of keyboard warrior, that’s someone who’s passing threat’s they’d never follow up on.

All we are doing here is discussing his genetics. And because no one agrees with your narrative hes selling fake bulk bought seed that isn’t the strain’s claimed, you’re getting mad and virtually throwing a tantrum while lightweight calling names.

Ill rebuttal with this. Have you and your “buddies” ever had Good result’s from anyone seed?

I see you in the CSI thread speaking praises of Caleb and his genetics and generosity. I too feel the same way. BUT when it comes ti the nl5 work he did with the same exact seed Todd did, is Caleb also lying and being full of shit and white labeling that particular line? I think not, Just as todd isn’t either.

Take a valium and settle down Buddy, it’s a weed forum and you’re acting like not a weed person at all.


Pots Kettles

Just Black!!

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Posting of truthful experiences is great. Debating the merits and disagreements is fine. Some folk have great experiences while other are left dissatisfied. Some folk hold agendas others do not.

Bad experiences happen and discussions around those are of interest and importance. What is not particularly contributory, though, is the leveling of accusations without much evidence or, at least, producing a well-informed theory. Such things get repeated as ‘truth’ to suit their needs until it turns into something entirely different snowballing into non-productive bickering.

Similarly, name calling and insults, end-up not contributory. A couple of posts were removed.

Please debate but try to keep things cordial. Not always the easiest thing.

So there is a hint to the original poster. If you’re simply posting claims to inflame or out of retribution, reconsider and update your experience or provide the evidence to further a productive discussion.

Those that are following along will leave better equipped with an informed opinion towards making their own decisions in the future.


I think @Couchlocked is Todd.

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@ToddMcC has his own account.


Sheeit, ill take that as a compliment. BUT no, while i am a supporter of Todd, and have been following his activism and story since i first saw a story about him in high times in junior high/high school , im not. I’m just a dude from Ohio that’s been obsessed with growing weed since 4th grade (stole My first high times from the corner lottery stand My mother used to gamble at after school)

My Dad was my custodial parent, One day in 4th grade he rented Cheech and Chong Nice dreams and we watched it. I laughed My ass off when Chong blew up the neighbors car after lighting a joint while soaked in gas.
That movie also got me terribly curious about what that scientist was growing under the tarped swimming pool.

The following Monday my mother had after school visitation, typical wed go to This place called “ok’s news stand” which had s magazine rack full of raunchy ass porn mag’s, and magazines. While the owner Angelo would traded food stamps for lottery tickets, i used to grab the most absurdly graphic porn mag and go run up to mom and pop it open like a flasher in a trench coat.

While this Monday was different, as this day i see Beavis and Butthead on a magazine, i start looking thru it, and holy shit, Also The plants from the movie Cheech and chong ,the whole magazine was about those plants!

I stuffed it inside the center of game pro magazine, (mom bought me a video game mag weekly as i was a mortal Kombat nut i took that high times with me to school every Day hidden in side the peeled off cover of game pro. (Taped the cover on it, which was the start of something special, as i cherished my video game mags; EGM, Game pro, EGM II, etc. for me to deface one by ripping it’s cover off was a big deal. And signified the tangent that changed my life, likely for the worst at the Time, but ultimately for the better as time went on

So i carried this high times around, it was The April 1994 high times (still have it, as a sourced a lot of used high time’s on eBay s few years ago) i carried it and looked through it a million times. When the next One came out, I tricked mom again into buying it.

So i eventually start actually reading it, and everything seems so interesting and that was that i needed to smoked those cigarettes. Well it took from 4th grade all The Way to 7th grade until i actually was first exposed to using marijuana.

My Buddy spent thr night, we snooped through my dad’s shit, found a bag of seeded weed and ez wider 1.5s. we took a small amount and attempted to roll a joint that ended up causing us to lose most of the weed. We eventually stole a cigarette and emptied it mixed the weed in and tried to repack it

We didn’t get high, but we got caught because it smelled of weed in our room.

Anyway, we got not in trouble, but lectured about snooping and the whole 9 yards (thought i was gonna get my ass tanned)

Well the summer of 7th grade is when these Puerto Rican kid’s moved in 3 houses down. After becoming friends with them, one day their older brother smoked a blunt with us, i got soo fuckin high i was hearing the lost boys theme in the woods and literally damn near visual hallucinations. Definitely audible distortions.

That was it, within a few months, everything was about getting a dime bag. I used every excuse imaginable, class fees for science lab, i ruined my text book and it cost 35$ to replace or i was getting suspended, took Sega games to video game trader, weed was all that mattered. Still a monthly high times reader, and natural by 8th 9th grade, i started planting seeds outside and my impatient ill informed ass thought that the third node in seedling’s was a little tiny bud, that we could harvest the plants microwave it and get high.

We planted prob 100 plant’s in the woods behind the high school, we took them all down, but left 2 as we forgot about them. We took our bag of cannabis micro greens straight to the microwave. Lol

One day my Puerto Rican buddy’s brother Eric, got us high again, the spot was always the woods behind The highschool. While we are there, he sees the plants we forgot, they’re about 2 months old now, tall, scraggy being in almost straight clay soil. Eric gets excited and digs it up

It dies eventually.

BUT now i really start paying attention to The cultivation articles in high times. As Eric knew a good bit and told us about male and female plants.

I basically studies cultivation fron thr age of 10 year’s old. Well i eventually graduated to being a party kid, blunts, alcohol, pills, etc from 9th grade on. One of my good friends dad was a big time coke dealer, and his son, my friend, used to answer The phone for him when his Dad was getting drunk at the local dive bar. Being this kids friend opened up alot of access to various drug’s at a rather early age (10th grade staring at 13 solid ounces of coke hidden in a armoire, trying to untie these special knots his dad used to do to pinch them to trade for weed) . Eventually this lifestyle at This early age led to harder drugs. LSD, x, coke, hydrocodone, oxycodone, Valium, Klonopin, etc.

When i was 18 i was an addict of morphine sulfate (MS Contin 200 PF’s) when i was 19 i couldn’t take it anymore, the lady we got our morphine pills from eventually died, I turned to my Dad for help as my habit would be too expensive now that the lady died.

Anyway, when i was on methadone, i needed something to occupy my nervous energy to keep my mind off of slipping up, i built my first grow cab from a 2x2x7 foot armoire. It had 2 drawers on bottom, a door above with a shelf inside on top the last 10 inches.

I stuck 8 porcelain lightbulb bases in it, 2 on each side, 23 watt cfl’s ,a 4"computer fan up top for exhaust, passive intake holes on bottom.

Lined the uppermost drawer with pond liner, cut 6 holes out on the top part over the drawer to hold 1 gallon pots.used a passive wick system i saw in the ed Rosenthal grow book. Vermiculite and perlite. couldn’t get a damn thing to survive past a few weeks. Tap water here is fucked. Eventually found a grow shop and bought a 175w metal halide and a small reflector. I flush mounted IT in The top shelf. Started using bottled water and was sold a Hanna PhEP ph meter. Things finally started growing. Unfortunately, this was heavy sativa bag seed, and quickly outgrew the space. BUT i was on My way to growing. Ordered some beans from Ontario’s Best . Got “XXX-420”, “Black Domina” & “H-plant”. All Ontario’s Best “house brand”. Finally got a set of plants to harvest and actually smoke. Then i ended up building a exact copy of a super closet mother ship grow cab from a storage cabinet from office max. Used a 250 digital ballast, pro mix, etch. Then I realized i had to have 2 gardens, 1 for moms, One for Bud. So i built My closet in room with a 600hps in a cool tube. 6" vortex sending cool tube heat into attic, pulling from hole in floor to basement. Installed a 4" eco plus inline for room exhaust.

After 2 year’s of success in the closet, my girlfriend has gotten a settlement from a car accident she was in when young.

Me and my friend i met through buying weed from the dude who worked at the grow shop bought a house on the east side of Youngstown Ohio for the cost of delinquent back taxes. For $4700, we got a 4 bedroom ex crack house . We did what needed done to it, got it looking somewhat respectable and lived in, took 2 bedroom and stuck 5 1k lumatek and CAP digital ballasts in each with hydrofarm Daystar AC hoods. Other room got sunlight supply super sun 2 ac hoods.

We fixed the 2.5 ton central air conditioner (dads is an HVAC Guy and electrician, he charged up the units, put a New cap in i think, etc). We closed off all duct except what fed the 3 rooms, 3rd room was a 3k mh and t5 veg mom clone area. Had green air products cdmc6 co2 sequencer, big 12 inch elicent and fan tech fans for exhaust (we spared no expense, we had 20 grand to Play with from my girls settlement :grin:) we ordered some seed From Holland. Sensi seeds Afghani 1, super skunk, Sensi Skunk, paradise seeds Wappa, Sensi Star, and Dutch passion oasis. Got totally clean in 2003 as well, off the methadone. No drinking, nothing but weed and cigs.

Ran this from 2003 to 2014/15. In 2008, my buddy helping me out just decided it was time to go get a trade and he went to trade school and Just abandoned me. Lol so it was just me and the misses running this thing. In 2014 her junky sisters caught wind, tried blackmailing me, told them to fuck off. Never thought that the threat they made would be carried out.
Well it did, i was busted in 2015 going to The house to do some gardening work , i pulled in and like a flip of a switch, a half dozen cars pull up, 3 marked 3 unmarked. Would’nt have got nearly as much time as i did if it wasn’t for the damn pistol in the car with me and 3 ounces of bud. got 6 months for the cultivation, 3 years on a gun specification. Which had to be served consecutive to any other time. So did 3.5 year’s on it.

Got out, started a family with a girl i dated in highschool. Started body building, just a gym rat punching a clock raising 2 kids and working.

We got legal home grow last December, so i started growing again.

That’s my life in a nutshell. Not Sure if this was the right place or time to tell the story, but something just came over me, and decided to spill my guts here.

Tldr: im not todd. :joy:


No, I only have @ToddMcC and I don’t have time for forums these days. I only saw this because it popped into my email.


Thanks for verifying, Todd!


I grew their skunk, purest indica, and NL2. They grew fine, skunk was a little pickier than the other 2, but they were all well behaved overall.

I smoked them. It got me high. It was enjoyable.


Yeah I know. I spoke with him before.

Things are connecting.


Thanks for sharing and congratulations on what sounds like Winning.

No problem. I am not one to hide behind a fake screen name.

I think Overgrow is great, but Authentic Genetics is growing so fast that I hardly have time for much else.

This replying by email is awesome! I didnt know we could do this.

I hope everyone is growing well!


For me I’m mostly upset at the pricing strategy because it seems like the most passionate hobbyists that were part of the preorders and purchasing close to the original releases ended up paying a lot more than the frequent deals that have happened since. There is an email, granted the company had been in business for a few years by this point, that thanks approximately 10,000 customers. At an average of $100 per sale as a hypothetical figure that’s a million dollars in revenue. I doubt many of AG customers see that type of accounting on their books in the same timespan. Making seeds or breeding seeds? I think they are making seeds and that’s fine but we don’t, or at least I haven’t heard much about how many individual plants were in there reproductions and what they all looked like. And that’s totally fine, I absolutely treasure the seeds I have from Authentic Genetics. The Sam_Skunkman provenance with Todd’s Haze offering and the NL Greg provenance with the Purest Indica and NL work are legendary in my opinion. They’re truly special and one of a kind offerings.

I could be mistaken though, are there are more detailed grow logs about the AG reproductions somewhere? It seems like we see more from the hobbyists growing the genetics purchased from AG than genetics being grown by AG.

I think everyone should have some Original Haze with Sam_Skunkman pedigree, ideally worked the least amount of times out of Sam’s hands, same with the NL stuff from Greg. @ToddMcC’s brand Authentic Genetics is a current source for that, possibly the only and last one with respect to these unique seed populations and their fitness. I’ve seen them on sale I believe a 5 pack variety pack for $125. I believe I purchased the Purest Indica direct $100 for a single pack, I ordered two of them. That’s difficult pricing strategy to get behind as a customer. I’ve probably spent around $500 and have about 8 packs from AG all ordered direct. I’m all for the lower prices but wonder why they weren’t that way from the start. And if those earlier customers really did help float the business that much with those higher prices being paid, it would have been cool to see some sort of voucher that was a sort of thanks maybe if the customer pays for shipping and a small handling fee they could receive some of the other seeds that customers now get at the same price points. That probably sounds ridiculous to most. It sounds awesome as a customer who paid $200 for two packs ordered direct though. Many blessings and much love


OG is growing at a very rapid pace as well. Maybe a good fit for Authentic Genetics to become a sponsor to gain access to this ever expanding base of growers. Cheers and good luck!


ran a pack of the SFV og x NL5 and it was solid! ran the nl2 and haze and those were ok, but overall i would say those sfvnl5’s were the shit!! was bummed to see they’re sold out, would of loved to pick up another pack to stash away.