Auto pollen wanted. Autos seeds are okay too

Pollen Bag…eBay or Amazon!!! You can buy the CS, at least 50+ PPM. in my opinion.


No pollen but several auto reg strains and a few auto fem msg if you want a list to trade or if I canhelp in any way spread that auto love grow on

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interested in some BB pollen if you have any to spare. I just started 5 White Widow Autos seeds and would share seeds to spread some karma; seeds would be Blue Widow Autos crosses. otherwise no problem, just ordered STS to start the process as well.

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@misterbee Hey so I am just getting into reversing and was wondering is that a viable option buying cs that is if so any tips would be appreciated

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Greetings…eBay, make sure it’s in the range of 50 - 100 PPM. You may even try “seed reversing spray” on eBay. In the past, I’ve used Mineral Mist (all organic, made from various essential oils). I don’t know if it’s available anymore. Most select a branch or branches, two weeks into flower, spray entire branch DAILY for 14 - 21 days. Should produce Fem seeds. NOTE: Tie a string/yarn around the sprayed branch so you can readily identify it as if grows. Good luck, be safe/be well.

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Typical naming nomenclature you state female 1st then male :upside_down_face: Having said that I like Berry White lmfao :rofl:
Peace growmie :v:


I do have some left but the stuff I sent out only had a 50% success rate for others and now being older it may not be as viable. I do have some s90 auto pollen currently dropping from a male. shoot me a pm if you want either and we can take it from there man, I’m happy to share.


Hey guys. Dunno if I’m late to the party or not. Anyway I have spotted lime auto pollen. I also have dragon tongue auto pollen. The dragon tongue is a cbd strain. I believe the spotted lime has cbd as well.

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Thank you for the offer, I’m sure someone will be looking sometime soon, currently I’m only wanting a fem auto pollen for a micro strain so probably dark spark or one from my own lineage that also goes purple… I feel super picky right now hahahaha

I’m in need of a good few fem seeds so I’ll be making them soon I think as pulling the males can suck when I can get 50% males and then not full my space properly.


All good man. If it’s not what you want it’s not what you want. It’s okay to be picky when it’s your own hard work, time, and passion that is going into your work.


I’m just a 10 thing to start germinating and pollinating through flowers and getting seeds so the 1st time I’ve ever done it was in the last few months and I got 5 seeds I would love some more pollen to mix on a new batch of autos that I do in the future so you can consider me if anything


I can hook you up for sure man. I just ask you hook me up with some of those badass beans you make.

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want to try making some seeds - I have Auto Fat Blueberry started. DJ Short Blueberry clone and a Ruderalis Indica cross. any suggestions on what strain would be good to seed ?

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I would dust BOTH Blueberry strains, if I had to choose. Be safe/be well.

That sounds amazing

Man that’s a mouthful an a half and an interesting cross, not sure who you were offering that to but if you want to do a bit of a trade seed for seed pm me.

They also have one thats 1000ppm


I just made my own at 30 ppm and it worked great. Thanks

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