AutoFem2IBL(Mephisto Double Grape, Regular)

I moved my three testers and one control to my flowering tent to keep them sensimilla pure. With small pots and a 12/12 schedule, they’re going to look like 12/12 from seed plants and not like I’d normally expect.

Additionally, for some stupid-ass reason, I planted the control in a differently-shaped pot. So this is not a scientific experiment, and it doesn’t prove anything.

Morphology is very similar and leaf morphology is identical. The hybrids seem more vigorous, but they are about 10 days older.

But this pheno is exceptionally vigorous among its sisters. It is the most vigorous auto I have ever grown, times 2. It does have a long internodal length, but that’s at least partially-attributable to the small pot and bad light in the veg area.

Stems are thick and sturdy, which I like. I’m going to dust the lower branches with pollen, just in case she still ticks the other boxes. I would love to have a potent auto that wouldn’t be slowed down by cold summer nights.

Here’s the control. She’s 10 days younger than her cousins, and even accounting for that is less vigorous. But all other things are virtually-identical at this stage.

So I have one super-vigorous pheno I’d like to see more of, and two vigorous phenos that look like larger copies of the original.

Stem rubs: one of the DG-75 smells vaguely grapey. None of the others have any smell I can detect besides maybe grass. That includes the Double Grape control.


This DG-75 looks to be about twice as productive as her sisters. This morning I did a final pollination of the moms and put this designated smoke test mom with the dads outside for the day to make sure I get a few seeds on this one.

Hopefully she’ll be really good.


Ten days from pollination and she’s completely stopped messing around with pistils. Her focus is on her beans. Same with the other mothers (left), except that they’ve been pollinated at least twice as long.


Love your dedication to the project mane!


Thank you for saying so! I’m learning new things all the time so I don’t get bored with it. :rofl:


I’ve been putting the moms outside during the day, and yesterday I saw a chickadee hanging around and, I think, looking for seeds. I’ll keep putting her out, just closer to the house.

This vigorous DG75 I like spent some cold days outside and developed some purpling in sort of a coleus pattern.

Edit: Adding this picture I took today:


I haven’t shown you pictures of these ladies in awhile. That’s the Double Grape on the far left, with the DG75 testers.

And here’s the DG75 I dusted. She’s starting to skate towards doneness but her seeds are nowhere close to done.

Here are my Double Grape moms. Their seeds will be ~87% Double Grape, I believe. They haven’t really changed in 11 days, except the seeds are growing nicely.


I was looking around my Double Grape moms, and found a lot of ripe seeds and a few empty seed pods. So I decided to chop them before they’re all empty. They’ve been outside, and it’s been super windy for over a week straight now.

So I’ve harvested my DG87 seeds! :tada::tada::crazy_face:

I have two lines right now, if I can call them that. DG87 in these seeds, and the DG75 mom I pollinated. I’m going to grow out both, but mainly concentrate next grow on these seeds.

As soon as these seeds are dry, I’ll be planting 40. I won’t cull unless I decide a specimen needs to go. Mainly, I’ll do an open pollination, then chop the males. After harvest I’ll keep seeds from the best smoke for the next generation. The seeds will be stored with the weed. That way after the smoke test, the seeds are right there.

I don’t anticipate backcrossing to Double Grape again, though I might change my mind. But by the end of the next grow, at least we’ll know how close this compares to Mephisto’s original.


Never ran a seed plant outside. I would imagine that the presence of seeds brings all sorts of critters to the part.


Sure - mice, birds, rabbits, squirrels. There’s what I think is a kangaroo rat living about 25’ from where they were spending their days. I’ve been feeding it peanuts to get it comfortable with the trap that’s too big. So I can catch him in a smaller one.


Today is day 75 for my DG75 testers and they’re done! Fully cloudy with an amber in every frame. Perfect! :fire::hot_face::clap::clap:

I don’t know whether I’ll chop today or tomorrow, but definitely within the next 24 hours.


Nice project @rasterman. Missed this so far, I’ll be watching how it goes on.

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Awesome, @allotment, glad you’re here. I’ll be running “F2s” starting the next couple of weeks, maybe sooner.


Before I chopped my Double Grape moms, I already had this one soaking. She’s my first DG87, and I really hope she’s a she.


Also watching along! Good luck :smiley:

eS :tropical_drink:

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Welcome @EnergySlammers! Thank you. :pray:

This is in no way a study, or actual proof of much, but it is a single data point. I prefer the DG75 tester mom, at least the one I just smoked, to Double Grape. They’re both potent, but the DG75 high is more up. Completely relaxed, and in good humor.

Although I didn’t intentionally do this, the one I just tested got some overspray. I found two big, fat seeds in the bud I just smoked.

I’m torn between which one to grow out first - the DG87 or the DG75… In truth I already have five DG87 seedlings. :crazy_face: But in not going to let a few impulsive pops sway my thinking. Probably. :thinking:


I take it back. This stuff’s fantastic!


DG75 testers harvest :fire::fire:

Not a huge haul, but about what I expected for those small pots. Dry, the bag smells of dry green grapes.

I’m finding seeds in every bud, and I’m so glad I didn’t spritz down my chosen mothers after pollination because now I have more seeds to save.

I could stop right now, and I’d have all the autos I’ll ever need. This is good :poop:. If I could have taken a clone of either of these ladies, I’d be pretty happy. :boom::star2:


Nice work @rasterman! Good to see you’re getting results for all the work you’ve put in!