AutoFem2IBL(Mephisto Double Grape, Regular)

Thanks @Mad_Barry! Yeah I’m pretty stoked and can’t wait to see how the next round goes. :boom:


Rasterman I have total friggen respect for you, man. Someday when I’m more advanced, this thread is going to be gold for me. Til then, I’m learning . . .a lot. Tilraster’s paying attention, too. :wink:

You do you, man. You do you. :laughing:


Awesome @navy66. Right back atcha!


If you remember the DG75 tester female that was extra - vigorous that I decided to throw pollen on… Well, today I started separating seeds and decided to fill up a King Palm for testing. I smoked it while doing greenhouse repairs and got precious little done. But I did up-pot some plants. I flew right through the day! :fire::fire::hot_face::fire::boom:

So three fire females out of three popped is a pretty good sign.


I was trying to decide which ‘line’ to run, and it came down to reminding myself what the project goal is. That goal is Double Grape Regular IBL. I don’t necessarily feel compelled to hold myself to that goal. I’ll just let the plant tell me. But I really want to know how the BX-2 generation came out.

So this is DG87.

They’re in 44 oz big gulps, in my newly not-drafty greenhouse. I’ve got another 9 waiting to pop along with the slightly-older firstborn (not on camera). So instead of 40 I’ll be running 32, hopefully 20 females but probably only ~16.

I’m still thinking about growing out the DG75 “F2s” this summer but don’t know where I’d put them.


Hey :wave: @rasterman that is so funny :rofl: you are running them too. I am get ready to run them double grape :grapes: Mephistos and some northern lights :bulb:too, @FirstCavApache64 sent them to and they were the first seeds I was sent by an OG member. :wink::ok_hand::facepunch::+1::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


@OhNo555 I think you’ll enjoy it. Let’s race! :rofl:


I forgot to open the windows of the greenhouse last weekend, I think it was, and it overheated and culled my less heat-hardy seedlings. First cull, 22 specimens extant. Including the one in the bigger pot.* So I’ve got, ideally, 11 males and 11 females.

It’s not 40 as I originally planned, but seeing how much space 22 takes up, I think I’ve got the right number. Hoping for an even split. More females gives me more phenos to hunt through. But more males limits the contribution of any individual male, which I personally find useful.

*The one in the bigger pot - 1 liter I think, was in the pod while her (or his) mom was alive. So there’s like a two week age difference.


You 🫵 got this bro :sunglasses:, sorry to hear about the little mishap on the window 🪟! I think this is going to be a very successful project! :clap::tophat::clap::tophat::hugs::+1::upside_down_face::facepunch::ok_hand::wink::peace_symbol::sunglasses:


Thanks @OhNo555 I’m really excited to find out but I think so! :raised_hands:


They’re starting to show sex. By this weekend I should know how many of each sex I have. The three that sprouted first are already going into stretch.

This weekend I killed the heat-damaged seedlings that were going to stunt, so now I think I’m right at 20 specimens. Some of the seedlings are still really small, but they’re a week or so behind the others.

Edit: The white powder is sulfur, not pests.


I was going to give it a couple more days, but look at the stretch on one of these guys! (The tallest ones are male.)

This is the seed I popped while the mom was still alive. Confirmed female. And she’s looking Double Grape, all the way!


I separated the coeds and the jocks. At this point, I have 8 males and potentially 10 females, but most of the females haven’t definitively shown sex. So those numbers may change.


Dam buddy you got a lot going on there, you are going to be in trim jail this fall! :joy::joy::joy::ok_hand::facepunch::+1::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Love your work @rasterman you can never have enough double grape!

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Hopefully! It seems like I’m about ready to run out all the time. In a few months I should have a little cushion. :pray:


Thank you - I think so too.


I have a confirmed 9 females and probably 10. That’s as fortunate as I could get with this sample size.

Most of them are in full stretch now. I’m hoping for them to outgrow their containers.


Wow… 11 days since my last confession! Today I thanklessly and unceremoniously discarded the men after they’re done doing their deed.

All of the moms are pollinated; all but one are well-pollinated. I should wait a week, but some of the photos are starting to show sex and I don’t want any accidental pollinations.

Anyhoo, there are 10 moms extant:


Awesome project man, glad I can follow along. Love me some Double Grape, grew it in one of my first grows years ago and should really do it again. Also grew a 3 Bears OG x Double Grape freebie (it was unofficially called Grizzly Grape back then) that was pretty kick ass.