AutoFem2IBL(Mephisto Double Grape, Regular)

I’ve grown a lot of double grape. It’s a great strain, not my favorite from Mephisto, but it’s good. I chose it for my first “breeding” project because it’s stable with consistent phenos.


That happens to be exactly the approach I’m planning.


My mothers are all doing well and now I’m just waiting. Buds are sticky and fruity.


I have learned it’s a terrible way to get all the moms to a consistent size.

For the record, @RainToday gave some very good advice. Even at 30% humidity, it was too humid in the open plastic bag. I’m just answering an old post to correct the record. I don’t recommend what I did. I ended up not using the pollen anyway, but I noticed the flowers never opened.


Still waiting…


Looking :eyes: good buddy! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::wink::ok_hand::+1::facepunch::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


My double grape fem auto


Nice frost on that lady! :snowflake::cold_face:


Yeah it’s like sugar coated so sticky


I put these ladies in Miracle Gro Performance Organics because it’s cheap and I’m growing in tiny pots. But in deep in flower I thought they might have used up most of the reserves so I fed them and it’s been downhilly since then.

But they’ll finish. That’s the main thing. They’re sticky, and fruity! I just picked a seed from the biggest one and it’s soaking. Hopefully I have a female.


Of the two seeds I found the other day I have one sprout and one that looks like it’s going to sprout. :seedling: I noticed a seed fell out of one lady and she had another exposed mature seed. So I inspected all of them and found a few seeds to rescue.

When inspecting them I was also smelling the buds. Where Double Grape rarely smelled like grape, I’m getting apple, melon and fuel, and white grape out of these. So there might be more variation in the generation we’re making right now. There’s only one melon and fuel.

I think two more weeks is all they need.


Both seeds have popped, but only one has leaves yet. I put her (hopefully her) in a five gallon Home Depot bucket with Miracle Gro Performance Organics. FWIW, I’m coming to believe that soil can take any plant from seed to harvest. If you can get it to absorb water, something it’s terrible at. But for $11 a bag it’s way cheaper than weed soil. It just needs perlite. I had none, so this is just the MiracleGro.

Edit: This is my first DG87 F2 seed.


I flushed them really well and my moms are looking better today.

And while they’re ripening up tiny little packages of genetics for the next generation, both of those next-generation seeds sprouted.


Having a ton of the same seeds would be enough seeds for life but variety is always nice. It is my goal with autos to end up with a bunch of seeds of my top 25 auto strains. Lots of variety there.


What is your favorite and why?

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Right now it’s Toof Decay because it’s potent, fast and has a great buzz. But I have only grown 10-11 Mephisto strains and they’re all good.


The need for variety is why none of us ever stop looking for new strains to try. :crazy_face:


I might have Toof Decay I’ll have to check. I know I haven’t grown it yet.

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If you have it, grow it. It’s fantastic imo. I tell this story too often, but the first one I grew was for a family member I was supposed to see in a month. She cancelled, so I just left it in a corner and pretty much ignored it. One day I realized it was done, and I really liked it.

I had three seeds and grew them out as quick as I could. I threw some pollen on the last one and now I’m growing out its grandchildren. :joy: