Estacionsj ’s STS Adventure

So here it goes , I want to make some seeds so i can store some and to have plenty to grow and give or trade.This is my first ever post hear, So i am going to see how my STS / Seed adventure goes.I am going to be using a mix that just makes one bottle of STS mix and some feminized Critical+ 2.0 Auto seeds.


Here is a picture of the lady at 10 days after coming out the ground.I am in the Bayarea we don’t get much sun so she will be grown under just a bulb :bulb: light in a supercloset box

These are my ingredients for the STS MIX

These are the seeds

This is just a run and if all goes well I will be doing better Quality Seeds


This is the STS instructions i will use for my ONE Bottle Mix


This is the recipe from @Sebring.

I can guarantee that it works. :slightly_smiling_face:


Yes, I have seen a lot of people say that it works, Just want to try a one bottle mix .I will find out if it’s effective, and if the one bottle mix works people will have less wasted chemicals, witch if they the person does not end up using it , it usually goes down the drain witch is Bad for the environment…

What do you mean, wasted?
The stock solution should stay good in the fridge for years if made and stored properly.
I would just take it out and mix up 50-60ml of finished solution every time I used it. Then wrap it back up.

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Yes that whole mix makes 20 baches of 500ml bottles
I don’t think I’ll use 4 baches in a whole year myself, So I my self would have to throw the rest away, that’s my personal opinion.I have also read that a lot of people say that’s a lot of mix so I want to try a one bottle mix and see if it works.
If it works out I’m pretty sure a lot of people will be making the one bottle Mix.
Also u would eliminate the need to store part A +B
And would save u the time of wrapping and unwrapping the parts A+B


The quantity does seem large in a lot of the recipes I’ve seen. And I’d never be able to store it in my fridge. Someone in my house would try to drink it.

I’m interested in learning to make fem seeds as well! Looking forward to your grow!


Yes , I have been looking at a lot of recipes for the Finished STS spray.So when I mix mine I will post it hear and quantities, since I bought a scale that says it’s accurate to .000 of a gram .
This is and adventure for me and u will see if it works,
And thanks for joining
I’m new to all this and I figured what the hell


Here are my measurements if you can read/follow them. Lol


Nice! That 2oz will be nice when just doing a couple plants! Thanks for doing the legwork! :brain:

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Your welcome! That’s what I make and it lasts a few rounds I use such small ladies.

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I was trying to line all my seed projects up around the same time, so I didn’t waste any sts and got the most out of the solution made. This is perfect for a small, single run…or maybe a a few small plants. I’ve never used sts either, but I have the kit ready to go.

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The mix I’ve made lasts(in a dark bottle in fridge) for at least 6 months. And the stock solutions are good forever almost.


Thanks for every ones input, I will be making a one bottle mix using sebring’s Formula, but reduced for just one 500ml bottle.I know there are lots of formulas floating on the internet for big batches like sebrings , But i just want to make one for just one bottle of 500ml.
Like always, lots of good information from the community, and its all welcome along with critizizm.No one is perfect and IM FAR form Perfect.
I like ure Formula Chart and i am going to make a copy of it @Slammedsonoma420


So Tonight i am going to spray MY LADY , So i am going to mix u the STS one bottle mix, Sebring’s mix makes 20 bottles of 500ml STS. so my formula is

.04 grams of Silver Nitrate
.15 grams of Sodium Thiosulphate Anhydrous
500Ml of Distilled Water
Its a little difficult since they are very small quantities so i was close,
This is an experiment so we will see, im 100% sure it will work . But again we will see, but to put the stuff on the scale u need a steady hand

Silver Nitrate

Sodium Thiosulphate Anhydrous

Jars with 250 ml of Distilled Water and ingredients added

Both A+B mixed no reaction ,The liquid is CLEAR so we are good

Poured in these 2 bottles 500 ml sts total

The lady to be Sprayed for the first time its been 17 days since seed was above ground


Are you flipping the whole plant? Application that young will inhibit female flower formation. As such there will be nothing for her to pollinate. I just finished a fem seed run and am cleaning them up. I only flipped 2 branches and ended up with a nice haul


i am going to pop another seed today so i can pollinate both if possible.
these are autos so i hear its good to spray at 2-3 weeks old, when did u spray ures, and did u spray the whole plant @joheimgrohen

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Nice, thats a good haul

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Just soaked the bottom