Autoflowering repros and crosses (non brand specific)

Imma just leave this here, started my year off with a bang


22’ Galaxy Brain Pollen


8 just want to update the thread to say a single member (unsure if they want public credit) provided way more than I expected or needed to get restarted

I thank everyone for their offers of assistance and apologize I couldn’t individually contact everyone. I didn’t want to be greedy and accepted more than necessary

I will be started a grow log Legalcanada auto flower grow log


Hell yeah bro !

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That’s part of the point in private breeders. We do it for the fun of it, and to help our community, not for profit.

May all of us never have need to buy another seed!


That’s what im talking about making our own seeds…


were are these available ?? Great creations !!!

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I have some crosses if you are still interested in trading. They are untested but the seeds look great.

Chemmunity Service f4s
Strawberry Crinkle x Chem. Serv
Frosted Cherry O’s x Chem. Serv


will get back (PM) - are they fems ? I might have some strain that you might be looking for, ect No matter if un- tested


nice yield for an auto


I appreciate the compliment but😕 not sure what you mean by “nice yield for an auto”. Do most breeders only get a few beans with Autos? Cause honestly, while “yay!” it was a successful seed run, 100 seeds doesn’t seem like all that many as compared to the seed run i just finished harvesting.

Edit: I’m an occasional moron and you were probably talking about the flower yield. She did quite nicely. I think I pulled 5 oz? That was back in '19 I think. Caramelicious auto from i have 4 of her seeds left

My G13Labs auto Fro-yo seed increase and cross is completed. No I didn’t count each individual seed, I used math. This is roughly speaking
Fro-yo S1 ~2600 seeds
Blueberry Fro-yo ~4900seeds
Scoutcicle~2300 seeds

So this run, 4 plants, approximately 10,000 beans

I still need more washers before I can send them out into the world.


Only? :rofl:

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DAM DAM DAM, lots and LOTs of seeds…

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Yeah, “small” and I have never gotten along. Thank you, I hope the next run is just as successful! Although it’s not an auto run.

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I’ve done both well and crappy with autos. I made about 80 seeds this summer crossing Mephisto Mango Smile and Super Orange Haze. I was spraying the Mango Smile and hoped for some S1s but I only got a few. The Mango Smile was making pollen but the flowers weren’t opening. I’m running into that now with another seed run and am going to start picking the flowers off and drying them separately.

But when I made some Double Grape seeds, the plants I sprayed acted like pure males and I got a shitload of seeds.


What did you use for reversal CS or STS?..
If STS, what concentration? 0.3mM, 0,5mM?

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I have a great Amazon link 8$ prime delivery 200 washers.

I think I’m also going to step back a bit and only do maybe 100 ish seeds each run. I have about 8k from this last one in three strains minimum.

The previous one I got about 2500. But that was 12 strains. I’m going to stay low on the numbers I have no more seed space anymore.


I’m ready !

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Couldn’t tell you the concentration. My recipe is
1.6g sodium thiosulfate Pentahydrate to 100ml distilled water
1.7g Silver Nitrate to 100ml distilled water

Mix STP and SN solutions at 4:1 (80ml stp to 20 ml SN) and those branches looked like natural males after treatment