Ayahuasca tea

who here knows or has done this??
ayahuasca tea is a shaman drink with trippy effects, from all kinds of things, they say that the people who drink it go on to other great things, like more focus or attention in the brain after the consumption but after the medicine is gone like your thoughts and behavior is changed, so is it as rare as it is? anything similar i could get my hands on?


Ayahuasca is a mixture of an MAO inhibitor containing vine and DMT containing leafs. I’m sure most have seen a documentary or a podcast on it by now. I only have experience with DMT and I can tell you that this is heavy territory. A light DMT trip is visually more extreme than anything I ever experienced on mushrooms or LSD. It came up with a heavy bodyload of energy right until the ,break through‘ and followed with complete desintegration. Then I literally saw the light, passed through it and felt immense calmness. All while formless shadow goblins screeched at me in high pitched metal sounds in a multidimensional color and texture changing plane of existence.
I have not taken ayahuasca so far, but I would think that 4 hours of this could be life changing.


Sounds like Peyote, but good shrooms get me there easy these days.


DMT was hardcore. Cant image signing up for the extended release version with Ayahuasca… :slight_smile:


That is the result of the person, not the drugs.

Psychadelic experiences are not a requisite for greatness.


Agreed. Also interesting is that what you bring to the trip is more significant than the trip itself.


I love shrooms. My first psychedelic and one that really likes to throw me off the cliff. I had really heavy doses of shrooms. Experiencing extreme time dilution, being able to freeze a moment and chant colors to life. Like hearing a song fade out, have thoughts fire on all cylinders, then hearing the sound come back to the same spot. But mushrooms likely give me confusion on these levels. Not being able to think more than a syllable in my native language is not fun.


If you want to give it a try, it’s possible - but not exactly convenient.


I’ve got a couple Peruvian torch Cacti. Mescaline, similar to peyote.

My Aunt and Uncle went to the jungles of Costa Rica to an Ayahuasca retreat. Spent 4 days there and had the time of their life. It changed their outlook on things, life. :+1:


A high Salvia divorum concentrate gave me the most extreme out of body hallucinations and complete break down of the ego and back to normal in 30 minutes. Only downside is every trip I had was kind of scary and disturbing and honestly not really fun. I’ve never done dmt but some of the descriptions sound similar to my salvia trips.


Yea fuck that shit. I did it once and will never again! I’ve done LSD more times than I can count with no problems… @Qtip


Acid always felt like a sunny morning to me. :sun_with_face: same no problems.


Salvia may be the most intense trip I’ve ever had.

I spent 15 minutes laughing so hard I was crying while staring at a brick wall.

“What’s so funny?”
“You would never understand.”

Then I walked away off the property and down the sidewalk. Not good.

Doesn’t sound like much but it was a mind bending moment I will never forget. Short lived but very serious.

I wouldn’t do it again. I’m glad we were smart enough to take turns trip sitting.


The trip lasts 15 mins tops bro.

20x extract, 2 hits, never again.

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Ayahuasca lasts hours. It’s smoking dmt freebase that has the short effects.


Spent 2 months in the Peruvian Amazon jungle sitting in ceremonies with Shamans. Intense to say the least. I did purgatives, I fasted 5 days, did smoke baths, plant baths, flower baths and other “things”.
During the 2 months I had 24 ceremonies. Aya 3x a week. I don’t look at the world the same anymore. I feel more connected to nature. Intuition feels heightened. I feel more connected to myself and others depending on their energy.
My eyes are open to a lot that I never saw before such as how people behave and their actions. I have no more time for BS. Be real or be away. Life is too short to Dwell on petty things or to give attention to people who need drama in their lives.
For some people Aya is a good thing and for others it can be very detrimental. You must have a strong psyche to handle what you experience. For me I saw a lot of my traumas from my childhood and growing up to my current age. I saw my mistakes and how to fix them. I was able to forgive others through spirit and move on in life. I feel like Aya helped restore who I truly am and I was able to heal from many of my traumas in life.
As a result of a new outlook on life I find myself alienated from old friends and family members- but it’s all part of growing and reclaiming your power. Do away with that or those who don’t help you grow make you feel good about yourself. You don’t keep surrounding yourself around people who bring you down or shit on your Vibes. No matter who they are. I may be alone more often but I have my peace, my zen, my happiness.
If you have questions ask away.
One tip if you try her though, don’t trust a fart. :joy::joy::joy:


That Depends :wink:

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I was talking about ayahuasca, bro. DMT, if smoked by itself lasts the duration you stated. But it can also be modified.

I once got some changa that knocked me out straight. My trip sitter said I would pack a bowl and be completely comatosed for an hour. No memory whatsoever. Felt back like nothing happened, did it again: same result. I cursed the guy for ripping me off.

Then at night I was riding a super sonic train through the desert. Changed bodies with a fighter pilot who did a top gun manoeuvre over the train. Very vivid dreams.

I later found out that the guy who made that changa was straight out of a vice documentary. He had put freebase harmalin and probably other stuff in that particular batch.

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Salvia is like a sinister sister of DMT.

I had one very heavy experience after ripping two bowls of 5x in a row, each held for half a minute. A feeling like static energy came all over my body with a strange prickling sensation. Then I turned into a bodiless grin, think Cheshire Cat but in yellow. The whole room had become yellow jello and I had become one with it. It made me laugh so hard, that I actually feared laughing to death.

Wasn’t worse than my first shroom trip, just more intense. So next time I went for 25x. Yeah… I hadn’t finished blowing it out before the room started turning multidimensional. I was sitting on one edge of this thing. Every few seconds I would pass the grinning face of my trip sitter, whom I would try to ask if we were in the same dimension now. It really became frustrating as I could see his face moving out of my field of vision into the next dimension. image

The next two experiences made me quit that stuff: I would smoke some and as soon as I blew it out, my trip manifested as physical entity. The face of my trip sitter, who was definitely not at my place. I ran up the stairs, where I would sit and watch him looking out of my room and grinning at me. Menacingly.
Happened twice. Exactly the same experience.

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I’m looking forward to my first Auahuasca experience this weekend. I love that you took the time to integrate the insights you gained from your first experience before going again. It’s almost like a calibration that the copy/printer machines do every so often, so they run optimally. Can’t wait to calibrate!

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