Back In The Saddle Again

I know it’s not Friday, but damn they are stacking hard now.

Day 33. 20-30 days left on these girls.
Well, the Cindy at least. We will see on the 88.75.
The 88.75 is the front right plant for anyone who was wondering.



Day 39 of 12/12. We are on autopilot now just waiting for the swell and the finish.

#5 is still my favorite. The aroma and the resin production is off the charts.

See ya next time.



dale cooper thumbs up flash light twin peaks


Very nice! I want mine to look like that when I grow-up
:seedling: :green_heart: :seedling:


Well, I am a few days late on an update, but what is it they say? Better late than never? Haha

Day 47 of 12/12 and the girls in flower are looking and smelling phenomenal.

As for the Top Dawg gear, all but 1 turned out to be male. Just the way the cookie crumbles sometimes.

I decided to stick her outside and see what happens.

In the meantime I am popping a handful of Mandelbrot’s Royal Kush BX 10.
Debating whether to start a new log for those or just keep them here.



I’m excited for those royal kush! Been interested in that strain for a while.


I have been wanting the Royal for a while. I am pretty excited myself.


I just realized I didn’t give you guys any bud shots on that last update.

C99 #5 is most likely a keeper. The smoke will tell the tale. She should finish in 8 weeks, possibly 7.5. She smells like pineapples and race fuel. I never found fuel in any of the Brothers Grimm Cindy’s I have grown in the past, so I am finally a little more stoked on this grow again.



That’s the typical c99 I’m used to seeing.Looks nice and has all the right smells happening.


Thanks. She looks right for sure, and the pineapple I was used to is there, but the fuel is new to me. I never found that in C99 before. Maybe I just never got lucky.



Mail call is always fun. Thanks to Mr Bob Hemphill I don’t feel so bad about all the Top Dawg beans ending up all being males. I have high hopes for these running along side the Royal Kush.


Wow! That is a thing of beauty. :heart_eyes:


Thanks Floyd! I knew you would pop in sooner or later. :grin:


Well guys and girls, I apologize for my lack of updates. I am having a hard time getting quality photos under the HPS lately, so I got in today as soon as the lights went out to grab a few shots.
We are currently at day 62 of 12/12 on the Brothers Grimm stuff. Everything is finishing up nicely. It is looking like day 65 - 70 will be our harvest window.

Here are a couple shots of the 88.75 which is the 88 G13 BX.

The rest are shots of the Cinderella 99

All in all I am pretty happy with the looks of everything.
Currently in veg we have the Royal Kush from Mandelbrot, and the mom room is filling up with the Oilspill from Mandelbrot, Mac1, Kush Mints, GMO, Biscotti, Sundae Driver and Apple Fritter. We are slowly putting together a decent library again, and may need to expand. Hahaha

As for the outdoor stuff, the C-99 clones flowered early due to 6 days of heavy cloud cover and going out a week earlier than I would have liked, but you live and learn. I have been gas lighting them for the last week so hopefully they revert soon.
The 3 Chems 2.0 from Top Dawg on the other hand is going beast mode. She is a very vigorous girl.

Well, thats all for now. See ya at harvest time.



Can’t wait to see the monster tree your gonna have in that pot. Great looking buds good luck with your harvest.


Thanks. She should yield a bit if she can finish. :sunglasses:

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Last update before the chop. We are on day 68 of 12/12. I will let them finish out day 70 and chop them the following day. They have pumped some serious resin in the last 2 days, and their final push has come to an end.

The outdoor girls are loving life. The clones that started flowering early have reverted to veg growth. Funky singles and threes. Another few weeks and they should take off. I got them tied down, and need to get their cages up this week. They will also get a kelp and alfalfa tea this week as they have had nothing but rain water so far. Haven’t watered once in 3 weeks. :sunglasses:


Looking good gonna be some huge plants by fall . She gonna be quite the show .


nice setup, you got some kind of fork lift there?


Yes we do have a forklift should anything need to move, but the pallets are strictly for drainage and air pruning purposes. The soil here is about as bad as it gets. Ultra compact clay with a crazy hard pan layer. The area those are in collects water and doesn’t drain very efficiently. Last year the stuff I did in fabric pots straight on the ground didn’t fare well and roots rotted on the bottoms due to constantly being soaked from the lack of drainage. The pallets they are on have a ton of holes in them as you can sort of see that should eliminate that problem this year. That is the idea anyway.