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That’s what I assumed and the IP68 for waterproof/dust rating. Disappointing for sure. The other side just has the CE and that’s it. Nothing on the cords themselves either. I sent an email to the light company. Maybe they’ll get back to me.

@Coda This looks right and perfect, but the amperage and voltage are wrong, no?

If you look at the picture you posted, there is a divider between the two male pins that I don’t see on these extensions.

Yep, didn’t notice that one didn’t have it. The one before did, but was short. Thought that was the same, but longer. Is it hard to buy the connectors and connect them to a cord?

Not hard at all. Digikey is my second home and they sell Field Installable connectors. Personally, I would buy two mating field installable connectors and make my own two cables. You would have to remove the molded cables from the driver and the light, but it shouldn’t be an issue. I can already see what the light manufacturer is doing. They are buying molded cables and connectors and installing them on the light and driver. Problem is, the standard length I’m seeing for those types of molded cable assemblies are 1 and 2 meter lengths.


Two meters would be plenty, but I don’t know about any of this unfortunately. Hopefully the light company gets back to me and I can just buy some extension cables.


I would be very surprised, but I’m rooting for you :slight_smile:


I’m sure it’s easy to make my own cord and replace the current one, but I have no idea how to do any of that. The other thing is, if I went that route, could I only remove the cord from the driver or light and just make that one cord longer? I only really need one of them longer to get the driver outside of the tent.

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If the goal is just to make the cord longer and you don’t care about quick disconnect, you can just buy a length of cable and hard wire it to the driver and light.


What’s the difference in that and removing one side and putting a longer cord with a quick-connect connector on there? Way easier or something? Being able to pop them off of the lights easily is convenient.

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You could do what Iceman suggested. Safety should be the number one priority though. I wouldn’t use Wago connectors without tape any more than I would use a wire nut without tape.


Feeling like these drivers are staying in the tent. Haha


Finding the exact mating quick connector.


I couldn’t just reuse the one I have now? I don’t know why I’m still asking stuff. Haha Im not going to end up doing all of this and risking being out a light or burning everything down.


You can. It will still have to be spliced somewhere though. Splicing is safe. It just has to be done correctly.


It’s a wise man who knows his limitations.


Trust me bro…it’s a lot simpler than you think.
If you can grow plants…this all is moot…:wink::v:t3::green_heart:


I’d need someone to walk me through it step-by-step and to tell me exactly what materials and tools I’d need. I’m not trying to hassle anyone like that. Also, last time I tried something like that the thing didn’t work completely correctly and then the person said they would’ve used something different for one part, even though they’re the one who made the list and approved all of the items I bought. ‘‘Twas a nightmare. Haha


I understand completely. I do want to iterate something here if you don’t mind. I see a lot of people recommending Wago connectors for cables and I’m here to warn you, that is not what they’re meant for. Wago splices are basically terminal blocks. They’re meant for discrete wires inside an enclosure. Wires that don’t get pulled on. Cable connectors have strain relief clamps because cables get pulled on, twisted and rolled up.

I’m happy to help whichever route you choose.


Huge thanks for all of the help and the offer to further help!! I’m going to wait and let the light company tell me that if I buy some more lights they’ll make some extension cords for me, but that’s about the only way I’m guessing they’ll do it. Haha After that, I’m thinking I’d like to look into removing the cord from the driver and lengthening that cord to 8’-10’. Would be sooo much easier to manipulate environment in the tent with them outside of the tent.