BackyardBoogie's Indoor Grow Journal

Hey all and welcome! I’m hoping to finally get a proper online grow journal together for the first time ever. Instead of my old method of frantically writing in a notebook. A little background on myself; I was a commercial organic grower(mostly light dep greenhouses) and hashmaker in California for a long time during the 215 era and beyond until a recent disability. Now I just grow/breed for fun/personal medicine and to share genetics I really enjoy with others.

My modest little setup these days is just a 5x5 tent with a 800 watt Mammoth LED 10 bar, and a 2x4 tent with a utility rack to allow 3 levels(top level for teens, middle level for clones/sprouting seeds, bottom level for moms) with some HLG and generic LEDS with samsung diodes. I use Pride Lands Veg/Bloom as well as Buddha Grow/Bloom with teas 2x a week in 4-5 year old promix I reuse over and over. Keeps everything all organic and extremely simple for me.

Top dress every 2 weeks in flower, weekly in veg. Teas/Buddha every 3-4 days. In between feedings I use capillary mats with a Blumat surface sensor and a 5 gal bucket raised up for a ultra cheap and simple gravity system. Also makes moving plants in and out much easier than drip lines. In the summer, the res can go thru 4+ gal a day, so it really saves me a ton of time and keeps the plants optimized.

Currently running a small pheno hunt of some Chem 91 and Chem D S1s from CSI Humboldt to compare to my Neroli 91 Keepers from Bodhi/old Chem cuts i had way back when. Hoping to really capture the magic of the Chems in a seed line without too much wonkyness. Ive been running someTresdawg(ChemD F3 from JJ @ Top Dawg) lines, and found it to be an insane herm rate and a muted effect/flavor, which is something I never had issue with in the Neroli/old cuts.

Plants were vegged in half gallon pots about 6 weeks, and have been topped once and supercropped a couple times to keep the canopy even. A round of clones was taken to spot the best cloners in the bunch. Some are showing a lot more vigor and bug resistance. Right before flipping to flower a day ago, plants were stripped down to one node and potted up to 5-7 gals. Normally I run single cola sae of green and dont defoliate at all before flipping to flower. but in the case of bushed out plants that ive cloned off, I always strip’n’flip like the “3 a light” method.

The 5x5 also has some homemade seeds I’m testing in various phases. All I do to test seeds is veg them 2-3 weeks in 3-4 inch fabric pots on a capillary mat until they get 3-4 nodes. Then flip to flower and keep them in the nursery pots until they show sex(usually 2-3 weeks depending on strain). Then load 7-10 plants into a 10 gal fabric pot to finish flowering. It keeps the turnaround time super quick.As well as allows a ton of plants in a small space. Another big advantage is not having large amounts of bud of undesirable phenos. And if I find anything really special, I’ll reveg it at harvest.


Hey BB, glad you found a new place to post, and I’m looking forward to reading this journal as it’s updated. :+1:


Welcome to OG my friend, great introduction! Looking forward to the adventure! You are gonna absolutely love this place! Welcome to the fam :facepunch:t2:


There he is!!! Hey Boogie! Glad you made it!! Pretty cool to see you here! I’m looking forward to watching you grow here. O.G. Is topped off with great people. I hope you enjoy spending some time here as much as I do!


Also I literally am just finishing up a run of Chem-D S1 and some BBW from Caleb as well! Got some epic plants! That’s interesting about the tresdawg crosses :face_with_monocle:


Welcome to OG @BackyardBoogie420 :wink::green_heart::herb:
Happy to have you around. :slightly_smiling_face:
Straight up firings Chems with your new journal! :fire::boom::alien:
Nice setup and wishing you the best!


Great to hear! i had the chem D as a clone in like 2013-14 and I’m still kickin myself for losing it lol. Hoping to find something close, it was a personal all time favorite.

The Tresdawg results I’ve been getting are really messin my head up to be honest. I love Bodhi’s Wookie crosses that are (Appalachia x Lavendar), and Appalachia is Tresdawg based, but I can’t figure out for sure if the Tres in Appalachia was hunted serperately or not. Because Ive grown a good few Wookie crosses, and I can’t get them to herm, even with extreme intentional stress like giving 24 hours of light for several days in the middle of flower.


Very interesting :thinking:

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Welcome to the show bro :sunglasses:, I am in to watch. Can you post some pictures of your setup so we can get a better understanding of what’s up. Would make it very interesting. :partying_face::sunglasses::v:

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Thanks so much everyone for all the kind words! Here are some better pics of my little setup. About half of the 5x5 was harvested/refilled 4 days ago with some CSI ChemD/91 S1s, as well as an overflow Neroli91 and Heavenly Sativa mom. After the strip/n/flip, the new plants have already just about doubled in size.
I’ve already got them backed up as clones, and am really trying to not overflow my space too much. For me, a really big factor for a keeper mom is how well it clones. So any plants that didn’t clone well will usually get tossed. I’ve had situations in past where the bad cloner is the best in the bunch, but it hasn’t been worth trying to keep a junky cloning plant in my experience. Usually more heartache and frustration than anything.

In the back of the tent is a 10 gal with about 10 NL5 F6s to practice a little hunt(the really ugly ones lol). As well as a Snow Lotus, a kinda wonky Chem D, a 10 gal pot of bodhi Deep line alchemies(kandahar and pakistani) as well as a 10 gal pot of testers of seeds Ive recently made with fun keepers that’s promising. There has been insane aphid swarms all over my area, specifically at my next door neighbors house(literally 1000s), and my tents got mauled about a week ago. But releasing nematodes and ladybugs(inside and out) completely cleared them in just a couple days. I live in a neighborhood that was apricot orchards for 100 years, so the bugs out here are plague level without a good IPM program. Especially this time of year. Maybe I’ll do a detailed post on my whole IPM regime if folks are interested. I stole it from a dude who used to grow 2000 lbs a month.

As for veg, bottom level has moms in half gal or 2 gal pots. stuff I’m hunting still gets half gals, and keepers get 2 gals. RIght now the only ones in 2 gals are my favorite Neroli91 and my “Lav” I’ve had for about 3 years now(really amazing lavendar dom pheno of lemon wookie I found).

Middle level is for seeds/clones. But right now I’m just popping some seeds. Tray on the right is some Katsu IBL to try to fill the void losing the clone years back. Tray on the left is the last of my 2018 Snow Lotus repo stock. It was stored in a back room stuffed with bags of trim for years, and the germ rates are dropping and I plan to stick all the plants outside for a quick and dirty open pollenation.

Top level is just some backed up clones in 3x5 in fabric pots(from root pouch). Today I plan to start potting up all those seeds and finish loading the top level with the Sour D’s. And the Snow Lotus will start hardening off outside and then ill load up some 30 gal pots with a bunch of plants per pot. I like to do at least 20 per 30 gal since they don’t get much light and won’t fill out too much. But the goal is seed not buds, so I’m not worried about it at all.

Hopefully this helps give a better idea of my little setup. I’ll also put my cheat sheet that shows exactly what I do day to day in a clean format for anyone confused by my ramblings lol.


Nice write up on what’s going on in your garden.
I find that info regarding selecting mom’s by their clone-ability :grin: very useful.:v:t3:
How large or tall would those plants get indoors in 10gal pots?
U seem to busy with plants of all stages…must be years since you took a break eh? :sunglasses::wink:

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Thanks! I try to flower them under 2 feet tall, mostly because ive got a lot of stuff that jumps like crazy in flower. I get 4+ foot tall plants all the time still. But in this case being mostly untested stuff, I just kinda toss em with a few decent tops in and hope for the best and try to not overstuff them too much.

I took a year sabbatical a few years back. But it was cuz I was makin ungodly amounts of hash and didn’t have time for plants. Barely had time to sleep. Other than that its been basically non-stop for a long time. At this point, I’m afraid if I stopped growing my head would explode or something :joy:


Yeah…i was wondering…if I grew in 10gal pots coco perlite, i need to be prepared for trees! :joy:
But I understand soil grows are different.


Yeah 10 gal of perlite would be crazy lol. Since I’m in organic soil I always try to give as much root space as possible. And the 10 gals are just the heaviest size pot I’m willing to lift so I can easily pull plants out to work on.

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Sorry for the delayed update. But not much of note until today, just regular tea and buddha grow/bloom, as well as top dressing in flower weekly. Normally I keep up with maintenance and do everything from harvesting to replanting in the flower tent and cloning up moms in one frantic dash over a couple days. I did harvest the NL5s and pulled a couple phenos that had hilariously big bud structure to practice revegging on.

I replaced the NL5s with a 4 more of my choice Neroli91 pheno, as well as a decent looking Chem D clone. I already have a few too many clones, so I don’t mind stuffing em in there. Trying to see how much yield I can sneak out of a 10 gal for fun.

I dont think I mentioned it, but all I do to dry is put them on a clothes hanger between my tents. For larger amounts Ill use some 5 foot fencing wrapped in a cylinder stuck in between the tents since its got plenty of passive airflow, and is the darkest spot in the garage. Its super easy to move, and can hold a few lbs of buds. Ive tried drying inside, but last time I did the whole house stunk of gasoline, and I don’t need my whole life smelling like bud anymore. I already lived that life for long enough.

I use the Pride Lands veg mix at day 7, then the bloom at day 14. The Chemdog 91/D S1s from CSI are all jumping really nicely. Especially since some of them were the less vigorous and some were pretty ugly in veg. But I’m only looking for a single winner, so the rest is just bonus smoke. My single plant of my favorite pheno of Neroli 91 been absolutely blowing up.

The testers of my seeds have been really promising as well. Some wild really unique smells, especially in some of the Lav x Temples. As well as some really big bud structures coming in. But with all the Bodhi deep line Pakistani crosses and Chem D, the overwhelming smell of the tent when I open it is dump trunk/dirty hobo on the side of a freeway. After so many years of having to grow sweet and kushy strains, I love the changeup.

In the veg tent, I did just take a total of about 70ish(I just do a rough count) cuts off my Lav, favorite Neroli91, as well as a couple of Chemdog D/91s that didn’t clone well the first round, but seem pretty tough so I’m giving them one more shot. In my experience, giving new seed plants two chances to make good clones is good protocol. Sometimes a seed plant can be a little behind on that first round, and I dont want to accidentally toss a potential winner. Like the highass stoner I am, I totally forgot to take pictures pre-cutting up the moms. But Ill be sure to next time. With the heat spell happening and the tiny pots, its been kind of a pain keepin them wet. But it’s nothing dragging in the hose can’t handle.

The Katsu Sour D seedlings and few clones on the top rack are all doing really well. Very soon Ill pot up some choice clones for future potential moms/backups to try to keep everything really small.

I also plan to do some small experiments with aerocloning as well to see if I cant be even more lazy about it and ideally save a couple bucks on rooters. A decade ago now as a rookie grower I got great results with a couple cuts here and there in an aerocloner. But I opted for rooters at large scale and want to mess around with it again. I already have the unit, just need to score some neoprene from the hydro store tomorrow. The only thing Im worried about is the higher temps, but Ive had success before in the summer.


Mmm, dump trunk dirty side of the freeway hobos, my favorite. Sounds wonderful, and what stunning plants you have! I’m about to harvest a chem cross a member on here made, it’ll be the first time I smoke real chem and I’m looking forward to my first joint.

I hadn’t heard of Neroli91, sounds interesting. Seedfinder states it has a citrus street type smell. How accurate is that? That terp profile makes me imagine the 1 stop at 181 St in NYC. There was always a fella making fresh orange juice right at the subway entrance, always smelled like some good NYC trash mixed with fresh citrus.


Yeah Ive really missed those nasty smells! I had the Chem D like a decade ago now, and that nasty smell sticks with you lol. There is a lot of dirty hobo smells coming the Pakistani deep line cross, so in combo with they all kinda devolve into that big city public transit smell lol. minus the piss. but i did have a haze about a year ago that was all dog piss/vomit. That would have really rounded out the nasty!

Luckily most Chem crosses carry that amazing potency. Only issue is they are so popular amongst folks like me, the seeds are generally really pricey and sell out right away. Even the Neroli91s I scooped sold out in right after I bought mine. And that was day of the drop, so I barely pulled it off.

In typical Seedfinder style, it gets the Neroli91 genetics right, but the description is completely wrong haha. I just made a ton of F2s of it that Im about to pop so I cant say 100% theres 0 citrus in the recessive genes, but in the 7 females of the F1 i ran, there was no citrus of any kind. TBH they were all pretty uniform in terms of smoke, but the more chemical/gassy, the more potency for sure. There was a more squat wookie lookin pheno, as well as the bigass jumpy pheno that I selected towards. I pulled the most Chemdog-y looking and smelling plants to breed with. It was super simple, big beefy plants with the strongest heavy gas/industrial chemical smell(like the old number 2 pencil erasers back when they used the good chemicals on em). At most just a touch of incense on the exhale, but really mild in comparison.

Ive ran a bunch of wookie crosses, and the only one that the citrus really came thru was the dom pheno of lemon wookie. But even then had a buncha lavendar stuff in it too that I much prefer. I always see wookies as adding gas from the appalachia, and a tough of incense/lavendar. a perfect example is the TK x wookie i recently ran thats basically what an OG wants to be. Super gassy kush. Reminds me exactly of the TK91 pheno I hunted and ran in my commercial days. I had all the fancy OG cuts like Fire, Ghost, and Diamond, and tossed em all once I got the TK91 in production. Really special combo in that cross. But most 91 crosses have some magic in em from my experience.


hello dude,I saw your catpiss trainwreck skunk thread recently over at thc.

Good to see you on overgrow.

and I believe that story you told 100%!!!:slightly_smiling_face:

hope you find some amazing stuff on your travels.


basil dashwood🙂

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Alright, back at it with another quick and dirty update! Although were in a nasty heat wave here on the west coast, the indoor plants have been staying very happy. A big reason for that is I run my 5x5 from 9pm to 9am, and veg from 9pm to 3pm. Having the lights off in the hottest part of the day really helps me. Im also in a garage, so in the evenings if its hot, Ill open the garage door/back door and thatll lower the temp in minutes. The tents are floating around 80-85 degrees and 40-60% RH, even when its triple digits outside. Part of it is tons of airflow, but the garage also doesnt get afternoon sun, so that really helps me out a ton. Last year I was still dialing things in, and was clearing 95 a lot, so I’m happy about my little improvements.

It’s been right about 17 days since i put out some CSI Chem D an 91 S1s, as well as my favorite Neroli91 keeper to compare. The nicer plants have all just about tripled in size in 17 days from getting strip’n’flipped and dropped from half gal/2 gal pots up into 7-10 gal pots. This is a really useful trick I’ve done for years now, and don’t see mentioned much. Of course unlimited root space in veg is ideal. In reality, that’s not always the best option. I dont mind keeping plants in small pots in veg. But I have found using organic soil, they really want as much root space as possible in flower. So while going from a half gal to a 10 gal may seem really strange on paper, the results are usually great. Especially on strains that have the potential to jump a lot post-12/12.

The rest of the older plants in flower are coming along pretty well. Most of them are just about exactly 3 weeks older than the most recent Chems, so Ill pull and leaves off them as well on Tues or Weds. Doing the 3 week staggering on harvests is an old commercial trick I did. So I could strip down multiple sections in a day or 2. Makes the workflow a lot easier since I only have to clean up once.

As far as the clones, I ended up plugging right about 50. Half were just from my keeper Neroli91 mom in a 2 gallon pot, and the others were the leftover CSI Chems that didn’t root the first round. So at this point, the older moms will get tossed into flower soon, since I have a decent idea if its a good cloner or not. I already have clones of the nicest ones about a foot tall and itching to get into a bigger pots. I also plan to take some cuttings off any nice looking plants already in flower when I do the big day 21 leaf strip on Tuesday or Wednesday. I’ve found its a perfect time to take cuttings so they will take very little space until you can harvest and smoke the buds and really decide.


Hey @BackyardBoogie420 , I’m Budderton. Nice to meet you. I dig your screen name. Just got caught up. Great thread! I like your selections and the way you speak on canabis. I’m subbed in now, if you don’t mind me kicking around.