BackyardBoogie's Indoor Grow Journal

Hey, i appreciate it, and thanks for following! Backyard Boogie was a term we used back in the day for growing way too much in a suburban backyard. I had a sneaky 40 foot greenhouse right in midtown Santa Cruz, so I’d just say “I’m not growing that much, just a little backyard boogie” lol


Finally have a pretty interesting update, so here goes nothing! Just did my day 21 ish leaf strip on the Chem D and 91 S1 seeds, as well as a single Neroli 91 and Heavenly Sativa clones from my keeper moms. For anyone who isn’t familiar with the method, I pull off all fan leaves and small lower bud sites. It is the most work of the entire grow, and seems really radical at first, but I swear by it now. I also use it as a chance to take clones off any nice plants from lower branches that need to get pulled anyway. This time I only did it with the nicest Chem D in flower. Mostly for redundancy. Heres the tent before any leaf stipping/moving of plants.

Everything was stripped to one node and flowered at right about a foot tall, and the larger Neroli and bigger Chems seeds have all grown to about 3 feet tall and filled out great. Which is one of my favorite attributes of a powerful Chem. That big jump saves me so much time and space in veg vs running squat indicas. It’s always really fun and informative to see my favorite plants next to new seeds to really compare the yield/vigor. If I don’t have them in a true side-by-side, I don’t feel like I have a real comparison. So this is an important test for me.

(upload://emoKfovnE8hALppH0hXhEPffMvo.jpeg) ![IMG_0926|375x500] ![IMG_0664|375x500]
So far, the better plants from the S1s are looking just like my Neroli91 clone, which is promising. There’s also a couple runty ones, and some that are just okay. It seems like the Chem D S1s have a good bit more vigor than the 91 S1s. But as expected with S1s, a good % is just kinda okay, and there’s a few clear standouts. There was one plant that was just generally unimpressive, so I pulled it and replaced it with a recently cloned bonsai mom. It’s a dirty old trick I like to do. Clone a mother plant, give it 3-5 days to recover a little, and throw it into flower.

As for the older flowering plants, there’s no big updates. Just chunking up. I rearranged the tent to put the smallest plants in the middle, and the largest plants in the sides and corners. Some really amazing smells coming off my Lav x Temple(from bodhi) testers. I only popped 6, but there’s a couple that are just like the Lav mommy, and there’s one that looks more hazy, but has the most amazing feminine floral old lady perfume smell. I had a few buddies recently and they had the same reaction of smelling it, then pulling back with a confused look. I’ve never even smelled anything quite like it. So I am extremely excited to pop a bunch and really hunt through them. I sent a good amount of them to folks, so I really hope others find plants as nice as I have. Heres the tent post-strip/rearrangement.

Here is the Neroli91 x OM4 tester thats really impressing me. Right about week 6.

The clones from the moms I attempted to reclone are looking like they will all die. Which was expected, but I have to test them twice so I can get rid of them with confidently. No hard feelings, but they didnt make the cut to stay in the stable! With the newly added space, I potted up some clones of Heavenly Sativa, the 2 best Neroli 91 phenos, as well as a couple ChemD/91 S1s that are the best of the bunch in 3x5 inch pots to half gal/2 gal pots. The nice clones are already over a foot tall, and about to the point where they need to be watered twice a day, so it’s time. I also put the Lav mom from a 2 to a 3 gal since it was looking a little unhappy after the cloning. Being able to pot up a mom if something gets a little wonky is a big reason I like to keep them in as small of pots as possible. Back when I kept moms in 5 gals, if something happened I’d jump them up to a 10, and theyd get huge and unruly after a while.Theres also a couple overflow plants still in 3 inch pots that I am hoping to give to a friend locally. Until then, theyre stuffed in between the bigger plants.

With the newly added space, I am going to pop a new round of seeds. It’s a perfect time to run a good amount of my newly made Neroli91 F2s to pheno hunt and really see what I’m working with. I plan to only do about 50, since I don’t have a huge stock. This first run is really to see what’s in there vs really focusing on selections without having smoked any buds. Knowing myself, I may keep back a male or 3, and reveg a few nice plants at harvest. But I always go in expecting to toss everything, and let myself be surprised if it turns out well. I do plan to take it to F3 if the F2s are as good as I hope, but after all the time Ive already spent on this little project, I don’t want to start cutting corners now.

As for the Sour Diesel IBLs from Katsu, Ill most likely put them in flower in a couple weeks once I harvest some more stuff. The Optimus Lime freebie that was sent with it came out looking and smelling pretty nice, but it doesnt kick like the Sour Diesel crosses I’m used to. Which leads me to believe it is not a line based on the cut I used to have. Which was my suspicion all along. It seems like after reading thru the sour d thread on here, that the cut I had was a dead ringer to the Notsodog Sour Diesel. Which would make sense. I got the cut twice, once in Aptos, and once outta SF. So it seems it was the same one floating around Norcal ten years back now. Ive also got some sneaky things behind the scenes on this diesel endeavor, and plan to pop seeds of some more obscure stuff very soon.


Lots to update this round. First off, I harvested a few more plants. A 10 gal pot with a few Bodhi Deep Line Alchemy 11 (Pakistani x 88g13hp). They looked surprisingly more modern and frosty than expected. With a very distinct dirty hippy sort of smell. Gives me flashbacks to EDM festivals, but I can’t wait to try them. After harvest, I pulled back and labeled some choice plants for revegging since they take up very little space until I get to smoke test and decide if anythings worth keeping long term. I’m also doing a little experiment of revegging with all the buds removed vs leaving them. Ive done it both ways, but never in a side-by-side.

I also took down some Jingle Cheese from the homie @Andrane . There’s some really nice cheesy smells and skunk #1-looking big buds. I will repot and reveg a couple of these as well and give the smoke test soon. My general practice is usually to take way too many revegs with the expectation some will die in the process. But it’s another one of those stress tests I like to do on plants. Because you never know when you may lose everything and have to reveg to keep stuff alive.

Immediately after harvesting, I pulled a runty Chem that was just taking up space and bugging me, then dropped in 3 new Chem 91/D S1s as well as the Sour Diesel IBLs to replace them. I did my usual strip’n’flip since these have had a couple rounds of cuttings and potted them into 7s. As for the Sour D’s, I just set them on the cap mat. So they’ll be on autopilot until they show sex.I don’t normally like to stagger just a few days apart, but in this circumstance, I wanted to make sure stuff finishing flower was really given a fair shot and not harvested early. It also really helps me clear out some space in the veg tent. At this point, I’ve got choice plants of both the 91 and D backed up as clones and vegging as moms, so clearing space is a must right now. Worst case scenario, if some plants arent ready to harvest when I’m ready to refill the tent, I will just pop em outside to finish. I don’t do that trick too often, but I am never afraid to in the summer/fall. I dont care about messing with light cycles the last week or so if I dont plan to reveg or anything like that. Comes back to my light dep days where I’d stop giving the plants an artificial 12/12 the last week and let them get the full summer sun and air.

I also just prepped a 10x20 tray with a 72 cell insert and a random scoop of unamended soil to pop a bunch of seeds. This round I am going to do 50 Neroli91 F2s, as well as about 12 Lav x Neroli 91s I just made from the same male to compare with the parents. All i’ll do is keep the tray under mild light with a dome(vents open) and mist it 2x a day with a cheapo sprayer to keep everything nice n moist until i see the first sprouts popping. Usually 2-3 days.

After a good dry and partial cure on the NL5s, They still held on to their hilarious shape and large structure. The smoke is without a doubt better than the vast majority of indicas on the market. It is a lot more complex and not boring like a lot of modern highs. But even then, I only smoke heavy indicas occasionally in the evenings to help with sleep. So this will be enough for me for a while. But I really did want to compare all these uninspired modern indicas I’ve been running vs something older. And without too much surprise, the older stuff may not look as nice. But the high seems to almost always win. The flavor is nothing to write home about, but not awful.

I also smoke tested the really runty and ugly Chem D S1 i recently chopped. The buds ended up looking a lot nicer than I thought. Also decent density. The flavor/smoke is very gassy and trashy/skunky. Not exactly like I remember, but not terribly far off. The potency is for sure there, but the high was very tense and anxiety inducing. I gave some to my best friend of almost 25 years who’s my go to test dummy. And he didn’t like it either. Normally he loves even racy sativas I throw at him, but this one felt more tense and weird. Which is nothing like what I remember Chem D to be like. But it was also a really odd runt that had several odd mutations, so I assume that’s not par for the course for the rest of them. From my memory, Chem D had a really fun and more relaxing high, but it has been many years since I’ve grown it. And I will never pretend my stoner memory is perfect haha.


You found me or did i find you?:wink::sweat_smile:
Awesome post man. Great update! @BackyardBoogie420

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Even though it’s only been a few days, a good bit is happening, so here’s another update. First, the Neroli91 F2s and Lav x Neroli91 seeds have sprouted. Most were popping within 24 hours, and by this morning they were begging for bigger pots. So I got them all potted up to 3x5 fabric pots this morning before the heat got bad. There are about 50 total. There were a couple more seeds looking like they may pop, but I’ll let them hang out a few more days to get a fair shot. I don’t keep a close count. But the amount of vigor right out the gate has me really excited.

I also potted up the best Chem 91 and Chem D S1s into 2 gal pots to give them a real shot at being production mothers. I also found a couple of really nice bonsai pots, and figures I’d drop an extra Neroli91 clone in it. I used to do cannabonsais for fun as houseplants many years ago, and figured since I have some space may as well have a little fun. So far the Chem D looks a lot more resistant than the 91 S1s, and seems to be about on par with my Neroli91 mom in terms of vigor. Which is a pretty high bar. Besides that, there are a few plants in my mother area. Neroli91, a couple Heavenly Sativas I’m trying to keep small, and one Lav in a 3 gal. She’s my oldest girl and deserves only the best.

Another quick thing I should mention is I finally put a lemonade jug with a very small hole drilled at the bottom to be a ghetto rez for the capillary mat on the floor for the moms. If I fill it up with water and set it on the mat with the cap sealed, it will regulate moisture for me for a day or so in the 2x4. I’ve also done it with gallon jugs a bunch. People may look at you funny, but it’s a great trick I use all the time.

With the little bit of available space left, I decided to pull the trigger and start some more diesel based seeds. Not a big pop, but some more obscure stuff. First is Headband x Chem91 from the recent Notsodog x CSI drop through the Breeders Syndicate. Headband was my favorite strain around 2010 from the Bay Area dispos, and it’s been my white whale ever since. I’ve never gotten to grow the real headband, so I am really excited for this. Second is some Diesel x GMO testers. Which may not sound exciting on paper, but they are supposed to be sourced from the original crew which hasn’t been circulated publically, not the AJ or Rez cuts. Both have a ton of potential, and I plan to take my time with them and really give them a fair shot vs my normal turn and burn with seeds.

As for the 5x5. There are a few more plants getting really close to harvest, so I am just keeping an eye. The Older larger plants are still jumping like crazy, and I had to raise my lights another few inches. Too much more and I’m going to be totally capped on space. The two 10 gal pots with the Neroli91 clones are already getting overgrown, which is always fun. There’s 2 Chem S1s I just dropped into there as replacements a couple days ago that are looking awful. So I dropped a clone of a Chem D S1 and Heavenly Sativa. It has been hot, so my guess is the 91s just aren’t loving it.

Also chopped a few testers down. Most of them were crosses of different males onto my Lav, and it’s looking like about 75% are really Lav leaning. Which is kind of surprising considering it was a recessive pheno. But the whole goal was to have something close backed up as seed, so I’ll put that in the win category. There was one really amazing Neroli91 x OM4 male plant with a massive cola that I harvested, then gently pulled the rest of the plant out and repotted into a plastic 1 gal pot to reveg.

Also got to smoke a little joint of smalls of the Bodhi Deep Line Alchemy 11 off the drying line because I’m impatient. I won’t dare judge the flavor at this point, but I can attest the effect is absolutely fantastic. Really soaring upper high with really no perceivable “indica” effect. I smoked it with my best friend/designated tester as per usual, and we were both really into it. It’s not too dissimilar to the effect of my Heavenly Sativa, which is a Haze x Pakistani, so it’s really interesting to compare. I feel like a lot of people are missing out by not adding more Pakistani stuff into more modern lines. But that’s a side tangent!


Things are finally getting pretty fun in the flower tent. The big older Chems and Heavenly Sativa had continued to jump well past the day 21 leaf strip, and are all chest high on me. Which is even bigger than I expected, and I am right on that line of capping out the height of my tent. A couple days ago I raised the light as high as it would go, and now all I can do is hope they don’t jump too much more. But I could have worse problems.

After about 7 months of no issues, my Blumat rez(aka 5 gal bucket from lowes) started leaking and it’s not been in action for about a week while I wait for a new bulkhead adapter. So I’m back to draggin a hose like the old days for a bit. I attempted to seal the bulkhead on the 5 gal bucket, and it turns out the break was structural in the bucket somewhere, but there was an issue with the fitting like I originally thought. Which actually speaks to how good the adapter is. Next time I’ll be sure to not assume it’s the adapter. I also plan to use a 5 gal black/yellow tote going forward.

The younger plants in flower are all jumping well. A lot better than the few plants before them. I did a little defol on the 10 gal pot with 4 Nerolis and 1 ChemD. They jumped like crazy and needed a little cleanup on the lowers that were messin with airflow. It’s mostly to see what I can get away with in a 10. But it’s going to be pretty hilariously overgrown before too long.

As for veg, only real changes are tossing some failed reveges(my achilles heel lol), and potted up the Notsodog’s Headband x Chem91 and GMO x Diesels in 3x5 pots. Since they’re all fems and got me really excited, I plan to mother them until I give them a fair shot. The moms on the bottom level are mostly jumping nicely. There’s a couple 91 S1s that are still a little mad, but the heat has finally gotten to a more reasonable level, and they seem to be making a turnaround.


Everything looks nice and green! :wink::herb:

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It’s been a while since I’ve updated, but here goes nothing. The heat has been tough on the plants as well as myself. Mid to upper 90s most days outside, and up to 90 in the tents. I’ve been able to keep it pretty regulated considering how hot it’s been. But there’s only so much I can do without AC. That being said, The flower tent is still doing good for the most part. There’s a couple 91 S1s not loving life, but the Chem D S1s seem to be doing a lot better. I’ve got a couple clones from the standout mom I’ve got saved back to see how they do. So far so good. Lots of gas even though they are only about a month in.

Another really fun side by side has been how much better my keeper clone of the Neroli91 is compared to the other mom I’ve kept with it about a year. The plants visually are basically indistinguishable. Except the keep I have will throw out much larger buds, as in 3 weeks younger, and the buds are already larger. Not even close lol. It also clones fantastic compared to the other pheno. It’s really fun to see how a couple rounds of cloning can really show the difference in 2 plants. Luckily I made F2s from both just to be sure, but now I am sure which I would prefer to breed with.

Chem D S1

The only other plants in the tent are a couple of overflow Heavenly Sativas. I always like to have a little smoke of it, and my current stash is getting low. I don’t run it every run since they yield so much, but it is interesting to see how well it handles heat. Doesnt even phase it, and I have no doubt itll put off the biggest buds in the tent. 3-7 gram buds is pretty standard for her, even from clone. It also jumps harder than most seedlings. Which for me is the ultimate test of a keeper. It as a clone should have as much, if not more vigor than 99% of seeds. At least in my opinion.

As for the 2x4 veg tent, the Neroli91 F2 and Lav x Neroli91 seeds are all doing really well. They are ready to jump into flower as soon as the stuff in flower is ready. Unfortunately, the seeds I recently popped are down to just a couple. Most of them sprouted, but most died off as seedlings. Which seems to always be my luck with Sour D heavy lines. Lots of runts/dying as seedlings. The Katsu Sour Diesel IBLs that I put in flower about 3 weeks ago were mostly really junky as well. But I did pull back 2 females and a male that did look pretty good. One female had the big jumpy structure I remember from the old cut, and another that was more squat, but seemed to have a pretty spot on stem rub. I potted them up from a 3x5 pot to a half gal to reveg/fill out so I can take some clones.
Normally I am terrible about before and after pictures of cloning moms. So this time I really tried to get some decent pics to give a more detailed idea of how I do my mini bonsai moms. I’ve got examples in a half gallon, 2 gallon, and 3 gallon. When taking clones, I cut back to just a handful of nodes. Usually 4 in a half gallon, 6-8 in a 2 gallon, and no more than 10-12 in a 3 gallon. When I do moms in a 5 gallon, 15 nodes is my magic number. It allows the plant to really focus it’s energy on making a few chunky clones vs. a bunch of throway plant matter. I also will strip down branches on moms and make sure they arent bushing out too much between cloning. Basically just a couple nodes at the top and bottom of the branch. I am always thinking a round of 2 ahead of clones. So keeping some small new growth at the bottom of the branches lets them grow out to be the new clones in future rounds. This round I did it to my older Neroli91 mom in a 2 gal. It really likes to side branch a lot, and if i dont do this trick, itll get out of hand quickly.

Finally, I just dropped about 15 seeds I made from my Neroli91 F1 male crossed with ACE tropcial sativa mix. They were very lightly seeded, and ive only got a couple dozen. But I’m really interested in seeing how blending a strong Chem to long flowering sativas works out. I do plan to treat them like sativas, so Ill put them under 12/12 after about 2 weeks to see how sativa they will lean.


Finally some fun things happening in the tents. I recently harvested a few Chem S1s, as well as planted right about 50-60 Neroli91 F2s and Lav x Nerol91s. They were a touch bigger than I normally drop them in, so they were quickly overgrowing the space they had. Generally low runt ratio, and all around extremely nice looking plants.
IMG_1560 (1)

The plants have shown sex, and I isolated them in my “male chamber” aka a 2x2 popup greenhouse in the backyard. As well as any runty plants that didn’t show sex yet, as to not kill them needlessly. Then I’ll put out the smelliest and most 91 leaning plants to receive pollen. The Wookie dominant and 91 dominant plants are already pretty noticeable. As well as some plants are already extremely gassy/tennis ball smelling just from touching the leaves. Normally I wouldn’t shotgun blast thru F2s like this, but the goal is to get to F3s asap and do batch testing vs holding back plants as moms/dads.Ideally to get testers in peoples hands ASAP.

I also repotted all the nice females into larger pots. I have a mishmash of sizes, so I just stuff them vs having a clean layout most times. If I was monocropping it would drive me crazy, but the madness does not bug me with all the phenos. It was also a perfect opportunity to remove a couple pots that were not up to par. A 91 S1 and Sour Diesel from Katsu. They were just stressing out badly, even though temps have not been so extreme. So I figured they would be better off stuffed in the corner in the yard to finish out. This time of year, nothing really gets wasted, just put outside into plants. I’ll most likely hash it down as fresh frozen for something fun and different.

As for smoking all these phenos coming down, I’ve made a few interesting observations. Mostly that the Neroli91 pheno I have seems to be as spot on as I was hoping/remembered. Next to the 91 S1s, it is just bigger, smellier, and more potent. Of course I know the heat has been a major factor in stressing the fem plants. But I have to select based on my location, and Neroli is the one.

Also have a Chem D S1 pheno that is very promising. Tons of vigor, good cloner, and has the varegiation in spades. Most of the plants were honestly a lot more uniform than I expected. Some variation, but mostly plants just like I remember. Back ten years ago when I had the 91, D, and 4 as clones, THe D was my favorite cropper, and I remember why smoking it again. I call it a “rowdy” high. Not as sedating as the 91 stuff, but very gassy with a touch of funk and a downright enjoyable smoke.

In veg, I have been just trying to keep everything as happy as possible in the extreme heat. This summer has been extra hot, and cloning past 90 degrees just doesn’t work. When I ran a commercial nursery, I kept my clone room between 68-75, so I just tend to scrap clones this time of year. So the moms have been getting a touch big. I do go in weekly and keep everything clean and remove any dead leaves/unwanted growth. But as long as they’re alive and growing, I’m happy.

The 3 Sour Diesel IBLs from Katsu I threw back in veg from about week 3 in flower are finally showing signs of reveg after a really rough couple weeks. I plan to just overveg them for a month or so, and ideally get some nice clones to restart as mothers for more testing. As for the Headband x Chem91 from CSI, only 2 seedlings made it past the 1st node, which is really disappointing. And the 2 I have are not showing any real vigor, but I am still holding off judgment. They look just fine for now, and I’ll keep them around for a while to test some clones in flower since I have extra space.

As for the upper levels of the veg tent, I am in the process of gradually starting a bunch more seeds. I have a handful of F2s made with 2 strong Lemon Wookie males on my Lav mom. I selected two because one was more lavender in smell, but the other had a bigger beefier structure. I’m only running a couple from some buds I just smoked to kinda “pre-test” before I drop a bunch to really hunt properly.

There’s also 3 Sativas(Tropical Sativa Mix by ACE)x the old Neroli91 stud male I used for the F2s. I don’t have many of them, but I just want to see how a chem sativa would come out. In my head, it seems like the ultimate cross for a potent smoke. I plan to drop them into flower very soon, since I expect at least a good 12 weeks of flowering on them.

Also just sprouted a pack of Black Triangle from Bodhi. I’ve been on the hunt for a killer TK since I lost my Resting Bitch Face keeper from years back(Cannarados TK91 line), so I can’t wait to try it after hearing all the rave reviews. I have 8 seeds already popped, and taking it to F2 is already a done deal. I’ll do like I did with all those Chem S1s, and keep them small in half gallon pots until I find the best of the best to F2.

Lastly, I just put a bunch of Neroli91 x Lemon Wookie(males) in the dirt to play around with. I often hear breeders talk about the differences of switching males and females, so I figured it’s a perfect time to see for myself with some seeds I would likely otherwise toss. I’ll flip them to flower really small as well. Now that I’ve got a big number of seed runs dialed in, I’ve been loving it. The amount of labor to get from popping seeds to harvesting is laughably small, and it’s really been motivating me to pop a lot more seeds than I normally would.


Looking good. How are the Snow Lotus doing?

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Thanks! I’m running the Snow Lotus stuff outside right now. Just took a couple cuts from the nicest females and have some male branches drying out now to collect the pollen. I like running it outdoors so I can have an excuse to make it into fresh frozen hash. Last time I did, a buddy and me were up until 4am dabbing the rosin until every little piece was gone lol.


Nice. I’m looking forward to growing them.

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Yo ! What’s up boogie. Nice to see you here instead of Reddit. It’s IIISUBZEROIII. Been trying to get rinse to join here instead !

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Reddit is just a bunch of bots talking to each other.


Hey great to see you here! Seems there’s a ton of reddit refugees lately lol. Rinse really should do a journal, he’s always growing really cool stuff.

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Bots, 1st time growers, and low pay workers for big corporate grows. Not sure who has the worst advice tho? It’s pretty close to be fair😂


10000% he has some cool projects. But he hasn’t budged to join and be more alert here :frowning: maybe later ? Haha

I’m really happy to see you here bro.

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All caught up! :facepunch:t3: This is really a great thread!
@BackyardBoogie420 cranking out some beauties as usual. :star_struck: Nice looking spaces you have going on.


It’s been about 2 weeks, and I figured its a perfect time for a little update. First off, the heat has finally passed, and the weather has finally been in the mid 70s to low 80s every day. Also getting that coastal fog that really helps keep temps down and everything is not quite so dry.

The flower tent has been really doing well not fighting that constant heat stress. The 10 gal pot with 4 Neroli91s and a Chem D is just about ready to get harvested, but I’m really enjoying letting them get perfectly ripe, despite the crazy foxtailing on the top buds. Some people really freak out about foxtails, but I want to see what the cut does in extreme conditions, and I couldn’t care less about bag appeal. Despite the fox tailing and continuing to kick out white pistils(which is a common 91 trait I look for) the buds have gotten pretty hilariously large. The tops are bigger than baseballs, and are really dense, minus the foxtails of course. Even most of the smaller lowers are golf ball size, but that really just speaks to how amazing that cross is. And of course, the smell is very strong and is pretty spot on to Chem 91. Tennis balls and gas. I had one buddy smell them recently and said “You could sell a zillion mylar 8ths of this as “tennis ballz”. I laughed and wanted to cry all at once lol

There is also another 10 gal with 4 smaller Neroli91 clones, as well as a Heavenly Sativa in a 5 gal in the corner that a few weeks from harvest. I just tossed them in to guarantee some head stash, and they’re chugging along great. It is really interesting to note how much bigger the N91 buds can get with just a few more inches of veg. I always like to flower clones as small as possible but try to find that perfect balance for each individual mother.

Most of the tent is the Neroli91 F2s, and they are loving life. After getting potted up to 5-7s 2 weeks ago, they have been jumping and bulking a lot. The Wookie dominant pheno is still most of the plants in the batch, but the 91 dominant ones stick out like a sore thumb. They are still jumping, and about double the size. As well as look at least 2 weeks behind the more squat Wookie learners. Also a couple plants with a ton of variegation, I assume coming from the Tres Dawg. From the F1s, I found overwhelmingly the more 91 leaning a plant was, the more overall potency it had, so I plan to keep selecting towards those traits. There are 2 standout females that seem very 91 leaning, as well as the 2 males I have outside in my “male isolation greenhouse” aka cheap little popup greenhouse sitting under a table. They still seem like they have a while until they will kick out pollen, so it should time up perfectly with the 2 females I plan to pollinate.

As for the veg tent, the bottom level of moms has turned pretty chaotic, just the way I like it. I’ve been giving teas/Buddha Grow 2x a week, and top dressing with Pride Lands every 2 weeks for feeding. As well as doing weekly cleanups/cloning. Since they are so small, I’ve found cleaning up any dead leaves and gutting out all the leaves in the middle really helps the clones beef up like I want them. Then when I cut them back, the lower growth is already well established and doesn’t miss a beat. In the past when I had room and 5 gal moms, that extra defoliation wasn’t needed at all. But I have seen a lot of good results trying to maximize the output of such small plants.

Currently, there is a 3 gal mom of Lav, 2 gal moms of Neroli91, Chem D S1, and Chem 91 S1. As well as gallon pots with the big Jumpy Sour Diesel IBL reveg, 2 Headband x Chem91s. And half gal moms of Heavenly Sativa, Neroli 91, a more squat Sour Diesel IBL female. Then a couple 3x5 inch pots with a Neroli91s and a Sour Diesel IBL male stuffed in.

I just defoliated or cloned everything, as well as repotted the year old Neroli91 mom from a 2 gal back into the same pot with fresh soil since it seems to be getting pretty grumpy. I wanted to push how long I could keep without repotting, and it seems like about 6 months is the limit. I removed as much soil as possible while trying to not disturb the layer of topsoil to ensure a clean transition. I never repot a mom without having a backup or 2 ready in the off chance it doesn’t survive the transplant. As of right now, the only 3 that have a secured spot are the Lav, Neroli91, and Heavenly Sativa.

The top level is slowly getting filled up with various seeds getting thrown into rotation. I popped more Lav(Lemon Wookie) F2s to hopefully get a little headstash of it, as well as to see the ratios of Lav/Wookie dominant phenos. Basically taking this line the hard opposite of the Neroli91, and will select for that squat afghani structure and distinct smell/effect like the Lav mom has. More than anything, I made these seeds to preserve it, but I really hope I can line work it a little more so I can share seeds of it and people can understand why i talk about it so much!

The Black Triangle seeds have been having a really rough time, not sure why. But most of the seeds wilted off after popping. It’s been more and more of a problem Ive been having running those older Bodhi seeds, and I want to attribute it to the seed stock getting older.

For the middle level, its just a couple 1020s with young seedlings and new sprouts, with a tray of about 25 clones to the right. I have a handful more hashplants and Kushes that I just put in dirt as well. Kandahar Black, Wookie Hashplant, and 4 Play from Bodhi. As well as Coral Kush from the homie @Andrane, and some Lav x OM4 seeds I made. The next big goal for myself is to find a perfect night time kush to help with sleep and can be thrown out in the yard for some great hash. As well as diving into less popular Chem cuts like the Chem 4 to add to my arsenal, and ideally find something that can really do well in harsher conditions while still retaining the effects that make chems so special.


Quite a read and there’s a lot happening in your garden.
Flowers are looking great and really nice structure.
It’s nice to read through your detailed updates. :v:t3::slightly_smiling_face:

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