BackyardBoogie's Indoor Grow Journal

Well it’s been another couple weeks of inconsistent weather and health, but I’m back with another update! Since my last post, I have actually done a fair bit, but when I’m not feeling great, I am terrible at remembering to take pics as I go.

First, I harvested another round of chems that were right about a week and a half behind the ones I recently chopped. It was a couple Chem D S1s, and another 10 gal with a few smaller clones of the Neroli91 that were not as large as the other pot. They were clones from the same batch, but were notably smaller. Still got a good amount of smokin buds tho.

I replaced 2 of the plants with the last 2 moms from the 91/D S1s. After flowering them side by side to the Neroli91, they’re just not worth the space. Not bad plants, but side by sides of smoking the buds really make picking winners a lot easier. The 91 S1s just don’t have anywhere near the vigor and potency of the Neroli 91s. The D S1s tastes and smokes really nice, but the high feels watered down in comparison. I do have a 91 S1 that’s a couple weeks from chop with some big chunky buds. But even then, the smell is really mild compared to those damn Neroli 91s.

The Neroli91 F2s are really starting to bud out and show the range of plants. I can for sure already spot the Wookie dom plants(short and fat cola) vs the 91 dom(Big jumpy lanky structure and looks about 2 weeks behind). As well as some really cool plants that are right down the middle. I was actually pretty surprised how much the tennis ball/gas smells are coming through. Even the squat wookie plants are giving that insanely strong odor, even when I did the day 21 ish leaf strip on them.

I did a bunch of stem rubbing and comparing, and there was one 91 dom pheno that really stood out on smell, as well as wasn’t showing any signs of heat stress like most of the others like it. So I pulled it outside with the 2 males that had been hanging out in the “isolation greenhouse” and rubbed it all over her. It was about 3 days ago now, and I’m seeing a few pistils turning dark and shriveling, so I have hope I got her at least a little seeded up. I did the trick of covering the top half of the plant with a plastic grocery bag to hopefully not seed it out as well, so hopefully it’ll still have some sensi buds to test.

There’s also a couple Lav(Lemon Wookie) x Neroli91 plants that may have even more potential than the F2s. This being the 2nd round of testers Ive ran of them, I can verify they have that lavender/91 smell I’ve been chasing. It’s hard to describe other than tennis balls mixed with Lavender. It’s definitely not what I was looking for when I started this big genetics deep dive about 3 years ago now. But it has quickly become about all I want to work with. The colas seem to come out noticeably larger than either parent, and that smell just smacks me in the face every time I open the tent. My next seed pop is very likely going to be a larger number of them to properly hunt and find an F2. But my method of popping 10-20 seeds once or twice before doing big numbers has really helped me know what I like and am looking for beforehand. Vs just jumping in totally blind. Props to Bodhi on the Adam Dunn podcast for giving the idea. If I can’t find anything I really like in that many plants, it’s not worth my time to hunt for more.

The rest of the freed up space has been dedicated to those Lemon Wookie F2s/ Neroli91 x Lemon Wookies. The older batch of F2s are looking great and just like the mom so far. The real test is just going to see how dominant the Lavender comes through. But I continue to be very pleased with the overall vigor and structure. And if you look closely on the left, you can see the 1 sativa x N91 plant with much thinner leaves and more spindly structure.

In veg, things haven’t been very exciting at all since these heat spells are making it pretty much impossible to clone. But mothers don’t need to be in constant production. I just have been doing my weekly cleanups and focusing on keeping them happy and healthy so they’ll be ready in a week or 2 when the weather cools down some.

The bottom level is back to front, left to right. 2 Headband x Chem 91, 3 gal Lav right in the middle. A couple reveg Sour D IBls. And the pheno I was excited about is finally about ready to get cloned to hell and really see how close she is to what I remember. Front row is a Snow Lotus male reveg attempt that was brought in from outside. Then couple Neroli 91s, a Heavenly Sativa, and the other Sour D IBLs that aren’t revegging as impressively.
Lav mom

Sour D IBL reveg

I feel like I should mention that I tried an unusual training method I stole from CSI Humboldt on the HB x 91s. At right about a foot tall with about 5-6 nodes coming out, I topped them and pulled all the fan leaves to make them bush out small and it worked wonders. Normally I just leave 'em after topping, but seeing how well the heavier defoliation works, I plan to make that standard practice for mini moms.

I’m trying to not overload my mom space to give room for the new seedlings up top. Right now the Wookie Hashplants, 4 Play, and Coral Kushes seem to all be doing great and showing nice vigor and potential. Since the Corals are fem, I’m gonna try to clone them up and hopefully find a nice bedtime kush. But for the 4 Plays and Wookie Hashplants, I am ever more tempted to just veg them and make some OP F2 seeds ASAP. With my small setup, I find more and more that it’s a lot easier to make some seeds to pop later than holding collections of moms like I used to when I had greenhouse space to play with. So I can allot more space on the handful of moms I really like for regular smoking.

Once the heat passes, I plan to immediately drop another dump of seeds to test/run out. At this point I am planning on dropping some untested Temple crosses, and a couple more Bodhi 88g13HP x kush crosses. I just scored some Lazy Lightning(Loompa HB x 88g13hp) and Red Eye Jedi(Skywalker OG x 88g13hp). I’ve yet to run either, but years ago Red Eye was a crowd favorite among my grower friends in Santa Cruz and I love any Skywalker cross. Back in my greenhouse days Sky Lotus was a personal favorite. And before that, it was a really popular strain for running full term outdoors. The first time I saw it was in 2016 on a full term farm I helped harvest for a month(after pulling my smaller crop) and it was the by far standout among the 25+ strains on the farm. I don’t think they ended up selling any of it, and instead kept it all as headstash.


:slightly_smiling_face: looking great man.

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thanks! i cant wait to get those coral kushes cloned up and tested! they are little beasts so far

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Lots to update this round, and I expect this to be the last update in this thread. I was selected to do a Co-Op Preservation run of Dread Bread x Wookie 7 from Bodhi, and will continue to log my grow there. I am really excited and honored to be able to do it, and already have the seeds in my fridge ready, so that will get started in the next couple days.

First off, most of the Neroli91 F2s are ready to harvest. The ready ones are showing about 10+% amber trichs, and looking/smelling great. A lot of great tennis balls and incense/lavender flavors. It also seems like the Wookie dominant small extra frosty plant and some the big longer flowering pheno I ended up seeding out are the two that were most heat resistant. While all the plants are more in the middle and some of the bigger ones got a lot more heat stress. The big plants that I selected in the F1 are for sure at a higher percentage here in the F2s, but as expected it’s much more of a splatter shot of traits.

Now here’s where I go a little off the rails. I am going to try something out of my normal wheelwork here, and see if it is possible to reveg a few of the nicer Neroli 91s and the massive cola Lav x Neroli91 outside under a shady work table. I have been able to keep moms and stuff alive over the winter with just cheapo LED bulbs in a garage or greenhouse. But instead it will be an 8 dollar solar LED spotlight directed at the plants under the table. There’s no guarantees from it, but in theory it should work. The light has run for a few days to make sure it is running properly. Hopefully it can save me a bunch of space on revegging indoors and save some money on electricity.

Alright, back to the less wild stuff. The 5x5 also has a good number of 3x5 pots gradually sexing, and I’ve been checking every day or so and pulling males/potting females up to 1 gallon fabric pots. There’s been great results on the capillary mat, so the goal is to be able to eliminate having to haul around heavier pots and save the back pain in the process. I mixed up a normal dose of Pride Lands Veg as well as about a double dose of some Espoma Plant Tome. It’s a cheap cut for amending soil around, but It has a few more slow release inputs that should help feed the smaller pots to the end of flower.

I also potted up the sativas x Neroli91 from half gals to 1 gals, and a 3 gal for the one that got way too big. They are growing really fun and wild, so it’s a fun experiment to see how they are doing. Most are flowering fine under 12/12, but there is one that looks spot on to the Acapulco Golds, and it looks like it’s still full on vegging. But I’ll give it another month or so to see.
Finally in flower, there were 35 Lav x Temple seedlings in half gallon pots. From the recent testers, there are tons of good plants, and the plan to seed out and reveg some nice females. I also potted up some Lav F2s females, as well as 1 male that’s got the magic smell, even in veg like the original mom. Sadly she died off about a week ago after 3 and a half years. The last 6 months or so it started really slowing down and it stopped cloning. Luckily there’s plenty of F2s and crosses, so it’s just more motivation to lock it down as a seed line now.

The veg tent is finally looking pretty cleared out for the next round of stuff. The only plants left are 2 Headband x Chem 91s, a Heavenly Sativa, and a couple Neroli 91s. As well as seedlings of Lazy Lightning and Red Eye Jedi will eventually get thrown into the mix in flower once there’s some more room. There’s also a couple of Triangle Kush seedlings that were hating life for a long time, but are finally turning around. I’m hoping that running them side by side will help the best cross for this climate really stand out.


Flowers are looking pretty brother!
Good luck on the harvest and best wishes on the co-op. :slightly_smiling_face::v:t3:


Looking good man!

Congrats on being selected for that preservation run too!


Still killing it in here I see! Great job brother! :fist:t3:
Congratulations and good luck on your preservation run! Very cool you’re getting to do one! I’ll be watching! :slightly_smiling_face:


Nice to see some familiar faces, Great post! :+1:t2:

Congrats on the preservation run, sounds like an awesome project to take part in!

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Thank You again for the generous use of your extensive skills and precious time!
But it is i who am honored, that you are enthusiastic to do this very rare Bodhi strain preservation project.

Just your first Intro post in that Topic (thread) earned 101 Likes. That shows just how much folks are excited to see more of your work.


To anyone wanting to check out my current Co Op run, heres the link!


Great news, i’m thrilled to see them sprout! Thank you for the update w pics.

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