Badger goes camping with his buddies

That will throw some air for sure! Blow it almost out of your bucket ! Dry run it yet? I know it’s gotta be like a kid with a new toy!:rofl:


Box picture? WTF ? Show is that new pretty penis… I’m mean air pump! :joy:


Your other little marine pump is going to be over in the corner shaking in fear bro!


That was my worry, if it was too much. I may take it back and see if they have a smaller unit.

Yeah, sorry bro, I’ve been so busy, the box hasn’t even opened yet. I put in 16 hours yesterday.


Naw more is better in your manifold system just open another port that doesn’t have an airline associated with it ! I’m guess you could get the water rolling pretty good with a 35-40 gallon barrel pretty easily

Edit : volume of brew would probably enough to cover 2-3 acres field full of cannabis … better take a page of @Old-Ron book and plant more seeds!


My plants are gonna have to be much larger this year then!!


I like the sound of that need to see a “MENDO tree” grown in Oklahoma!


I can run bubblers on 32 mini DWC reservoirs with mine, bigger is better, just put a valve on it for adjustment.


That’s what she said! :joy:

Great ideas!

Thanks guys!


Got this completed today. I originally put a needle valve in to take the pressure down if needed, but it seems fine without it. I wasn’t prepared though, so I don’t have enough treated water to brew! Dang it! I’m itching to try it out. Tomorrow.

I finally got some bio-live. I can’t wait to try it out. I’m gonna mix a batch of super soil with this as the base meal, and see how it works out. The mix looks pretty complete and fairly balanced. I may add a little k.


Start doing your aeration of plain water now it will help drive off the chlorine, I run mine for 4-6 hours before I add stuff to the bucket not sure what the optimal time is but something is better than just letting it sit static


Have to honestly say I’m jealous of that pretty pink bucket! Lol guess that’s for all the up and coming girl plants eh?


I use a blended fert like that and that it lol. Only been watering since. Mix into soil, then top dress every 3-4 weeks if your not up potting more.

Yes, if your just using the peat pucks as is after soaking, it’s too wet. Squeeze them till they are barely dripping.


I actually broke that bucket, it was simply for photogenic purposes. :wink: I may go start some going though, its had a few hours for the chlorine to attach to the organics.

I normally keep a larger container with a cup full of compost thrown in it. I’ve just been working so much, I slacked off. I did get a much needed weekend off though.

@Seamonkey84 I’ll top dress tomorrow. That was the plan with that stuff. I found a store that sells a huge bag of ammendment for 40 bucks. Im not a huge fan of the pork blood meal personally.


The blend I’m using doesn’t have bloodmeal in it either. Mix right in and won’t burn.


This is the stuff I’m using. I used it all summer on my peppers, tomato, and berry bushes. Then I tried it with my special plants and they loved it. Though the ratio seems like it’s for bloom, I’ve used it from seed through bloom to (some degree). When I ran out, I use either natural stuff like fish emulations for bloom, or bottled chemical fertilizers for veg.
I started with a 3lb bag this summer and ran out. I just got the 15lb bag :sweat_smile:

The ratios have been updated since this video, due to labeling laws (explained in the second video)


Went to check out the ladies on day 65. 4 of them are really close, the rest, not as close.

Edit : sorry, some of my picture taking sucks.


Here’s the bad news, and I made a separate post for this. Apparently when we set the 5x5 up with the new light, it was only put on 14 hours days, somehow. Drat, the ones that aren’t in full blown flower are bunching at the top. I don’t want to lose a month, so we will just leave them on their current setting. If we leave it at 14 hours of daylight, we should get more buds, as long as they will flower under it right?

It looks like the paralyzers turned first.

The sativas were supposed to go in the other tent, but I guess they will stay here now. I think they used most of the stretch up, filling their pots with roots.


@dequilo. I think he stated he veg’s 14/10 and flowers 10/14.


If it works, I’m not sure why more people don’t do it. Two more hours of light could potentially be 16.6% more yield, if they are getting that much more light. That could be a game changer.