Bag Seed Stories! Ever find a gem in a random bag seed? Come share your story!

I’m still pretty new to growing, I’m finally in a state where its legal, but I’ve wanted to since I first smoked and have been saving bag seeds since. Unfortunately I’ve lost most of the stock I saved up over the years but I still have quite a few. I popped one from some GMO Cookies but mistook it for another clone I was trading. Since then every time I pop something I think about it but I also take way more clones than I have space for so I decide against it. I was hoping some success stories would give me the motivation to actually do it… I heard that’s how Chemdawg came about so I bet some of yall have some good bag seed stories… :100: :evergreen_tree:


I had 5000 fem beans of purple sour d. This stuff was a accident. And me an one other person grew it. No one else. This stuff was some straight kill bud. Every plant was the same everytime. We didn’t take moms. We just ran seed. Damn was that a mistake. This was some of the best non existence bud I ever had. Nothing will be the same. Never.


Btw found it all in a elbow. It was bagseed :wink:


When I began growing 43 years ago it was all bagseed. I think Nevil had just opened the Seedbank but nobody in my area would risk buying pot seed through the mail. If you could find a bagseed that would ripen in your area then you were set. I found my seed in a bud that I got at the Halloween party in Athens, Ohio. An old guy saw my leather jacket and came over to talk to me and smoke a joint. He gave me a bud and went on his way. He looked like a “wandering holy man” with his long white hair and beard. I grew that seed for 25 or 30 years. Then I bred it into some poly hybrids to reinvigorate it. I still have that strain. It must be a cross of 50 different plants by now. I often wonder what happened to that old dude. Where did he come from ? He must be dead by now. Unless he was an Angel. :thinking:


My dad was at a flea market and accidentally found a small baggie in a DVD case with 3 seeds in it. (the baggie on the left). came labeled how it is, so that’s a mystery. not sure why there’s a piece of foil in there but who knows. i plan to grow them out and hopefully breed them for some F2s… they’ll be called “Flea Market” of course.


i had in interesting story about meeting a couple of turks when i was taking a piss in the alley behind a bar in athens. i had just came home from germany a week before and they were speaking turkish and i spoke to them in german out of habit. we were chatting away when i introduced them to my friends who looked at me strange. i had forgotten i was in the us and was still speaking german. that was in '92. sorry for the thread hijack. i say dude was an angel. the word angel means messenger.


Probably had some blotters in there at one point :alien:


Awesome. I hope you find some fire, because Flea Market is an awesome name for a cannabis strain.


Great idea for a thread :slight_smile:
After saving various bagseeds when I would only find a couple ,for the past 2 decades or so , but not growing them. I have started popping some over the past couple years. Have found some really incredible plants . It has made me want to keep popping them.

The most recent was a seed I found in some Lemon Berry ( Dabney Blue x Lemon Tai ) and it turned out better then the bud I found it in. Has absolutely putrid lemon berry terps. Over powers an entire tent of chems.

Don’t sleep on your bagseeds folks


And everyone loves a good weed story behind some killer buds


Where is this thread? Start it now so i can follow please :slight_smile:


This is a Gorilla Glue 4 bagseed I found in an Oz. It was the only seed and growing it was a great idea. She looks very nice, smells very nice and is very dense. I’m probably giving her one more week and then chop time. Luckily I have a clone and hoping the other 3 clones will take root.


Nice colors that plant is looking pretty!


Do our own bagseeds count? I had a herm onto a Purple Canyon and have been growing out the seeds. So far they’ve been good smoke but they hermed. This one didn’t herm, I really like how it grows and it’s going to give me a large harvest. I just haven’t smoked it yet.


The pollen donor is an Afgaan 90 x Kumaoni.


ah man one of my first successful runs was from a bagseed of some mexican regs. i grew maybe 8 seeds and all of them sucked except one and that plant is what made me fall in love with weed. still remember where i was when i first smelled it. super unique nose that was kinda cologne-ish maybe a tiny bit floral and lots of fuel. would do anything to still have that plant around lol