Balcony with a view and Fatty's Live Vinegar House

@minitiger If I wasn’t a broke chef I would of grabbed these, he drops them live on fcp quite regularly


You can’t not like the guy, true pioneer with a no bullshit approach. He gives a shout out to your boy @bodhi


Yeah, the “no bullshit approach” is definitely the vibe I get from him. Which I like.

What’s fcp? I wanna know, but I kind of don’t wanna know haha. If it’s another route to acquire beans, don’t tell me haha.

Just kidding. What’s fcp?


Those episodes are good, its like five hours of meangene bullshitting about his lines and stuff. The Green Bodhi one was pretty good too, I think the most recent one. He talks about possibly doing a collab podcast with Bodhi at the end, and also gives some info about he and Bodhi met, and the which plants Bodhi gifted him.


Oh, cool. Maybe I’ll check it out. I’ve had this discussion with nube before, not sure if you and I have ever talked about it, but I fucking hate podcasts haha. I just can’t sit there and stare into space and listen to people talk. I don’t know what my problem is. I thought I’d check out some recommended podcasts when I was trimming last month, but the Dodgers were playing and the Lakers, too, so I just watched those games instead. I think the NFL draft was on when I was trimming, too, I dunno. I’ll check them out at some point, though.



Yeah I definitely have to be in the right mindset to listen to them, it’s usually when I’m trimming or doing other herb related stuff, like making hash or whatever. I can’t just sit there either, I’ve gotta be doing something most of the time. Always nice to pick up some tidbits of info from the guys you’re buying seeds from though.

Anyways, @FattyRoots I’m really jealous of your view and the wildlife just chilling in your backyard. Your plants seem to be loving life too :slight_smile:


I used to be the exact same until I became a stay at home dad, listening to Dora and Disney channel for hours will drive ya nuts I had to tune out whilst still being present so the bluetooth headphones became my best friend. I try to only listen to someone who is going to make me think, not like the Adam Dunn show or something similar.

FCP is the YouTube channel but those seeds are sold on


I liked that one, he seems like he’s in it for the right reasons and a fellow surfer so can’t be a bad guy

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I’m basically a stay-at-home dad! Except we don’t have kids, so I’m just a stay-at-home… lump? Haha.

I’ve actually listened to a couple Adam Dunn podcasts, the one with Bodhi and the one with JJ. They were awful. That guy Adam Dunn suuuuucks. That may be one of the reasons why I’m so anti-podcasts. But I’ll give them another try, eventually.

Swear to gawd, I’m not old, but I feel old when I’m like,”Yaaarrgghhhh!! No podcasts!”


He basically interviews himself.

The potcast guy is Australian and just lets the guest talk


With no actual addresses in this country ordering things to be delivered even off Amazon are a pipe dream but the mother in law was just in California so I had to get some goodies brought back

Nut milk bags are for compost extract

These little grow bags are a killa concept, just breaks down in the pot after transplanting

Cheesy packaging but great reviews on this stuff, does giant pumpkin = giant nugs :thinking:

This is the best 64% fully soluble product I could find @Badger @Tinytuttle


And a standard re-up of the black gold :muscle:t4:


Apparently Vegemite is banned in Canada :canada: for some reason. Had to Google what it actually was lol… I too use those nut milk bags ,) don’t think you got enough rolling papers tho lol

The wallace organic wonder clames to have atleast help set 3 Guinness world records & tons of positive reviews on Amazon about it with Cannabis specifically.


No way dude, I’m gonna take a page from the current offended generation and call that straight racist :joy:
Canadians have always always had it in for Aussies, when I moved to Whistler in 99’ and having no idea there were Australians everywhere I thought maybe being foreign would help me with the ladies :roll_eyes: but I was labelled a JAFA(just another fucking Aussie) from the start haha.

Yeah bro I’ve read a lot about it, looking forward to adding it to the program… those pumpkin growers are no joke.

Tad Hussey goes in deep with one on this episode

I was thinking maybe hash was possible too with them but I think I’m dreaming

Haha this is the one thing I ordered I can actually buy here but it just means I don’t have to go out the house to get them. Covid is surging her at the moment, hectic


That’s funny as shit.

I did the same thing last year at the start of the pandemic, bought like a case of rolling papers. But I also bought a bong around the same time and have only been doing rips for the last year or so. I can’t even remember the last time I smoked a joint. And I love joints. The bong is just so much easier and faster haha!

A friend of mine came over a couple weekends ago and one thing I mentioned to him, while we were talking, was I will never share a joint with anybody again after this COVID shit. And that sucks. I mean, I dunno, maybe I will eventually, but right now, it just feels weird sharing joints.


We had guests from the States a few months ago come stay with us and they rolled a joint first morning of some real nice Mimosa, I didn’t even think of covid and just basically said pass that here and grabbed it… the look on their faces haha, fair to say they didn’t like me from then on and smoked in their room

I’m all about the bong mate, most Aussies can’t even roll a joint but give them a plastic coke bottle, garden hose and a socket set and they’ll knock you up a plastic fantastic in no time haha


Wait, so they were smoking YOUR weed, that YOU grew, but in THEIR room? Without you? That’s pretty fucked-up. It’s almost admirable, actually, that they would be so… I dunno. What’s the word? Balls-y? That’s pretty balls-y. I don’t think I’d stand for that. Or I would definitely get loud and be like,”HOW’S THAT WEED SMOKING? DO YOU LIKE THAT STRAIN?” from the living room or wherever.


Haha nah fuck that it was their tree, I’m nice but not that nice

I’d leave that one up to you to call an angry lesbian couple that :joy:


Oh, well there’s the issue right there. I’m friends with a lot of lesbians, but holy shit if there isn’t a little bit of drama involved.


Minitger would get a whoopin :joy: