Balcony with a view and Fatty's Live Vinegar House

Yes bro even longer in the fridge, you could make it just from the skins too if you want, 1:1 fruit to sugar is really the only rule to follow.

You could dehydrate peach chips too, or maybe even sun dried :thinking:


Love your thread man! I’m only about halfway through, but I’m entertained through and through. I’ll be waiting for more! :+1:


Dehydrated peach chips actually sounds great, maybe I’ll do that instead. Sun-dried is definitely doable here. Our backyard is getting blasted with hot, hot sunlight haha from like 7am until 730pm. And our backyard faces north! I don’t even wanna think about the people who’s backyards face south. So fucking hot…


Thanks for stopping by mate you are always welcome :v:t4:

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I hear you guys are copping it with the heat, I’m sure your pool and breakfast beers are getting a good thrashing haha


Yeah, I’m five in already haha. Whatever. It’s July 4th weekend. That means I can drink and smoke heavily all day, right? Because America? Something like that, anyway.

It is definitely weirdly hot here. A little early for this kind of weather. And it’s just gonna get hotter. Last September, it got up to 118 degrees, which is just nuts. I have to go out of town for three days mid-August and I’m already stressing about leaving the grow. I’m gonna have to tutor my girl. “Keep an eye on the temps and humidity levels. Make sure everything’s light-tight when the lights turn off. Run the AC even if you think you don’t have to.” She’s done it once before for five days, but that was in February a couple years ago, when all she had to do was open a window during lights on. Things get a little trickier during the summer. But it’ll be fine.


The only solution is to crank my Official Summertime Is Here album and one of the greatest albums ever made,”Psychic, Powerless, Another Man’s Sac,” by the Butthole Surfers. When that starts getting played in my house, I know it’s fully summer.


Great band

I’d never seen that clip before, ripper!


Yeah, that track’s okay. A little too “White Zombie” for me. “Psychic, Powerless…” is really one of the greatest albums ever made, by anybody. I’m certain that the effects they threw on Gibby’s vocals was a huge influence on Jane’s, especially on the entirety of “Nothing’s Shocking.”


This is awesome bro! I’ve become fascinated with your lifestyle through reading your thread. Always thinking “where in Central America is Fatty?” Looks like you’re living a cool life :v:t2:


Great band and album! ElectricLarryland is another solid LP from them.


Thanks for sharing some interest mate

Currently in Costa Rica but looks like we have Mexico in our sights for the new year:)


That’s excellent man. Hope you’ll still have some of the cool natural perks in Mexico that Costa has offered.

What would a jar of your vinegar fetch where you are now?

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@TreeTops Gonna be tough to beat CR mate, they have 4% of the planets bio diversity and it’s a small country so never short of something wild to see. They have also run on basically 100% natural energy for the last 7 years so it’s on the right path to stay like that hopefully. Unfortunately its just too pricey to live but Mex looks to be very scenic too for around a 1/3 of the living costs.

Fruit vinegars can go for ridiculous prices and they rarely use whole fruits I don’t really understand it, on Amazon they can go for like $30 to $40 a bottle… insane. I will charge an honest $8 or 3 for $20 at the farmers market.


I’ve always wanted to explore CR. I think some of the hype that’s bubbled in the last 5-10 years actually turned me off a bit, but seeing your pics and listening to your stories painted the mental pic I always had of Costa. My kind of lifestyle for sure. Mexico has many things going for it, even if out of the biodiversity/ecological realms that you find where you are now. This life is often about trade offs. I think you’ll do just fine :handshake:

Fascinating about the vinegars. Tbh, I wasn’t aware of the fruit vinegars until a couple years ago when my MIL started drinking vinegar (health nut). Knocked it until I tried a mandarin vinegar blend and it was more flavorful and less bitter than I anticipated.


Fuck it. Just shoot that shit. Fill up a shot glass and drink it. Bitter isn’t a big deal.


Haha taste doesn’t bother me as much when there’s a euphoria that follows. My MIL drinks vinegar like it’s going out of style. Not my bag, but that woman moves like she’s in her 20’s and she’s mid 60’s. Maybe she actually knows what’s up!


Sorry for asking, but what the fuck is a MIL? I know what a MILF is (love them…), but I have no clue what a 60 year old MIL is. Mother-in-law?


You got it bro. Sorry for the random acronym. The internet has me talking like I’m younger than I am :grimacing:.


Fun thread. I love the mix of nature, cuisine, lifestyle and… grow log. I’ll be sure to follow the next iteration. Best of luck with the vinegar and the move!