Balcony with a view and Fatty's Live Vinegar House

This fucker just fell out of my shorts…

Jungle life

I don’t normally kill them but this one crossed the line


No way!!! I hate bugs.


Good stuff. The page is amazing. One Love

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That’s a scorpion my friend


So technically an arachnid right? An eight legged critter.


Yea. Call it what you want. But true @FattyRoots . I still don’t like them. I have seen a few. Sometimes in strange places. @ReikoX critter is right.

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Looks like you have a happy life.

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All I know is a few other things woulda fell out my shorts right after it :joy: talk about tha heebie jeebies lol. All I would think is ‘what if it stung my nuts’ :rofl:


Mate I used to live in an infested house in Nicaragua that my friend rented to me for cheap with out telling me. It had open ceilings and the little bastards would crawl across the beams and drop from the ceiling on to me and sting the fuck out of me in bed while I slept, I’m still tormented from it haha.

Ironically the smallest ones give the worst stings

The one I just shook out was on its way to the sack faaark :joy:


Outta likes but I am laughing my ass of on that one :laughing: reminds me of my times in Lebanon though. Damn creepy crawlies. I never saw any scorpions there, but I’ll be damned if there wasn’t every other frightening little creature in the book that made its way into my bedroom at night.


Cali days… I miss the times before rec went legal


hops in the hammock and light’s a fatty
Ahhh yes, lots of talk these days about the days before recreational cannabis destroyed the medical cannabis celebrations, sales and growers in Cali and beyond. Takes me back to an interview I did with OG peterUK in 2004, he won the very first High times fest for Barney’s with rubble putting them on the map. I asked what he missed most about those early years and he’s a no bs kinda guy, he say’s “I miss the money”. 17 years later, his advice to me still rings the bell… if your in the cannabis world to get rich, do something else.

I’m working on a Star Wars related OG multi character sketch and I would like to put you in it… r2-d2 flying a tie fighter, the dude, there is no limitations, the choice is yours. Let me know.

I will be doing all the OG’s separately for cut out and addition to multiple.


Hi, you need chickens around, Angolan chickens, they solve this, and they don’t spoil the garden…

Sorry, it’s in Portuguese…


Wtf, that’s literally a living nightmare brotha ,scorpions attacking from the sky OMFG! damn. Finally made my way over to your thread , long ass read but I just finished, now I gotta say this is an interesting thread, truly. A bit of everything in there, gotta admit I’m pretty envious, been to Aus once but only Melbourne and Sydney,and I gotta say I spent more time checking shoes, clothing, corners for funnel webs, scorpions and such than I did enjoying myself, I have friends out there and their neighbour was in intensive care from a funnel web , and I saw a guy get wheeled off on a stretcher my first 25 mins at the beach after getting stung/bit by something. so I was literally scared to death EVERYTIME I ventured into nature, been to Cali twice, once for a month (a month I shall NEVER forget as I spent a few days with Ras Kass, a day with B-Real/Sen Dog, and the final few days with Schoolboy-Q which I shall cherish FOREVER and feel more than blessed to have seen and heard what I did, and learned so much about hip hop culture . Truly felt like a celebrity as each one of them spoiled me in their own way, and you know what B-Real showered me with,top top shelf, so many funky feel tips I gave them away for an entire year! And a crazy Roor piece that was made for him and one of a kind, unfortunately it lasted about 6 months and was a casualty of an after party and broke my heart. He took me to places I can only dream of ever being allowed in, was unreal and and in every corner of Ontario and a lot of provinces in Canada. But your journeys sound truly intriguing, definitely blessed so I can’t complain but always wanted to just travel. Wifey too. Nice to see you are still able to keep cultivating though, persistence pays off for sure. Hope one day we can meet face to face and tell each other of our epic hip hop stories and adventures, and depending where, maybe some surf tips. Salute :fist:t2:


I too miss the pre-legalization days but in Canada for me, had a steady successful 18 years, was setting up people’s operations and reaping 1/3 to half the first harvest and after enough of those the residual income was ridiculous, plus we had our own thing going and the day it was ready it was gone. Allowed me to do things I can only dream of. In fact when legalization was 100% certain I decided that was it for me, sold off or gave away 75% of my equipment and called it quits. But it was always missing from my life, and I only lasted 4-5 years and I came crawling back with a new, reinvigorated mindset and all new equipment/knowledge, a whole new experience and loving it. Plus it’s all legal now, which in reality makes things less stressful and eliminates the need for a lot of things that were previously a MUST-HAVE. All in all I’m beginning to see that legalization has its advantages too


Broooo, that’s very cool of you to offer me a spot in the alliance… I will humbly accept and I’m truly honoured. R2D2 holds a close place in my heart so that would be beyond epic. Especially along side the true OG-Wan Kenobi’s yourself and @ReikoX

I could not agree more, unfortunately that sentiment doesn’t surprise me at all coming from a Barney’s affiliate. They ripped off your man’s LSD name for one of their mediocre attempts at a variety so I wouldn’t put anything past them. Another one they jacked was Sweet Tooth, which is originally Breeder Steve’s creation…

Bless mate


Mate you’ve got more chance of being stabbed by a teaker in down town Toronto haha

I’ve actually never seen a funnelweb, it’s the white sharks and brown snakes you have to watch out for where I’m from.

Killer mate, good people right there… love Ras Kass. I learnt a long time ago no glassware to be pulled out at the after party, especially if it was from B Real haha. I don’t think there’s anyone(maybe Snoop or Willie Nelson) more iconic alive to smoke a session with than Cypress Hill, legendary.

I lived in BC for 2 years in 99/00 and spent a whole summer in Vancouver, fuck it was basically legal then… I would smoke daily in the Blunt Brothers Cafe(R.I.P) and score my tree next door to the cafe in an upstairs room that you would have to get buzzed in to enter. I was blown away with firstly the quality and also how openly accepted it was. The Blueberry I scored in 99’ off the street was the only time I felt so high I was forgetting to breathe properly, never smoked anything like it.

Anytime you feel like heading south to the tropics give me a shout, be good to meet you homie :facepunch:t4:



R2D2 selected as your character, you tell a good story… in order for me to work up a starting sketch, could you please share your connection to R2.

PeterUK was not affiliated with Barney’s and their nefarious ways, just another breeder that got ripped off cause he loved to grow and didn’t have that cutthroat business attitude. BOG and spice of life genetics are amongst the hundreds of strains that are intertwined into the cannabis home grown world. The rate of seeds drops is ever increasing in the gotta grow the latest greatest race for fame and fortune, now… Breeder Steve and several others are working on sterile female cannabis plants with no pistol in the calyx. Breeder Steve Explains Vid In the next 3 or 4 years stolen genetics will be a thing of the past.

Me personally, I’m looking forward to growing Trichomes on a sheet of glass in the zero gravity of space. What? It could happen. :rofl:


Sorry mate I misread your post and thought you were saying the guy grew for Barney’s and was all about money… as you may have seen in other posts Barney’s and the Greenhouse really piss me off so I tend to go on a rant, apologies.

R2 for me has always played the background and been an unsung hero, never in the forefront and always humble. And even has a great sense of humour, for a droid that is unheard of. How many times does he save the day and with little or no credit, he’s never let Luke down… a rare trait in humans these days. The support he gave Luke in the Dagobah system through his jedi training was a major highlight.

So in summary I always go for the underdog or the underrated guy or girl in most situations and can connect to the feeling of being underestimated.

“Sometimes, I just don’t understand human behaviour.” … C-3PO

Fuck yes:), me too. Maybe sleeping on a bed of zero gravity trichomes could be the future. Give a whole new meaning to ‘wake and bake’ haha


Had no clue about this and Sweet Tooth is one of my favorite strains. In fact, first time I smoked it was at Barney’s in the Dam in maybe 03 when it was gaining intense popularity. High was so racy it made me uncomfortable haha.

He definitely has no shame these days though. Crazy how America has surpassed who used to be the go-to for genetics (the Dutch).