Balcony with a view and Fatty's Live Vinegar House

lays down on the hammock for a sketchy sesh
I had a vision… the dude flying an x-wing with you FR2-OG2 riding droid.


That’s all time

The droid abides…

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The line up, launching at tomorrow’s farmers market

Back when Fatty used to play indoors (still can’t get my laptop to connect to wifi so these are snapped off the screen, sorry for the weird resolution)


Man, I would be pouring those bottles on everything :drooling_face:


@Oldtimerunderground I’ve been using the mango one in my hummus instead of lemon juice… nek leval blaard!


That sounds yummy. I make hummus all the time using the same great recipe, but changing the lemon juice to your mango vinegar… :drooling_face:

Can’t wait 'til you hit the BIG TIME, @FattyRoots, and your products are available everywhere!


The vinegars looks fire! I wish I could try the mango :call_me_hand:


I hope you sell them all! They look fantastic, i would like to order 1 of each and pay the shipping too. Please PM with a price if possible. Fantastic indoor grows, pic’s are great keep’m coming.


@DanzaKuduro uses pond water for compost teas and watering her plants. THey also culture it with lacto serum and then uses it as a probiotic for seed starting.


being a vinegar expert, I was wondering if you could advise me on something. I have a bottle of pineapple vinegar syrup which has been in the fridge for about 5 years now. The ingredients are just pineapple vinegar and added sugar, for use as “drinking vinegar” or for making cocktails.

It seems fine, but smells more vinegary than before. Is it still food grade and ok to use?

My guess is that it is fine, but that the probiotics have eaten most of the sugars by now.


don’t forget about the evil InBev corporation, which ruined rolling rock and is now in the process of ruining by beloved Anchor Brewery in San Francisco. They changed the logo and bottle for the first time since 1972, and the beer is suddenly a much lighter color.

rolling rock used to be quite good for a cheap beer when it was made at the original brewery “in the glass lined tanks of Old Latrobe.” It used to be crisp, dry, with sort of german mineral water aftertaste.

inbev closed the original brewery in like 2011 and now it tastes fucking sweet with a nasty lingering sweetness.

@FattyRoots what kind of beer are you drinking these days in central america? negra modelo was always my favorite mexican beer. Not sure what people are drinking farther south.


Can I forget about that? Please? Haha. I’m trying my best to forget that everything in the world is basically owned and run by like four conglomerates.

If I had any room at all in our house, I’d be brewing my own beer. We’ve got three bedrooms, one of which is my girl’s office, one of which is the grow room and one of them is our, uh, actual bedroom. Where we sleep haha. But yeah, everything’s gotten to the point now where I have to look at the back of the bottle or the packaging or whatever and be like,”Wait, blahblahblah makes this, which is a subsidiary of blahblahblah, which is a subsidiary of blahblahblah. We can’t buy this!” haha. It’s fucking exhausting. At this point, I’m like,”Fuck it, let’s get some McDonalds cheeseburgers… I give up. They won.” haha.


Just checked the back of the FR2-OG2… says made in Australia. :sunglasses:


That sounds like a great idea. Lots of benefits in both the pond water and LAB’S

I think that’s probably what happened, keeping it in the fridge definitely slows that process. I would still use it. Maybe add some sugar syrup to it, also a splash of Bragg’s or another vinegar with the mother and re-ferment it. Should only take one month if you add the mother.

Modelo is definitely popular down here. My go to though is Jamaican Red Stripe. There’s some good craft beers down here too these days, I love a good coffee or chocolate stout.


@Purple-N-Hairy @ELG thanks guys, appreciate it :blush:

Farmers market was dead due to the low season but I still managed to sell to almost half of the people who came through. Looks like a health store will stock them soon too so that’s a good start, got a meeting with them this week.

Thank you bro and for the support, unfortunately mailing things in this country is private courier only so the cost is ridiculous. As far as a normal post office that’s not an option, there’s not even addresses or street names or numbers here… dark ages mate. I would love to donate some for OG, hopefully Mexico can offer better postage. This is also why my mum has all my seeds in her fridge in Australia, no way to receive them here.

By the Chinese :joy:

That droid looks lost haha

Love it


I’m telling you, dude, just a matter of time before you get that shit in Whole Foods. Forty bucks a pop, baby!


No worries, sounds like you got everything well in hand. Once you get them on the shelf, give us the store name and I along with others can call and buy them out on the first day. :sunglasses: What? I watched you make it, stew it, bottle and label the deliciousness… I gotta have it!


Nice pic @Heliosphear The Droid abides, man



Epic my friend, epic! @Heliosphear