Balcony with a view and Fatty's Live Vinegar House

Going to have my first attempt at revegging her after being over generous and giving all my clones away without realizing I didn’t keep one… idiot :man_facepalming:t4: :roll_eyes:

Any reveg tips or advice would be great :call_me_hand:t4:


Cool post!!! I look forward to sitting in for this one.

I have revegged quite often over the years. I have found that a fair amount of patience, an 18/6 light cycle, and once a week kelp tea and foliar does them great.
They will go through a month or more of throwing weird 1 and 3 bladed leaves. Wait until she starts producing regular 5 to seven bladed leaves before taking cuts.


Thanks @SubSoilSelections good to have you stop by and appreciate the reveg tips, good advice. She is a vigorous girl so that’s on my side :v:t4:


Bit of rain this week which never happens in April so good time to turn the compost pile, some really nice fungal growth in there from the alfalfa… smelling like an old growth forest :call_me_hand:t4:


I have a river running out the the back of my house and yesterday while playing with my daughter on the banks it got me thinking about aguaponics and AMO’s(aquatic micro organisms) and that with all the fish, frogs, lizards and plant life in the fresh water that flows over volcanic rocks and sand I basically have a natural aquaponics set up in my back yard and why am I not utilizing it… it’s been raining this week so there are fresh plant shoots along the banks to also use. So today I went back and wild crafted some leaves, rocks, sand, fresh shoots and 4 gallons of river water. I added a tsp of powdered seaweed and about a 1/4 cup of molasses then put the air stones in to brew for tonight. The air should stabilize the ‘tea’ and if there is any anaerobic pathogens they should hopefully be out competed in the aerobic environment. I feel I am on to something good here, would love to know what you guys think? @Tinytuttle @Badger @Chronickyle

Something very cool I saw today was a ‘jesus’ lizard run about 4 meters on top of the water from one side of the river to the other after I startled it, man I love nature :lizard:

New life :seedling:

:fish: :fish: :fish:


Brews on :call_me_hand:t4:


Beautiful photos & I’m glad your able to take advantage of the Organics living in your backyard. So lucky. I hope whatever country your in is a great place to stay :wink: cause I’d like to dream of being your negbour.


I would happily take you as my neighbor, that’s assuming you don’t play loud Christian music on repeat like my current one…


Seems like quite the diversity of microbes to me ! Some of the best teas are made with pond or stream water IMO


I’m out then, I love to torture my neighbors before I gag and drag them to church. :joy:

Jk man.

Edit: I’m interested to see how that turns out, and wish I had a stream that close.


I’ve heard about people watering their plants with their freshwater aquarium water. Seems like it’d basically be the same thing with that river water, except probably even more powerful due to the greater diversity in the river. Cool idea.


Looks great man. All the natural resources available to make some of the best stuff. Deffinetly following along.


Around 24hrs of brewing then I hit the girls, it smelt like EM or fermented bokashi bran which I’ve never smelt in a tea but wasn’t mad at all about it…you gotta trust the nose, the nose knows. Seems like it might be more genius juice to add to the feeding schedule


Tag em and bag em :joy: No need to be dragged to church by these guys they bring the church to you, the other day my wife was on a meeting and they were blaring some serious loud shit so I went over there to tell them to turn it down but I had to stop at there gate when I saw an actual priest with a mic at level 10 and a small crowd, I’ve told them before I’m Hindu(I am not) and pipe down but it doesn’t seem to work.

BTW not bashing anyone’s chosen religion, my dad is a church goes but come on let me smoke my doob and listen to Slayer in peace :joy:


seeing your pictures while hearing the :helicopter: ghettobird circling over my crackhead neghbors… :thinking:

:evergreen_tree: wanna trade?

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Sounds like a scene from the wire


I assumed you weren’t from the beginning. Ive probably listened to some of the exact same music as your neighbors. I try to be sensitive of others though, and not drive anyone nuts. Everyone has their own choices and their own consequences in life.


Maybe you should just crank “Reign in Blood” at the same volume as your neighbors. Kind of like a Battle of the Stereo Systems.

Might make them question whether or not you’re really Hindu, though…


Ripper album that one mate! @minitiger
I live in a rural area and the whole street is some how related, apparently it’s a family custom to blast their choice of noise… got the super aggressive Christian radio to the right, a mix of 90’s top 40 music and reggaton out front and next to her the dude who smokes brick weed in plain sight playing some ok reggae but again way too loud. My wife has meetings all day so it’s her that is mostly affected. It’s gotten a little better lately since I’ve played a few loud punk albums back in their direction, my speaker is a lot bigger so I can do some damage too haha.
I prefer the sound of the jungle though to be honest, thankfully at night they are rarely playing anything


Plants reacted great to the river brew, Pineapple Express is praying to the sun gods. That gets a double tick next to it in the log book


I would say they appreciated the treat. They are super happy. :muscle::muscle::muscle:


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