Baltimore Chapter 2 "The Wire"

No Problem, Some sink and some don’t; I personally haven’t seen a correlation between ones that sink/float and a failure / success rate and I don’t wait for them to sink either. 24 hour soak and into medium every time.

I used to do the paper towel/baggy method and it works as well as any, for myself I just like disturbing the taproot as little as possible.

Worth giving it a shot, but it can be stressful the first couple times waiting for them to pop above soil haha.


I had a couple of things off. Temp swings. Enough to start then go cold. I ended up placing the ziplock bags in a t shirt and stuck it under some sils in my smaller tent.

Sure as shit I got more autos than I can handle. Lol. I got what I really needed to pop, so that’s what’s up. I put plastic wrap over the cups with beans and the next day they broke ground.

I don’t have much room as it is so maybe it’s a blessing and can make 4-5 plants pretty stout. I hope.:grin::+1:. Thanks for the help and anyone else who sees this. I got this killer auto called auto purple bastard eater from rocbud. Definitely gonna make some more of those.

Be safe out there. I’ll be posting the children when I get up in there. :v::grin:


Now that is a good problem to have!


Sick grow journal! That Miracle Alien Cookie is crazy frosty. Just last night i got my Sluricane #7 seeds from Terpy Seeds. Gonna probably pop a couple in a few weeks.


Well I ended up with what I really wanted. 3 Wilson Zero. Hopefully at least one male. I’ll definitely be making Wilson F2’s. It’s absolutely one of the best strains I e ever smoked. Top 5 top 5! :grin::+1:.

I got a nice Banana Cake (fem) from In House running pretty solidly next to the Wilson’s. I absolutely love the Banana strains. Imo they’re one of the most potent and tasty strains. Y’all hit any stawnana? Man, that shit tastes like a daquari. Idk how to spell it lol.

I got a Dracary’s that’s coming along. Some of the seedlings caught hell coming out of the husks and damaged a few. I’m happy to report they’re growing despite all this shit. Dracary’s= Bubba x GG#4. Beautiful frosty dankary of the highest.

W/o making a ton to read, auto wise I pulled some fire out. If you wanna look in up. I got RocBud Purple Rocberry v2, Auto Purple Bastard Eater…:eyes:. I know. I got one of the 2 Loca Mota’s via Sebring. I may have to hit the APBE with some silver spray. It’s absolutely one I’d like to bring into the fold somehow. The Rocberry Auto looks like Buckeye Purple and the yield is crazy.

Other than that everything is clean and behind schedule as usual. Lol. I’ll grab some pics when they’re a tad bigger. Nothing special going on. Solo’s and humidity, lots of fan and keeping them off the floor and roots warm. Bro and I are struggling a bit. I’m looking for a good psychiatrist to get myself properly medicated and mentally healthy. I fight the good fight no matter what. My goal is a small place maybe in WV mountain country.

I miss posting and seeing everyone grow and enjoy the company of all the best people here. I’ll always love OG and would love to in the future get our own meets and cups. I think we have all the talent and a real community. I love all you guys and will make sure I keep coming back. Lol. If anyone is ever struggling and need someone to talk to my phone line is open or for any other reason. We’re going legal here! Hehe. Idgaf anyways. Y’all know me. Be safe be kind, keep it clean simple and green. :grin::+1:. :eye:‍:left_speech_bubble::heart::evergreen_tree:’s

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Yes Lord. I started panicking not getting them to pop. I was doing way too much. I got a new big roll of bounty and some clean ziplocks (always sterile). Moist paper towels with seeds wrapped in a white tee, folded and set on the floor of my auto tent. It created just enough warmth to bring everything to life.

I had a shit ton of autos. Had to cull a few which I never enjoy. Put too many then they all popped. Lol. I’m just excited to get back in the pocket. It’s getting cold so I can’t wait to open the HPS up on them in January. I hope for seeds this run. I figured I’ll clone all the nice ladies then probably hit the Banana Cake with the Wilson. That’s one for preservation. If you haven’t ran anything from Oni. Don’t wait. I have some Tropicana Cookies, Sour Trop and Wilson 0. All are gonna be pollinated.

That’s my goal this year. Getting healthier, seeds, and getting the MAG growing and nothing but OG members gifts and creations. I have anxiety not being able to get to everything quick enough but I will. I stop being a seed junky. I had way too much and I gotta grow my way outa this bean hill. Lol. Thanks for coming through. Be safe bud.:v::grin:


I appreciate it. I should be on my 3rd journal but it’s all good. I’m happy to be growing still and really alive. Marijuana has saved my life. Lol. Man Dude got a pack of Original Slurs and I only got one. It did not pop and I was slightly depressed. The Mac survived but I knew I couldn’t risk a new grow with that clone even having the possibility of Whiteflies or anything else.

It hurt losing the MAC but I enjoyed it. It’s still out there and I’m kinda over it and it’s made me focus on stuff I really wanna check out. I got a bunch of Sam’s stuff and from Mister :honeybee: via Mark. Mark’s gear may mostly be regs or not fully auto but there’s fire genetics in his stuff and I can’t wait to have the space to really rip into all this stuff.

I had a blueberry auto finish after completely stopping having to go into 12/12. It didn’t wanna finish it was so perfect. The smoke was something else. As it cured fully it was awesome. It looked more like some kinda Purple bud. Big orange hairs. Mmm orange. I have some Cali-o fems. I wanna do a real orange or citrus run. I have stuff like Orange Durban but I really want a fruity run flavor wise. Tangie is too much for some but I love it.

Good luck on the Slurricaine! Be sure to come holler at me and throw me a link to your grow. I love to see what everyone is up too. That reminds me I hope @ReikoX got his bug problem under control. He’s a great grower. I’m sure he did. Lol. Love his stuff.

Be safe out there and don’t bother to holler at me. I will be back babbling about random growing stuff. Hehe. Have a good one.:v::grin:


No sign of the borg. Plants took a bit of a hit from the treatment, but doing alright now!


That’s what I’m talking about! The Black sun reigns supreme… All heil. Hehe. What was the weapon that really worked? Spinosad? That’s awesome man. I get anxiety when I hear about bugs. In the mid Atlantic we get hit with Stink Bugs hard. They’re not a huge problem but I’m terrified of the little shits. Eewee. Lol.

You’re better grower for conquering the bugs. Do you have like an IPM that you have been doing or anything different you do now for preventative maintenance? I threw everything old and not in use out and hung the tents out sprayed them down and let the cold hit em. Things look great so far. I’m glad to hear it.

I was worried with the no till you might have to take the beds out. You don’t and you don’t we’ll. It’s always a pleasure bud. I’m gonna have to get a rosin press at some time. I was speaking with Oni for a sec about the Wilson. He says it’s his top strain for concentrates. Tasty stuff. The strar wars themed stuff looks great. Solo’s stash, wookie, Skywalker. Be safe and have a good one. :grin::+1:

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First, I caught them super early. Second, I rotated between three treatments every three days for about two weeks. Neem oil, Method 1 PPS, and Captain Jack’s Dead Bug (spinosad). The first week, I did a castile soap spray between treatments.


I bought Papyafiya from Inhouse specifically to get a freebie of King Sherb. All i really wanted was to grow King Sherb. It died by the root coming up out of the soil. It was a shit seed and it sucked to be so close to growing something i was looking forward to for months. I get it.

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Sounds good bud. I love to see a grower persevere over those zombie fooks. Lol. I’ve heard great things about most of what you speak of. Castile soap is a (dtergentless??) soap that’s safe on most plants and is a must to get those things to free up and be pushed off the plant

I know one thing, I won’t be messing around if I see a few pop up. I loathe mites existence. The whiteflies biting in mass created a disease of something from they’re moth parts. Sucked all the nutrients causing the bark to literally have necrosis and come off. I’ll say it again. I hope the sick bugs die and burn in hell fire. Haha.

Good deal. Its a blessing to be able to finish the run and move on w/o the anxiety. Have a good one.:grin::+1:


You know, I don’t always buy something based on word of mouth but I had to try something from In House. I caught a couple packs on sale. OGKB 2.1 I actually bought a half from a buddy in CO. and decided to pick that one up and the Banana Cake. I was gonna get this sugarcane deluxe but I got two freebies. GMOxSunset N Bluenana x Slurricaine. I think the free guys were. OGKB was awesome, GMOSHERB was nice and spicy. I love the GMO… Honestly though even though most people hate copycat his prices most of the time don’t reflect buying say 4 packs from the master list at like 62.50 a piece. He at least gets the desired cut then reverses it. So at least your in the ballpark.

Other than that I shoot around a bit. If it’s too much for me I can’t justify it. I probably won’t be buying any more IH stuff. Just a bit underwhelmed. There’s just so much heat around I like figuring out solid breeders and strains. I really like MMS. I got several of his strains. This Panama Goo tastes like apple juice and is gas. I’d try the Bubba Pupil. Tons of good stuff out there though.

Let me know how goes when you get at them. I just like to see what becomes of it. I know a lot of problems with plants were from lack of knowledge on my part nutrient wise and pests. Fingers crossed, this run should be hefty and sticky. I think I’m gonna take clones then fill the tent up and scrog it with a new eye bulb.

Alrighty, be safe out there and thanks for coming by. I enjoy shooting the crap hearing everyone’s experiences with breeders. Have a good one.:v::grin:


I figured with it snow/slush/sleeting, I’d grab some shots of the warm little tents indoors. I love seeing plants thrive inside when everything is dead outside.

Main 2x2 tent. 3 5ways with different s.i.l.'s. These lights produce some of the sweetest auto bud. It allows me control over a smaller area and it’s really my favorite way to grow. I love all the OG artist’s work I’ve been able to grow and share with family.
Roc Bud
Purple Roc Berry Auto V2 (not my pic)
I figured I’d show you one of the deep purple plants from a grow diary. Buddy killed it.

Here’s my little baby Rocberry. Lol grow baby grow! If all goes well I may further his strains for future use.

Auto Purple Bastard Eater
This one reminds me of a blues steel or a black grey type bud. Absolutely gorgeous finisher, potent and another reason autos have turned me on.

Loca Mota
I had 2 seedling’s. For whatever reason, these few got trashed coming out of the husk. It’s all good but I don’t like slowing autos down for any reason.

This one was on life support in the small tent to be transferred. Mangled at birth.


I figured I’d split the post into 2. I was thinking of taking clones from the plants in my main tent then filling it a bit more but I probably won’t. I will be holding clones for the future to see how they turn out. Keeper’s possibly?
Oni-Wilson Zero
I got 2 of these I was happy with. I’m not gonna overdo anything at this point. Fairly clean and warm. Let’s gooo! :grin::+1:

IH-Banana Cake
Been trying to get one of these girls to pop and finally got a decent looking one to go all the way. Lord willing.

Wide shot with my Mr. Sparkle strip thermometer. These guys have saved my life. I don’t finish under this led unit but the IR and UV seem to give them a little something extra. Idk?

I hooked the fan to be adjustable up and down. I love being able to slide this fan up and down the tent instead of just angling it and not getting full use. It helps me keep my HPS cool and a tad closer to the tops when needed. Easier to clean it and no pole clamp small fan.

That’s about it right now. I can make my updates smaller. I guess this will be the start of this run. Fingers crossed. Oh yeah. I’m using Vermiculite and promix in my medium this time. Mixing it the soil felt really nice in the hand. Not noticing any negatives yet. All right you pothead’s…:yum: lol. We’ll see you in a bit.


New run, new year coming up, gives an good excuse for a new thread and squaring this away for some good runs like you do on the regular :wink:


Absolutely. The only thing I really wanna do this year is get a couple new 4x4’s. I love the 2x2 tents that I have (Zeny). Wish I woulda got them all together. Gorilla tents are nice but pricey. I saw a tent that had like an extra shroud that goes over it but I can’t think of the name? I’d also like to get something like a HEPA filter(s) that fit in the intakes to at least bring cleaner air into the tent. I don’t spend time oogling inside either.

Shaking these bad practices is gonna be the difference for me and taking the plants to the next level. I try not to complain too much. You have to push on and learn from previous grows. I’m getting like you now as I grow more as far as only smoking what you grow. You can’t trust the stuff here not to be adulterated. Thanks for coming by. I’ll leave a pic of the late great Poison Cookie. My Mom loves these autos. They cure to have a beautiful smell and taste.

Bug free and not burning them on the lights we should have a couple beauties this go around. I’ll be sure to tag you.:v::grin:


Couple of cheap furnace filters of appropriate sizes would help for intake, would reduce alot of the bigger particle or lint ect


That’s why I love this place. I have to get one for our furnace as it is. House is like 80+ years old. It’s mostly concrete slabs and block from WW2. This house holds the cold :cold_face:. Other than that you can gut these things out and clean them pretty quick.

That’s a great idea and I don’t think it would cut the flow down much from the inline. If anything I need to slow it down because it’s dumping the warm air from inside out causing the heat to run and run. Fortunately I’m running about a 400w led unit right now so I haven’t needed to dump the heat that much. They’re just starting to boogie down right now.

Quick ? How often do you use liquid cal-mag as far as daily waterings and plant size? They’re small and still in the base mix. Do you add a small amount every watering? I feel like these are the key things that I’m just not hitting right. I appreciate the help. I might actually come a decent grower. Scary. Lol. Thanks for the help.


You can use Botanicare Cal-Mag Plus (contains Micronutrients) at 1/2 of recommended rate. Add to water BEFORE you add anything else to prevent “lock out”. You’re doing GREAT with your Grows, by the way!! Enjoy the Holidays, SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: