Baltimore Chapter 2 "The Wire"

Yeah man everything’s getting cleaned up I only got one more left to finish and it’s almost done now but I’ll be glad to get everything out. I’m surprised that I got that little on it as far as the tent being so small and having no to extract the heat what not out. Lack of plant maintenance on my part really. Gotta open those buds up.

I’m thinking about running a 4-inch line from the small tent (filter in between the tents) to the larger tent next to it instead of getting another in line because it definitely needs to have some extraction going on. Ughh.

I tell you what bud I’m going to be a resourceful person when it comes to pests. I’ve had just about every pest in the past few years. I’ll be damned if I put up with any more powdered mildew or mold/rot. Lol.


Well I can say this for sure. The Ghost Rose is definitely one of the most potent thickest strains I’ve grown. It has massive potential. I would love to see this in a DWC setup under an :eye: bulb. I lost at least a third of the plant. It just petered out. I’m glad I caught it when I did. Will be resetting pretty soon.

I had to bring the Blueberry auto in. We got a big slug of cold wet shit. It smells like mustyness. There’s so many different smells I love to hit but one I can’t stand is any anomia cat piss. There’s a strain goi g around real dark greenish black. It’s super loud and pretty good. I’m kind of tired of flat musty strains though. The underground locally stays fixated on this opiate trend. I’d like to see some old sour back.

There’s so much going on I’m finding it much to keep up with. I been pretty sick lately. I’m just glad I got some grass to hold me over til spring. Be safe out there. Hopefully y’all have some successful grows.:v::wink:


Check out this Blueberry plant. What a most perfect plant. It did stall right after it threw big pistols out. It reminds me more so of a Blackberry-ish looking lady.

Anyways there’s nothing much more to say then Mark’s stuff is great. You might have to pheno hunt a tad bit that’s life. It’s extremely musty and (knock on wood) no PM. We’ll see how it ends. We got white still so maybe we’ll get get some more weight. ?'s

Auto BB


Very nice looking B!


That’s very nice of you. Lol. I don’t get that compliment often. I had to put it under my HPS to finish it up. Hope all is well in you and your fam. I’m digging the cold now. It was a scorcher this year. Be safe dude.:v::grin:


Hey @Mr.Sparkle I believe I have Cookie Devil here but you did the Poison Cookies as well. Correct? I was thinking I ran a Polson instead of a Devil cross. After being battered like a bad wife (jk) this lady swelled a tad bit.

The tips on the leaves are almost like Skittles colored. The tips of the leaves are purple, pink underneath, red, almost green to blueish. What a.pretty plant. It has a sharp smell to it as well. It’s hard to describe. My Mom loves these little powerful ladies. We definitely enjoy the genetics shared. I thank you very much. To the other gentleman as well. OG is Church.:grin::+1:

This plant was grown under s.i.l.s. in a 1 gal pot.
Cookie Devil or Poison Cookie…I think. :thinking:

As you can see the main cola was mashed against a bulb when it came loose from it’s rubber bread tie dealio. Have to rock em on a 45/ to get em to fit n finish.


What do y’all think about Bodhi colab with Berner? I’m gonna catch flak for this but this is what it’s like when worlds collide! Lol. I’m excited to see what’s coming. People are hateful and fearful of the unknown. I like all types of grass. I want some gassy fruity smoke with Fuego to it like MAC. I’d love to cross the Wilson 0 X Mac.

If you haven’t smoked Mac, it’s a pleasure to have this strain. Id like to get a Sherb cut or a Mendo cut. We’ll get there. I like the way Romulans stuff looks as well. @Gaz29 how are you sir? You popped in my head the other day as well. I think I got a Romberry cross from you. That pennywise was good AF man. Hope all is well.


Hey bro,
I’m in Florida just now, been here a week now, got another week left - fkn struggling for a smoke and im staying in one of the Resort Hotels - so miles away from any potential source.

I had a wee bit of hash with me but it’ didn’t last me too long.

Anyway i hope all is well with you and yours.

Have a good one mate …!


Yeah there was a Poisoned Rose Cookie Devil that a few got seeds from you probably being one of them, and would possibly fit the bill as they tended to have red undertones when they faded out, the ghost rose cookie devils were mainly just green in coloring, but really :man_shrugging:


Lol. I remember the cookie Devil tastes grape like at finish to me and was a solid cola. I’m sure it could be grown out as far as training it but it was thick. Really loud plants as well. Sharp smelling. Those pink and red leaves are really nice.

I love to see guys killing it with these autos. They are easy to grow but then again if you get off track it seems like it could add potential time and loss of potency. This next run should be great. I’ve been seeing a lot of unripe stuff lately. There’s that line each plant should be pushed to though. Calyxes and buds should be plump.

The whiteflies .ade the buds small. It’s like the framework was there as for huge mass but all the material wasn’t filled in. Lol. I’m glad I can laugh now. Thanks for coming through. I can’t wait to smoke it. Itl be down this week.:grin::+1::seedling::rose::cookie:


Hey what’s up y’all? I wanted to touch base. I’m popping seeds as we speak. I’ll be back with pics and updates. I’m glad to have another run to start.

Just a rundown on what’s been popping.

In House - Banana Cake

In House - Slurricaine

Oni - Wilson Zero

Mass Med - Panama Goo

Katsu - Dracaru’s

Copycat - G.M.O.

Took some time to clean but I believe this should be an epic run. The terpenes in all these strains are phenomenal. I will be selecting plants for light pollination on small branches as well. It’s nice to have everything tightened right back up. Y’all be safe. I’m glad everything is good to go.

Drop a line or a pic of your grow. If you want. Love y’all.:grin::+1:


Im having issues popping seeds. I swear I used to throw seeds in a paper towel in a Ziploc, then in the sock drawer. Most popped within 24-48 hrs.

Im not sure exactly what the problem is. I keep my hands sterile and use fresh paper towels and bags. I had several pop then the tails stopped and some turn to mush really quick. Most seeds are sealed or packed in a constant temp (room temp like 70’s.

I had a couple pop then went stagnant and the seed is literally mush inside the shell. have a ton of stuff to grow but I really don’t wanna lose the last seeds from my favorite strains. Got everything super clean and I’m ready to kill this run.

Anyone have any surefire tips besides rooting plugs? What’s the optimal temperature range y’all use and any other tips. I know the beans are viable as some tails came out but stopped shortly after for some reason I assume.

Of all those beans only the Dracarys (Katsu) popped and is juuust breaking the soil. It sucks because I wanted to make some beans from the Wilson. I figured having a pack of F1’s I’d like to make a ton of F2’s. I’d like to have some variation within my plants. I imagine that you’ll start losing variety as you get further down the line

Love you guys. Hel ok me get back in the mix. Please. Lol. :grin::+1:


Throw some hydrogen peroxide in the water you use intially that made the difference to me using the bag method when I did, that and exchange the water with fresh stuff after about 2-3 days


Thanks bud. I’ll be sure to give it a try. I was reading something about enzymes that help the seed come alive. I’m not exactly sure off the top of my head but they mixed some stuff with the water like a tiny bit of sugar. I’ve never heard of this method but idk lol.

Real quick though. Is the bag method a paper towel in a Ziploc or other bag? Do you have a 'plant mister you’re using to apply the water to the seeds? Thanks for the help dude. Be safe.


I was watching a info thing on YouTube about plants in general, apparently it’s bacteria that signal the seed when to hatch, so a little sprinkle of mycorhizzai on them helps a lot. Also keeping Temps up around 80f seems to work best for me doing the paper towel in a baggie.

Good luck man, nothing more frustrating than seeds not popping :+1:


paper towel in a bag, but i just float my seeds in a contact case with water and a bit of h202 in it and once they throw tails i plant them, or exchange the water with fresh stuff if its been say 3 days but usually at that point you know if your seeds are duds or not.


I just chuck seeds in a cup of tap water for 24 hours and then plant directly into soil. Some have a taproot showing, some don’t.
Usually pop 20ish seeds per month and haven’t lost one in a few months.

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Thanks for the info and kind words. I’m quite sure I initially had the seeds all right or slightly above 80. I’ve been sticking one of Mr. S’ thermometer papers in the fold with the beans in bags to get a general idea. They all took on water but thinking they were hot I switched spots sealing their fate.

I’ve never had a problem by just throwing paper towel bags with seeds in a sock drawer and 2 days later they’d be creeping out the paper. I believe I need some litfa. I’m over thinking this and burning through stuff I can’t afford to. Someone end my misery. Lol.

I have everything clean as fuck for an epic run then this bs. Haha. Have a good one bud. I’ll be watching more YouTube videos. I saw something like soil has microscopic things that encourage growth. I have some mycos. Be safe dude. I’ll post what happens. Just a rut. :v::grin:


I’ve never tried that method but it makes sense. I’ll probably end up trying that technique on some beans that I’m not stressing chancing.

So from what I was told they should sink in that 24 hr period then they should be planted in a seedling mix? I appreciate the advice. I’d rather check with the best growers in the world before I fuck anymore up. Lol. At least I recognize that I’m that guy and when to stop before it’s all the way fucked.

I’m over thinking/over doing this. Be cool. Thanks for dropping in.:pray:


Sounds good. That’s what I was wondering about them popping in water. You can definitely tell when a bean has went stagnant. The insides come out like a mushy zit. Eeeew.

About three days sounds right. Marijuana seeds ime pop very quickly so they should start moving the first day to a tail the second day. Thanks for the help.

Oh yeah Mom said thanks for the awesome strains. We love the poison Cookies and the others. We always get a couple of yours and Reiko’s in every time. They have massive terps and help my with joint pain and sleep. Awesome sharp smells. Have a good night.:grin::+1: