Baltimore Chapter 2 "The Wire"

Very cool. I noticed last time I was using very little of it. My plants kinda looked sad. They were locking out of something that for sure. It seems like I’m that state they were sickly and just didn’t yield good. I have a good soil mix going they seem to like. Not too overcrowded this time. We should have a good run this go.

Happy Holidays to you and your family as well. It’s good to be back posting and seeing everyone show big love. Thanks for the good vibes. Be safe out there. We’ll talk at you soon. :v::grin:


I figured I’d post to see their progress when I look back. It helps me to see where things change for better or worse. I just enjoy posting and like to check in. I really like the led units with IR/UV. Seems like they respond well. Idk. Anyone see benefits during flower? Maybe get some supplemental lighting to see if it helps any.

Wilson 0

Banana Cake

Purple Rocberry Auto

Dracary’s (Little buddy got squirrelled coming out) :roll_eyes:

Sitting on highjacked oven racks. Lol

It’s way hotter than it should be. I figured it would be nice and cool. I can hardly wait to hook the HPS up. Damn it’s gonna be smokin in here.


I don’t like to buy weed off a corner but sometimes I gotta smoke and get tired of waiting on someone on some shit. Thank God I don’t have to de with this much but I grabbed a couple nickels. Lol. When’s the last time you saw a apple bag? Anyways. My Mom was tucked in her bad at like 6. Then I worry that they’re spraying F on the grass. I don’t know if where you are has a problem like we do here but like Frank’s Red Hot. They put that shit in everything.

I would just say by looking at it, that it’s fire. It’s super stoney weed. I’d like to see what a lb. looks like before it’s all broken down. I feel like all weed should be fire nowadays. There’s no reason to not grow fire genetics. I’m off track. I zoomed best as possible.


Everything is moving along nicely. I’m so excited I’m like the little girl on Despicable Me. “It’s so green and fluffy!!!”. Lol.

As the grow progresses I start really thinking about the plants makeup and can’t help but squeal with anticipation. The Wilson Zero popped the fastest and are very robust. My grow bags have been cleaned and are waiting to be filled. The Dracary’s is a Bubba Kush x GG#4. I’ve seen some pink fading frosty buds from some grow diary’s. I figured it would be right up my alley being largely dank indica. Can’t fucking wait.

The IH is least what I’m looking forward to. I was just really pressed on Banana strains so this one looked like it would have a few lunkers. Maybe. We’ll see. Here’s a shot of the tent today. I cleaned out the 2x2 and daisy chained it to the 4x4 with HEPA filters in between the two and on the intake on the 2x2. Nice and clean. Broke it down in two shots.

I’ll have the autos in there fairly soon. There already throwing pistils.


It’s looking mighty clean in that tent :tent:! I like what I see.

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I got my fat ass up and filled the fabric pots. I had just enough dirt to cover my autos as well. I decided not to go crazy with plant numbers. I found one auto had a pollen sac down low. That’s never a good sign. It’s all good though because I really only wanna have 2 autos in a 2x2x3. Looking like it’s gonna be the purple Roc Berry V2 and the Loca Mota from sir Sebring.

I believe the Loca Mota is a cross of Grape Walker Kush and Low Ryder 2. I’m pretty sure it’s half a Mephisto cross. That means lovely frosty buds for sure. Other than that nothing really happening besides letting them be and not peeking in a like a 10 yr old. Lol. Na it’s looking ok.

Here’s just a wide shot after the transplant. I’m ready to take this led unit down. My room glows purple like some kinda alien shit going on. :eyes:. My eyes are all kinda messed up. I’m gonna start wearing growers glasses all the time.:sunglasses: Ray Charles.

I love the look of this strain. It’s a Katsu fem BubbaXGG#4. Some of them came out of the husks a little funky but they’re growing out of it.

Looking clean. I had to stop all the stupid shit I was doing like using the house dustpan and broom to clean the tents out. I still need to grab a small shop vac. We’ll see. Thanks for coming by. Still growing for what it’s worth. :v::grin:


HAPPY NEW YEAR, BRO!!! SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Happy New Year’s senor :honeybee:. Hope you and your family is well and y’all have a safe one. :beers::evergreen_tree::grin::+1:


Is it normal for older growth leaves to yellow and die over time? Not like overfert or or say rotting from the tip back. The soil they’ve been transplanted into has cooked off for a good bit and the plants have stood back up but I’m just trying to keep them from losing too much.

I’m gonna do some reading today but I was just wondering besides having nice soil what type of nutrients are you giving your plants when you water them? PH isn’t a problem. I’m just trying keep them nice and green. I’m gonna check out some fries and see what types of regiments y’all are on as far as water/feed. I need this grow to go as normal as it can. :grin::+1:

Anyone have any really good cannabis grow Bibles that you refer back to? Please lmk. I need some reading material.

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Mel_Frank_And_Ed_Rosenthal_-_The_Marijuana_Growers_Guide.pdf (898.8 KB)
Compost Tea Making - Marc Remillard.pdf (2.1 MB)
Marijuana Botany - An Advanced Study - The Propagation and Breeding of Distinctive Cannabis.pdf (276.1 KB) Smugglers_Blues_-_The_Saga_of_a_Marijuana_Importer.pdf (921.3 KB) The_Nirvana_Cannabis_Growing_Guide.pdf (394.5 KB)
A few to peruse
Hapi growing


Thanks a bunch. I’ve been using the search function but I’m getting sidetracked plant gazing. Lol. I appreciate the material. I’ve been missing some of the basics. I’m just trying to keep it simple. Have a good one. :grin::+1:


Right on, I have access to a lot more on discord. Files are to large to upload here though.
And did you find much here?:

Hapi hunting


I have OG on Discord I just need to figure out how to use it. I lost several years of computing and I’m about 10 years behind. There’s about 137 pages in the ed Rosenthal/Mel’s grow book/guide. I’ll be coming through it.

I definitely need to get more on a live chat to ask particulars like a certain scenario with auto flowers and the best way to handle it or just comforting to know it’s a normal deal.

I went through a ‘dark period’ of no growing but I’m now reinvigorated and I want to do something for us. I have a bunch of Sour Bubble and SSDD seeds I’m gonna go ahead and pop and Lord willing select the best of the best. I miss BOG and I love Bhodi so there’s are 2 that seems like people are really wanting to breed with. Again thanks for the info.

Thanks for coming through showing love.:pray::grin:


I got the. Google Pixel phone plugged in. After I unplug it, it soon dies. Maybe an old battery. What an awesome phone. My new Samsung looks like an old Nokia compared to this computer. So I’m gonna find the longest cable to get great pics.

Don’t mind the tent. I need new stickers but the heat makes them slide off lol. It’s all good. Here’s some pics of the autos. Some have spots I’m attributing to funky water or just the base soil it was in when they were in solo’s.

Not sure about the last dude in the solo cup. It looks great, it just hasn’t showed pistils but all autos aren’t equivalent so I take it in stride. Happy viewing. That to berry in the ice cream tub is gonna be the one to watch. It’s got great structure.

@Mr.Sparkle when do you start applying sts to your auto how often should it be sprayed and what should I expect. It seems like it should start now as the tops are filing in quick with pistils. Thanks for any infor or a link for auto breeding. Thanks bro.:pray:


yeah should start spraying, i usually start at the going into flower transition stage, as for how often that kinda depends on your mix, my older mixes i typically try and do it once a day for say about 10 days, but fresher mixes ive gotten results after about 3-4 sprays.

Thing to point out and what ive noticed is they kinda have to build up a level and then also be throwing out new calyxs, so any already formed or starting calyxs nothing will come from them its only say those that started development 3+ days after a spray of two will start working that way and usually takes a good 10+ days before you see anything.


Thanks for the info. I really wanna pull some seeds off these roc Bud autos for the fact that dude is a flake but these strains were fire. Maybe I can get some people some stock to make some cool mashups.

I bought a ‘sts kit’ from 2020 Mendo off Etsy. It’s got the mixing solutions and a spray bottle. The plants are definitely going into that transition right now. We’ll see how it goes. I’m definitely gonna have to use the 2x2 in my Mom’s room to separate them from my main ‘reg’ tent as they’re daisy chained at the moment to dump the moisture from the small tent into the main with a filter in between. Actually adding a little bit of humidity to my main which is helping a bit.

Looks like it’s a single use type pack. I wonder if Sebring still sells the dry ingredients or a source to make more for cheaper. I definitely have some cool genetics I’d like to preserve from fems and autos.


Cool, I’m on OG discord too, if I see you there ill invite you to more rooms with more info, glad your reinvigorated to grow, welcome back!. That a good set of genetics to spar with for sure. And anytime with the help. Nice breeding solution, I have 2 pair of those twenty20 bottles, havent use them yet, guess watching you will help, cheers,
Hapi growing


If its an old kit just watch that those bottle the parts havent settled and clung to the wall of those bottles i had that happen to my own mixed stuff in glass jars over time was the silver nitrate side that clung to the surface, still worked just needed to be more liberal with my application, so just give them a good shaking and maybe some excess distilled water and a little scrub with a clean bottle brush or say cotton swab.


I appreciate the info. It’s fairly new. Within the year I’d say. I’ll make sure everything looks Kosher and go from there. I have to learn somehow so it’s trial by fire…kinda. Hehe!

Alrighty. I’m gonna give it a dose tomorrow and take it from there. I’ll be sure to post how it goes so buddy @Hapi can check it out as well. We shall see. Thanks dude. Have a good one. Be safe.:v::grin:


I will do that. I’ll jump on tomorrow and see how this app works. My first time attempting using a silver solution so *fingers crossed we get some good seed stock. I’d love to see a Ghost Toof cross X Roc berry. Cool stuff. We’ll figure it out. Have a good one bud.:grin::+1: