Baltimore Chapter 2 "The Wire"

man your wilson 0 is a stunner bro. and if you ever get to those alien rift tag me iv grown it once and really liked it


Thanks dude. I sure will. I may run them this next round. I really had the temperature fucked up trying to pop them all. You’d kick my ass if you know how many quality seeds I’ve straight shanked this go around. I got it thank God.

I have the covid. I avoided it this entire time. I went back to smoking bags off the street until this run is done. They got a few stores now that are selling grass under the table. I fucked around and passed the bowl around and that was it. It’s not that I don’t like sharing a bowl I just usually don’t have people ask too often. Sweating really out of control. The plants are doing well. Thanks for coming through.:grin::+1:

PS I may have a AR going. Got a few seeds mixed up.


Here’s a few shots of the crew. Enjoy.


Get better soon! One of my friends still has it 6 months later!

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Yeah man, take care of yourself.

Sucks, but the days of passing a joint around with my buddies are over. Smoked one with my brother over Thanksgiving, and was not happy I did. Got away with it, considering he pretty much lives in little wuhan.

Next time someone asks for a hit, I will just hand them a fresh spliff;)

No offense


Lol. I love all the old dudes in comedy. I just had a couple binge days of Chevy Chase, Dan Akroyd, John Candy, John Belushi…dude Uncle Buck is it for me. Haha.

Yeah man. I’d rather split a bud rather than go level 7 T-Virus. It looks like zombie land already around here but that death rattle. Lol. I’m done with it. I can actually smell coffee a tid bit now. I gotta have me couufeee.:grin::+1:. Thanks for coming thru you guys. I appreciate the love.


I had to post just these 2. The Wilson are looking fantastic and are going to be cloned and used to make a shit ton of F2’s for an eventual pheno hunt. I plan on keeping a solid m/f from these F1’s for pollination of other cuts. I’m not trying to be like Masonic dude aka Bob Ross. I just wanna do some off the wall stuff. Anyways.

This is a Banana Cake female. Banana OG x Wedding Cake. It’s my favorite strains as far as far as looks and vigor. I fell in love with Banana OG and had to get the WC mashup. It’s just pretty and funky already. Please excuse the purple glow. They seem to love it. Itl be clone time soon and topping.:grin::+1:
Banana Cake :cake: :banana:

This one is a large plant as far as it’s structure. I’m super excited because I see the GG and the Bubba. The main is drinking straw fat and it hasn’t shown the slightest bit of burn going into the precooked soil blend. I love using Vermiculite.

You can see (up close) it’s got… what’s the word? Vegriegation?? The leaves are expressing a Seattle Supersonics colors. I can’t wait to see her in flower. Even the petioles are really long making it look wide bodied.
Pre-98BK x GG#4 (Dracary’s)
Bubba Glue

Oh yeah the autos. I didn’t spray them because I found more seed of each and one had a set of nuts real early so I held off. This is a smoke and clone run. I’ve been so sick I just didn’t wanna mess with them on that level. Probably why everything looks decent. Lol.

Man they’re looking nice shiny and green. It’s been a minute since I had them looking decent. Be safe y’all.


Pulling for you man. It’s a whole new world with this germ running around.


Shit bro thank you. I’m getting better. I got a few days where it had a boost of energy then I crashed and started throwing up like the exorcist. Sheesh :face_vomiting:

I had to water this little sheite’s tonite. I don’t do much anymore but this feeling of being beat physically is lame AF. Be safe dude. Thanks for the kind words.:sunglasses::+1:


Well it’s looking like both Wilson are males. However there is an absolute gorgeous male with tons of branching and it’s a funky fucker. If the other is a male it’s not a breeder but the first may be the ONE. Hehe.

So I have a massive Banana Cake and the Bubba Glue. The Bubba Glue topped itself and it’s gonna be a monster plant. The third plant…may be an Alien Rift… looks like it’s gonna be a lady. I can scrog the Fems I have a max them out. Throw the HPS on when I flip em.

Either way if I clone the females they won’t have time to be flipped to make a fuck. Here’s the options. Clone everything and the one Wilson male then just flower out the females. I can let the male W0 hit these plants and see if some of the crosses are solid. The Wilson x Nana Cake would probably be drop. Mmm fruity gaaass.

What what you do if you were trying to make F2 Wilson? Clone the male and get ready for next run with all Wilson and can still keep a F1 stud to pollinate with? Lemmie know what your thoughts might be if y’all read this and understand what I’m saying. Lol. I’ll get some pics soon. I could up pot the others with the males dirt and really push the others???:v::grin:

**I figured if I’m gonna do a Wilson preservation run, the thing to do would make a fuck ton of seeds.


Flower out the male, save the pollen. Hit a female later. That assumes you have more seeds or a female clone.


That definitely seems like a better option. I’d rather not hold clones at this point. I have about 4 seeds left of the Wilson. There should be a female in there. I hope there is anyways.

I can use the extra grow space to scrog the other plants and still have a little breathing room for them. I need to grab a couple large tubs for occasions like this to let them really max out. I appreciate the advice. I make things more difficult than they should be.

Thanks for coming by. Your plants are looking great. I’m glad you beat those bugs down. Be safe dude. Have a good one. :grin::+1:


You ever thought about growing autos only? I may get heft from growing plants out on a fixed light schedule but I imagine if I get large pots some of the autos will get a lot bigger.

I’m still sexing out the couple regular plants out. I’m just a couple weeks from flipping them. I had the Bubba top itself but it slowed it down just a bit. Big burley girl though. I’ll have to see if this B. Cake is worth keeping around. It’s the largest and best looking so I dunno.

Here’s a few shots of the autos. A little frost and the forward plant has some intersex stuff going on. Some of the pistols look like they e been hit. It’s all good I’ma keep trucking. At this point it is what it is. Hope y’all are having good luck. I love growing in the winter. Only thing is stinkbugs showing up. Thinking it’s spring in here. Filthy beasts. Lol.:grin::+1:


Ahh what the hell. Here’s what’s cooking in my main tent. I’ve been adding some cal-mag to the waterings and I keep the PH right about 6.5-6.7 ish. Everything is looking great. Just not seeing the female/male numbers I’d like. I’ll lay em out right quick.

Top plant to the right is the Dracary’s
(GG#4x Pre-98) Katsu

Bottom left in the 1gal. I have no fucking clue??? My dumbass always gets 1 mixed up. Looks like a Wilson but idk at his point. If it’s a lady itl get an uppot.

Bottom right is the Wilson male. I was hoping I was wrong about the preflowers. Pretty sure it’s a dude.

Top is a Wilson. Idk about the sex. It was looking like a male but I’ll have to let us get a tad more mature.

Bottom plant is the Banana Cake. It’s a really nice big plant. Hopefully with the wedding cake in it’s genes we get some purplish hard rocks off it. I e got some clones from each just in case we have explosive material.:roll_eyes:. Lol

The Bubba Glue. This plant has a big drinking straw main. I’d love to run this outside. Part of my 2 plants I’m allowed to keep from view. As if we wouldn’t let it get massive. It’s got the cool supersonic colored leaves here and there. I had the MKage showing the same traits but in every node. Topped itself. Now it’s looking bushy. Big fat bubba leaves.

Should have some good smoke this run. This is the healthiest set I’ve had in a while.


I have a clone from a couple of the plants that are making it. The Wilson male that’s a fucking stud for sure. Reeks for a short bushy guy. I got a clone of the Banana Cak as well. This particular plant is absolutely what we’re all looking for. Easy grower. Handles high temps and it’s got a beautiful structure.

I’m gonna grab clones from them all just in in case one of the strains are cranking.


I pulled the big Wilson male at watering today and put the Alien Rift from the gallon pot in its place. I need a couple large pots in case it happens to where I can scrog just like 2-3 plants. I think with this plant count itl be better for the plants to have some growing room. I have to get some nice rubberized tomato cages. I like that idea for easier access, for my setup anyways.

My buddy let me use his super nice trellis net for my tent. I believe they’re just too big at this point to scrog for real. I’ll put the net in during the end of stretch to hold the buds up. I’m at the point with the Banana Cake that it needs to be flipped now. If it really good I’m in business. It’s got some beautiful bones and it’s been a joy to watch it grow. The GGxBubba looks phenomenal as well.

Now we pray the last Wilson is a lady. Lol. It’s all good. I e been so sick that I’ve used so much LITFA that the plants are fucking A1. :laughing:. Idk exactly when I’m gonna flip them but I don’t have room for 5’ plants. I don’t get the quality buds pushing the plants that close to the bulb. I’ll get some pics tomorrow. I just watered and transplanted one. They’ll be praying in the morning for sure.

Be safe y’all. :grin::v:


Duuuude. I was so friggin sick. I almost died from this stuff. I’m finally feeling decent. The weather is warm today and I’m pretty upbeat. I’m looking forward to planting a few legal bushes out back.

The plants are coming along great. The autos are not what I hoped for but it’s all good and they’re close to finish. Close is like 2 weeks on one and less the larger Rocberry. I’ll grab pics of the females in my large tent.

Let’s see if I have a shit recently of the autos. I have to make and led sol strip setup. I’m so glad I’m get well. Hope everyone is good as well as your loves ones. I’ll be back on a d I’m excited for spring.
Auto Purple Bastard Eater…
Didn’t fade and it’s not my cup of auto. It was a freebie so…

A little close on the A.P.B.E.

Rocberry Auto V2
Smells lovely like berries and piney. Looks great through the loupe and it’s loaded with milky trichies…:grin::+1:

Just another bud top. I vaped a small piece and it’s fire.

I’ll be selecting a few more seeds for the auto tent. They’ll be bringing the rear up. Didn’t take too long from start to finish. I think we’re going Reiko Gear as well as Senor Sparkley… Y’all be safe. I miss posting and I will be back soon.


Glad you are feeling better homie. Good too see you posting again


What TopShelfTrees said👆


Thank you guys. I appreciate the kind words. I’m glad to see you guys here. I have to pick the lace up on my end now. I have to get more dirt mixed. I need some vermiculite or perlite. Everytime I go for a big bag, these stores don’t have shit. I really don’t like varying my soil mixture. I have enough issues without the plants freaking out.:grin:

I’m getting ready to switch the led unit for the HPS lamp in the 4x4. It should be better now that temps are up a bit and I’m not dumping the house’s heat with the inline. I connected my auto tent to my main tent to draw humidity away from the buds. I don’t wanna catch mold in the end if I can help it.

The second auto from the free pack is blown out cactus looking. Half ass foxtailed and pistil heavy. They’re starting to go red. It looks like a struggler and I’ve seen enough to run different autos. I have nice clones from the Banana Cake and the Dracary’s. Also took a nice male from the Wilson. I’ll see how these strains finish but I’m gonna make as many F2 Wilson beans I can this next run. I want a sack that way I can play with them.

Here’s a couple pics I took last water of the 2 females I’m currently trying to contain under the net. I may put another net above instead of trying some crazy yo yo crap. I need to grab some coated tomato cages. Seems easier to manage.

It’s hard to tell but in each picture the plant in the bottom left is the Banana Cake. It has more slimmer leaves and seems to be a bit taller and a shorter node space. The top right is the Dracary’s. I see the fatness of the Bubba at the same time I see the GG coming through. Nice mashup I hope. Looks and smells nice. Gonna get some beefy green yams from that one. Bet the other has a pinkish/purple wedding cake type fade with smaller harder buds.:banana::cake::yum: