Baltimore Chapter 2 "The Wire"

What’s going on? I’m feeling like growing and posting lately. After a while your body and mind make you get up and get at it so. I’m gonna post a few pics of the autos. I’ve vaped a little bit of each and they’re really nice. Here’s the Purple Rocberry V2.

Those last few weeks are so crucial to peak potency and flavor. It’s necessary to check spots out with your loupe. You can take the top if it’s further along and let the bottom finish up but I don’t. I think shock at that level is unnecessary and I enjoy moving the whole girl out to hang.:wink:

Here’s the other auto. It honestly is too hot with 3 5ways going but it’s come along well and still has a tad more to go. The calyx tips are going super purple sugar and the orange pistils are amazing. I know it’s not really comparable to a fat regular frosted girl but it’s cool to do something else.
Auto Purple Bastard Eater

Ive switched the led unit out for the 600 HPS. These plants are big for me. I’m glad I chose to scrog them but the GGxBubba is going nuts. Once it’s to mains we’re exposed along the screen it started making tons of shoots that are pointing up and cannot be bent down under the screen because the main is flat pushing the net up. I may throw another net up of they stretch more but they’ve been in flower for a tid bit so they should be stopping. They’re doing great, smell awesome, and gave me some good clones. I’m sitting here trying to figure what to run auto wise and for a regular besides the Wilson.???


We’ll I woke up to police at the door with a warrant for my brother. Nothing like having the squad in your room opening up your tent in flower to show the cops there’s nothing hiding in there but green flowering plants. Not to mention my personal defense I’m trying to stuff in The mattress. I swear to God be had the cops check my grass out several times now and it’s frightening.

He didn’t say much other than “shit man I didn’t expect that much in there”. I started freaking inside bad. Not say they were cool but they didn’t go outside print a search warrant and take me in for 20 years. We’ve just passed rec up to an oz and a few plants out of sight but its not supposed be in effect til the summer. I have no idea any more.

I just had to post. I think a lot of us have the fear of being discovered and losing everything. I would fall apart if I lost all the genetics ive put up from everyone. Some of the stuff from @oleskool830 and BOG is sentimental. All of it is.

The Terrifier is a cop in all black ballistic gear with a Glock/flashlight in your face. Go figure the guy they’re looking for is never here. There has to be a law against saying you live at an address and proving it before the police can just run in.

Anyways. The Auto’s are being taken down today. I let them go a little longer than I would’ve liked. I just wanted some color and a little more amber. They’re good to go.


A couple out of the light. The APBE got too hot and foxtailed.

Some clones Ive kept for the next run. My Wilson males are doing well. I dropped the rest to make a bunch of F2’s. Wilson Preservation. Yes please!

These are my 2 ladies I’m trying to scrog. I haven’t done any defoliation. Theres some really big leaves blocking some key spots I’d like to remove. I just hate snipping at them. The Banana Cake (in the front) is a bit further along in flower than the Dracary’s. Got some trichs forming on the leaves of the BC. They smell great and should be decently potent. I hope.:wink::+1:

Starting to yellow low down. The clones have roots…bloody roots! I e gotta plant a couple before they rot on me. I dropped some new seed last night. MAG, Orange Tic Tac, APxSBR, Witch Doctor, and the Wilson. I need more room for more variety. Y’all be safe.


Damn bro! Yup that sucks! Been there too many times tbch , but I am extremely glad to hear you and your plants are still fine and still there. :open_mouth:‍:dash: I’ve always wanted to try that Wilson, sounds crazy and like an exceptional breeding tool for hashmaker plants or out of this world terps. Things are looking well, glad to see you posting more frequently again. Much respect :facepunch:t2:


I’m soaking the beans right now to go into paper towels. The Wilson Zero that is. I figured if I could make as many F2’s as I can this next run I’d still get more variation amongst them than furthering them down the line. Which I intend to do but I’m really hung up on Oni and Harry Palm’s work. I can’t find a cut of Oni/Harry Papaya that they used for the Tropicana/Mtn Trop. Oni gave a cut of it to Masonic when he forced his hand by making a line from the Wilson Zero.

I will definitely be making seed this next run and be collecting pollen from this F1 male. I have a few of Katsu’s Pre-98 Bubba S1’s I’d like to Make the Military Chocolate which is Oni’s Wilson Bubba. I just love the peach/orange fruity diesel from the Wilson. I have some really out there strains I wanna mash up. I just wish I had space for breeding and a stable for my ho’s.

Like I said I’ll definitely hold you down on some Wilson beans. I fully intend to let some of these awesome people here get to taste that goodness. I fell in love with the Banana OG. I’ve had straw Nana and crosses with the Nana have all been smoking. I’m focusing on fruity strains. Looking for like a Pineapple Kush or BC Mango. I just don’t know if it really has that taste.

I appreciate the kind words and I’m glad to be back posting and just moving around getting back to being a part of OG. I have to go get a bunch of perlite and a couple blocks of Pro Mix. Thanks for coming through. It means a lot. Ive gotta check all my homies current grows a say hi


Awesome! Hope it all plays out right, sending positive vibes your way heavy bro! Tbh I’ve never grown anything from Harry Palms, Masonic etc. I’m not usually into the fruity/bakery stuff per say but I do love a good wedding cake, Gary Payton, loved FPOG when I tried it many many years ago etc. I’m a Chem/Kush/sour guy straight up, the diggity dank! But I feel like there’s gotta be something fruity I love besides lemon/lime so I’m trying to explore. And the Wilson mashup sounds intriguing AF and has since I first heard of it. Same with deadpanheads peach work! And mean genes stuff as it’s so layered with dank and stank mixed in it’s always a treat to the palette, just like the REAL GOOD well worked skunks “true skunks” they always have this layering with other flavours that somehow intensifies the skunk huge and makes it even better, like pineapple skunk for instance. Stuff is heavenly with the right pheno and pineapple AF! Then :skunk: AF! :drooling_face: I love it! I’m heading back to my roots myself and rebuilding my stable with that exact stuff. Chems, Kushes, sSkunks and Sours. As I’m quickly realizing not much can touch those old gems when done to perfection or Damn close imho


Your Wilson’s look fantastic!
Glad the cops didn’t mess with you about the plants.


Yeah man. The cops are doing there job. I get it and they were decent enough to let me slide. One dude was like sheeesh that shit stinks. Hahaha. I’d die if I lost all my beans. All is well for now.

My Purple Rocberry Auto came down. The heat was a little high so they didn’t go all burgundy and yellow. Either way it’s one thick ass plant and it smells like a Berry mash with a hint of rotten meat breathe. Now I gotta let it dry and cure properly buuut, I had to take a bud to vape wet. Have to check like quality control a piece or 3. Believe it or not I get blasted even vaping fresh bud…mmm berries. Hehe!


How do you guys germinate your seed? I’ve always had near :100:% success if the seed was still viable. When I was a kid I would put the seed in a wrung out paper towels in a ziplock and throw it in the sock drawer.

The past couple times I lost a good bit of my really good beans to total fuckerey of some sort. I don’t know if the temperature or too much water dampened them off but you could see them take water in then would die off and the I side would be all nasty. Eew rotten seed smell. You can always smell the dirt scent when a seed has popped though.

Anyways this time I let the seeds soak for 24hrs in these popsicle makers. The seeds dropped to the bottom when I shook it. Then I put them in between 2 paper towels in small Tupperware containers. They shouldn’t be hot or anything but there has to be a certain temp range for them to pop I would assume. What works for y’all and how much success out of what you drop pops? I’m trying to be optimistic because I have a lot of su game fem seeds I need to get to pop.

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I like to soak my seeds for 24-36 hours in tap water, then straight into a solo cup with some soil.


Do you throw them under lights straight away? I used some cling wrap after planting them a couple times but seemed unnecessary honestly. You don’t do anything different if the seeds are from older stock? What’s the oldest stuff you’ve got to germinate. I have a couple hundred SSDD seeds I can’t get to go. Im gonna try your method. My little led tent is clear now it’s like 75° in it.

Yes under veg lights right away. I’ll usually use a dome or some cling wrap until the seed emerges and sheds the shell. I just recently popped some 5 year old Divyder seeds. Got 23/24 to come up this way.

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That’s awesome. I was just rummaging through some stuff. I believe I have a few of those. I think they’re regular m/f auto seeds? I may pop some of those. They’re pretty cool plants. I’ll make sure I pop in and see what you have going on. Be safe out there.

I drop them in Luke warm water for 24 hours, (usually until they sink) then I place two wet layers of paper towel in my little tupperwares and one layer over top also wet, place somewhere warm or on a heating mat with a couple layers of towel ontop to dissipate some of the heat I like to wait longer than most (usually until the helmet pops or I will remove them myself, then straight into coco . Honestly it’s very rare I get one that doesn’t make it unless we’re talking about 20+ year beans or those with questionable storage practices.


Yep regular autos. Here are mine from a few days ago.


Sounds good dude. I have them just like you said in my little tent. It stays at about 75 like I said. I believe I had it warm then the temp dropped but I never had any issues. I appreciate the advice. I have them just like you said. I just need to use some LITFA for a bit. Ol lookie lol ass. I have issues.:drooling_face:. Lol.


Believe in them and yourself bro! I get it I’d live in one of my tents if I could! Haha but yes usually good old LITFA is truly great advice.

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They look awesome. You have the best stuff going on dude. I was just looking at your Haze S1’s. Do you ever take a particular plant and self it? I have a few seeds that if I get to pop I’d like to self. Until I move I really don’t have room to hold clones like I want to. I’m telling you. I’m gonna go back through your threads. You always have something going to flower. I love the rosin you make. You definitely do the damn thing.

That’s awesome that you got rid of those mites. I was wondering how the no til setups were going and how you recharge the soil between runs. I’m sure you have cover crop like clover. I honestly think that’s the way. I hate chucking dirt that’s still decent. I just don’t want to bring soil from the garden back in.

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Howard.Crane selfed the Zak Haze when I sent him a clone. Glad he did, because I lost the Zak Haze clone to HpLVd. Now that i thinknabout it, I’ve never actually selfed a plant. :thinking:


Very cool. I’ve grown a few selfed strains and had great success. Nothing like having good friends that like to do stuff like that. It’s really about space and time management. I just need to get a jump on the next batch beforehand.

I could probably sex my plants (photoperiods that is) in solo cups then uppot them once that’s done. Im just glad I’m finally over the covid. I thought it was a lie. Haha. Alright bud. I’ll be checking up on the Dividers. Those are awesome fast plants.

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All right I dropped the hammer. I’m looking for keeper females and possible preservation. I figure with dead seeds makes and just shit luck I’ll have less than half if I’m lucky.
-Orange Durban
-Goji OG
-White Widow
-Orange Tic Tac
-Wilson Zero
-Sour Bubble (preservation)
-MAG Landrace

-Dark Sparks
-Mark’s BG ??
-ohhh yeah I dropped 3 of @Mr.Sparkle C99D 1/4’s. You never know where heat is lurking around the next curve.:wink::+1:. Thanks all you guys for your generosity.

I still have my beautiful Wilson Male that’s gonna make excellent offspring. Just a sweet structure. Nice node spacing and funk.:grin::+1:. I’m excited. I’m gonna use solo’s to sex then then take a clone and see where it takes me. The autos aren’t a problem. As it gets warmer they’ll be able to rotate to a few spaces. Nothing crazy like how I used to live. Lol.

I got a donor tent for pollen collection to preserve the strains I want to. It’s fairly simple and I don’t need a ton of pollen to accomplish what I wanna do. I planted the bulk of my BC and Dracary’s clones and left just one of each in the cloner. I may snip the roots off and let it re root with fresh water. Just to make sure that if these strains are fire they get kept. I’d like to get some Divider pollen as well. We’ll make a Wilson Auto. Hey man I got dreams. Lol.
Dracary’s planted, watered and out right in 12/12. We’ll see how they respond and if the make any bud. I mean they’re fully rooted sexually mature cuts.?

Did the same with the :banana::cake:. It’s pictures near it’s larger mother in flower. She’ll fill the small NW corner that’s bare a bit. I figure by the time these kittens are done my next set will be sexed and ready to go in.

You can see the differences between the 2 plants. The main top towards the top of the frame is the GGxBK. The :banana::cake: is the top just below it almost in line. The GGx is slower and the WCx has trichs already forming on the sugar leaves and reminds me very much of WC. I hope it gets a cool pinkish hue to it as it finishes. That’s that fire pheno. Mmm

I’m telling you what. The Roc Bud Autos finished pretty decent. Could’ve been better in a cooler setup with a higher ceiling and larger pots. I’m sure the Berry V2 woulda gotten larger. It’s still really berry and rotten meat like in smell. You definitely get the Berry mash when smoked. The smaller autos finally turned purple and is pretty decent. No fucking mold what so ever. Can’t even be mad. I can’t wait to have the others cured and jarred.

Be safe and thanks for being so cool and stopping by.