Baltimore Chapter 2 "The Wire"

Nice BC :100: :fire: :sunglasses: :metal:


Thank you. I’m glad you’re here. I love Overgrow. It’s like Church.:wink::+1:

@topshelftrees1 Thank you. It’s always nice to touch base. I miss being away. I’m getting better. Fighting that good fight until I get it. I need to check out some people’s closets more often. Mines boring. Haha!

@ColeLennon thank you very much. It took forever honestly. Have you ever had some plants so healthy they seem like they don’t wanna finish up? I was expecting them to be do e a month ago. Stuff is dense and doesn’t smell really at all until you burn it. Kinda tastes like clean dirt and Banana peels. You can see a touch of purpling kinda how My Wedding Cake finished. Real energetic speedy smoke.:v::grin:


How was the glue bubba? That one sounds unreal too! Two of my favourites


It’s really good. Has a smell of non sweet chocolate (if that makes sense), mild coffee, and clean dirt. It’s more of my cup of tea. Real stoney dry eyes. Sleeping medicine. Lol. Should be called fuk everything for half the day. Lol. Na it’s ok though.:wink::+1:


Banana Cake

I have no idea weight wise right now. Pretty strong stuff. In House Army!

I gotta get some good pics. It was a mess getting it out of the trellis. Thank God the leaf calyx ratio is pretty low. I’m still getting the others out.


Anyone ever grown Romulan? I was looking at Romulan S1’s as well as some Katsu/Rom strains. That is a gorgeous strain. Just wondering. Lol. Apparently I missed some epic seed runs. Which is ok.

Ahhhem Hi I’m J and I’m a seed junky. :laughing:. Haha! Anyways I was daydreaming on DCSE and My jaw hit the floor when I was checking out the new new. Y’all have a good one and be safe.:v::grin:


@Jinglepot did a co-op Romulan run.


Indeed! @Baltimore dm me pal


Couple of lower Banana Cake buds. Getting ready to go in a Pineapple Game. Whenever I cut one down I roll a blunt of it to really test it. Looks and smells decent. The Glue Bubba is snapping off too just on the Indica side where as the Banana is leaning towards the Sativa side. It’s all good and sticky.

I can’t wait til we don’t have to worry about shooting a few grams around. Those words used to get you banned but it’s really nonsense. I gotta get a vac sealer. Anyways.


I got blessed with some sweet strains today. It was decently warm today so I’m hoping they’re gonna pull through. I cleaned the cloner out today and put some Dracary’s cuts along with the others.

I wouldn’t think a foliar water spray would help them. I put the small fan on them and nice cool floros. I’d like to thank the man for going out of his way. Don’t wanna name drop without permission.:wink:.I love this site and everyone that stops in. Good news is my tent is cleaned out and ready for liftoff.

I’m excited about the Gushers strain but I also have a female MAG getting clones as well as a 88G13HP. Very excited. I gotta get some cuts outside asap as well. Sour Strawberry under the sun this year.:metal::grin:


Big shout out to @ReikoX Absolutely stunning autoflowers going on. This I’m pretty sure is a APxGST. This plant finished from germ to almost modling (letting seed mature) in under 60 days. It’s absolutely screaming loud and is extremely sticky. As you can see this girl is petite bud icy af.

She started getting real nice violet sugar leaf’s. I really neglected this plant and it still came out decent. I had a Dyvyder male flower at about 3-4" tall and it hit this plant as you can see some bulging calyx. I obviously didn’t mean to do that but it’s exciting to see what becomes of the cross.

If you have doubts about autos it’s probably because you haven’t grown the right strain. I believe LEDs produce better bud. The potency, lack of heat compared to HPS imo makes for less foxtailing, terps seem to pop. Everything seems better to me under LEDs.


I would suggest not to spray anything on the new cuts it makes it harder to root!!! Make a new cut in case the tips hit air and dried out. So the new cut would help alot In my go at new snips. Good luck buddy!!!


Thank you for the good advice. I always use sterilized scissors/razors and slice a tid bit off. I always like to check with someone who knows before I jump out there. I would assume water sprayed on cuts could cause them to mold or whatnot. Lol.

They went coast to coast pretty quickly. Amazing really. I tell you what this next run is gonna be epic.:partying_face: **Oh yeah I was wondering Urkle is Purple Urkle correct? I wanna say it’s a Mendo pheno as well. When they root I’ll celebrate. Don’t wanna jinx anything. I’m that guy haha. “Ol’ can’t get right” :laughing::+1:


I’m not to sure I think I read that it’s a Pheno type of Mendocino purps.

The only thing you want to spray on clones is a lite foliar feed mix if they are taking longer to root up and there is not much energy left in the leaves for the plant to assimilate.


Makes sense. I’ve lost tons of even seedlings allowing the humidity to build way to much. They’re looking really good considering the came all the way from Cali to the extreme east coast. The mail men are good dudes. Lol.:grin::+1:

Here they are this morning. Looking pretty good.

Here’s my harvest from the 4x4. Made out pretty good. Top notch the Katsu is. Tastes like chocolate.or a buttery hazelnut hashy taste. The Banana Cake is terpless and way too far in the Sativa racey type smoke. Makes me paranoid. I’ll be moving on from that strain. The yield was amazing really. I clean most of it as I smoke it. There are fan leaves but not a ton. I don’t sell any grass although I’d like to at some point.

My auto mashup seed’s are looking good and done. So if I’m correct in how to label a plant. Make first? It would be Dyvyderx x(APxGST). Nice and brown. The smoke is still crazy potent even being pollinated. I believe the Ghost Toof is where that fire is coming from. I gotta get some Mephisto gear at some point.


Nice bro! Well done


Thanks my dude. I can’t complain. Lol. I just wish I had a real space to take a crack at a serious grow op. Thnks for stopping in bro. I hope all is well and your fam is well. I’ve just been laying low staying out a trouble.:roll_eyes:

Not bad though for a jenky ass tent and a single light bulb. What really made my grows better was 1. Get the biggest inline (6" stretches the ports), great circulation, optimal light distance, good watering/feed schedule, nice airy soil, no pots touching the floor, and of course my Super Saiyan level 11 growing skills. Hehe…man I’m just happy to be here.:laughing::metal:

Oh yeah my Romulan came today. Thank you so much @Jinglepot . Fuck yeah man. I saw a colabo with Katsu @RomulanGenetics think it was called “AirWolf” stuff looked nuts. I just finished the GG#4xPre 98 rvs. Man that shit is amazing. Buttery tasting kinda warm Nutella.:drooling_face:

I got a shit load of Katsu stuff tucked but that Bubba’s Breathe. I think that’s the name anyway. But it’s the original pre-98 hit with an OGKB cut. Num nums. I’m blabbing. Love you guys n gals. Be safe out there. Feel free to post some grow pics of a link to your grow.

PS if anyone plays Fishing Planet, lmk I’d love to do some tandem fishing. If you think you’re good enough. Muahahahaha! :imp: Jk :fishing_pole_and_fish:


Ooooo, that air wolf looks absolutely dynamite! Check out his new “Romscottie.” Jake from Romulan Genetics is doing very nice things. I’m glad you got them. Enjoy and Overgrow the world, my friend!!

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Dude that Communion is fucking nuts. I have some trop cookies. That peach drip looks sick as well as the Grape Ape Rom. Motherfuck that Rom sets shit on fire. The S1’s man even the Gelato cross. I’m at a loss on how dope it is. I can’t wait. Air Wolf was my Nintendo game back in the day. Hehe.

We have the best breeders here at OG. That says a lot. OG is Church.