Baltimore Chapter 2 "The Wire"

I figured I’d post some love to the little freebie auto grow. Both autos are really sticky and potent but I really enjoy vaping this one and it’s almost dried. Turned out fixed out. It gets pretty hot it the small tent so the weak need not apply. Nice red and plum colors. Really nice and easy. Had to go a week longer than the other plant. Trichs needed a tad longer.

Nothing special just some hanging pics. I got like 2 mason jars dried per auto. That’s not too bad. Need a rosin press like Reiko.

This is a little flash shot of the Rocberry. It’s one of the strongest Berry smelling strains I’ve had.

@oleskool830 sent me a loupe a while ago. I just stick the phone to it. Lol. It’s something…???


Here’s some shots of the Dracary’s and the Banana Cake. I’d like to keep the BC around if it checks the other boxes. This strain is gonna finish much earlier than the Glue Bubba. If you look you can see the BC has tons of bud sides stacking up really nice. They’re definitely loving the HPS. We’re gonna get some stankers.

Oh yeah real quick. Look at this grass someone gave me. It tastes like some exotic fruit juice? I wish I knew. Lol. Do your smoke puuuurp?:roll_eyes:

Alright here’s the main event.


Looking good man, those purple buds look almost black :+1:


Nice bro, everything looks good to me. That’s not bad for autos I suppose, I see weights all over the place. It’s incredible what some guys pull off of a single p mephisto, night owl, gnome strain! Especially when a few years back they were all weak sauce, come along way, I’m still dragging my heels but going to dive into some this year without question, I’ve built a decent little collection of top shelf autos mostly thanks to my brother @estab87 I’m itching to explore.

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I enjoy them. I’m super tight on space. It’s nothing to throw a couple 2x2’s and daisy chain them to a 4x4 for some exciting little grows. I feel more in control cuz there so teeny. Lol.

Na they’re usually determined by oot size and feed light. Looks definitely are deceiving trust me. I just got some good ‘loud’. Id rather smoke my autos than that stuff. I’m keeping the photos really healthy and they’re on track for a real nice harvest. I’m killing seeds but I have another round of autos and some other nice stuff. They’re fun to grow and you might find you a strain you can’t live without. The heat is making them foxtail for real. I’m dragging my feet in a solsheet or five.


Thanks man I’m just trying to keep the car in the lane and cross the line. No nitrous shit no Vin Diesel. Lol. Yeah man that stuff tastes like some…almost tangie topicana cookie-ish. Hope your doing well up there my dude. Be safe.

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I’m not gonna be popping any more seeds for a bit. I popped a bunch of different strains so hopefully I get a couple females. I got a couple Goji, 88G13HP, Wilson Zero, MAG I got a couple singles Sour Bubble and it’s escapes me right now. I know for sure I got a A. Purp cross from Mr. X. The rest are a mix up surprise. So 3 autos going now. Yaaay.

If anyone reads this please answer me a ? Say there’s a C/O strain right but they have #105. Do cuts show different variations in potency ECT? A clone only means a cut from that particular plant. If it seems questionable to me I can’t mess with it right? Just checking. What’s new in smoke land? Any mean green y’all getting?


That Banana Cake is dark and resinous, exotic!


Bro it’s finishing so fast and it’s got that great dense Wedding Cake stature and frost. The GGxBubba is gonna be later but if the potency is there on this B. Cake it’s gonna stay in rotation.

They’re both beautiful cuts. Prey for fire. That Cake would be swinging blessed by so e Wilson pollen.


Here’s some shots with the light out. The HPS does no justice to how green and lovely they are. Lol. The plant further along is the Banana Cake. It’s probably gonna stay. It’s got the wedding cake frost and structure. We should get some nice fading but that’s just bag appeal.

I don’t really know what to say. They look decent and they’re getting there. All I gotta do is bring it home nice and easy. That GGXBUBBA smells like light chocolate and can still smell that glue but it’s not too strong or offensive. Have a feeling that in may be the potent of the two. Have a good one.



Lol. I know that’s right buddy. I’ve been using a shit ton of LITFA. It’s the best stuff on the market. :wink:

I honestly look at the problems I was having and see everything was messed up. I make sure I stay on track with feeding schedules and keeping the PH steady. I couldn’t understand why I was getting stuff like rusting and crazy foxtailing. Ughhh the pests I got back outdoors as well.

Those were the things that were keeping me having good productive consistent grows. Say 2 of 6 plants were smaller and stayed further away from the lights looked the best. Anyways I have 3 autos going as well. I believe I have a AP cross going. I wanna say it’s a gst cross but maybe a SBR? Lol it’s all good.

Have a good one dude. Be safe out there. :grin::v:

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A while back I broke a 1" tiny branch of the Dracary’s off and just stuck it in the corner of one of the Auto’s pots.It dried out and flipped so many times it must be brain damaged. Haha. Well it turned out to look great. It might not be anything special but this plant topped itself and it’s clones spit branches out.

Here’s couple pics. I’m thinking of what’s gonna go outside this year in the spring. I’m wanting some big strong Indica’s that are gonna finish up in Oct. I’m hoping the 88G13HP or something else I have now will be decent and do well outdoors. Idk.



I just fill a cup up half way and drop them in the cup I like to let them float on top of the water!!! Some people want them to sink but I don’t. I leave them floating on top of the water till they pop open, then o leave them in there till the roots get about 1 inch long then transplant into soil. Leave the seed just barely under the soil while root is down in The soil in about 1-2 days you will see the seeds out of soil and opening up to get rid of its shell and wham bam done.

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It’s almost like once they pop, they just stop for some reason. Or some that are real big like the sour bubble seeds that I blew. They swell and you know they’re germinating inside then a couple days go by. I never had a problem getting any viable seed to pop.

I had to fall back until I can get back on track. It’s just nuts to me because now it has me questioning if the seeds are half dead. I know they’re all good Im just being pessimistic. The little shits are being stubborn with me. I hope the Wilson is a female.

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Hey hey now. How’s it going all? I’m alive and the sun is shining right. My Banana Cake is dragging major ass on me lol. If it’s any consolation the buds are leaning with fatness of the trellis netting. Hehe. They just have the Amber I’m looking for yet. This pheno is definitely not the crazy pink purple stuff the breeders are showing but that’s probably a 1 in a 1000 pheno.

Now that my sandy crotch is cleaned let’s discuss so e plusses. The Banana Cake is lovely structural wise and dense. Nice trichs. Not super loud at all. I just feel like this plant is at the point to where it should be finished.

I clipped a nug on the Lolo. Shhh don’t tell anyone. My vaporizer woke me up like come on, let’s take a blast. Nuff said. Lol. I plucked this little bucket for a vape.
Banana Cake


That’s beautiful bro! Keep killing it.


Man it’s been a rough month. These plants took forever and a day to finish up. The Banana Cake is way too far out on the Sativa spectrum. I haven’t been smoking like I used to. Man I vapes some of that shit. I close my eyes and started kaleidescope light visuals. Lol. I wouldn’t smoke that early in the day.

The Glue Bubba is pretty good. I’m ready to go full LED. Even scrogging with a proper distance between the light and plants the HPS is too hot for my liking. Plants end up foxtailing on me.

Anyways brother is still alive in Baltimore. I hope all of y’all are doing well and continuing to grow and share. On another note…I planted a few autos. I have a AP x GST that got pollinated by and when I say this I mean it. A Dyvyder male popped pollen and hit that auto. The Dyvyder male was literally 3" tall when it threw pollen. I enjoy autoflowers. As long as they’re watered and out in a decent pot they’re gonna rock out.

Let’s see if I have any pics worth a fudge to show real quick. I’m telling you. I’m gonna make it back to grow and show at some point. Stuff happens in three’s it seems. Hopefully I’m on the downside of a shitty year. Always be safe and try to play nice. I love OG and I’ll be back.:wink::+1:

The Glue Bubba got burned a tad bit towards the end of it’s life. It has some beautiful red and purple tiger striping. I have really good airflow and temps so thank God I avioded and PM. I’d like to run some Bubba again without the PM.

Banana Cake
It just didn’t wanna finish. Stayed throwing white pistil til the end and the trichs Milky. Had to take it down.

Not so good of a pic


Glad to see you back. The Banana Cake sounds potent!


Welcome back homie! Nice too see you back at it