Baltimore Chapter 2 "The Wire"

Fishing Planet…. Colour me intrigued

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It’s awesome I’m hooked. If you ever play hmu I need a co fisherman. Lol it’s the shit. People can’t interfere with you at all, so no sweaty fuks. Lol they still try. Ha ha. Enlisted bro. Beat live WW2 game. Period. Anybody plays hmu.:wink::+1:

I have something I need some real grower help. I have a MAG plant that went herm on me. Before and shortly in flower I took 4 clones. A few about a week later I saw the banner. Couple more days noticed purpling coming on strong and icey.

Will the clones if they revert back into veg definitely exhibit the same trait or is it possible if out back in a proper environment with a solid schedule is there a chance. Just some I fo I gathered. One of the main things to discuss here is that this plant was lacking water a few times and in a hot environment. This last missed watering caused some fans to dry. It is lively but it was stopped in flower and I dunno if I chuck it.

MAG is supposed to be a c/o strain. How are there regular seeds from a female cutting. Not speaking of selfish obviously.
"Stress is a Primary Contributor to Hermaphroditic Cannabis!

As a grower, you know that cannabis plants crave an ideal set of environmental and nutritional conditions. If you take them out of their comfort zone during the bloom phase, they might develop hermaphroditic flowers.

Plant stress comes in many forms, including…

  • Grow rooms that are too hot or too cold
  • Light cycles that are unreliable in their start and stop times, or light leaks or other light penetration interruptions during the night period
  • Plants that are either too close or too far away from lights, diminished light intensity or over-amplified light intensity, and a radiation spectrum that’s not useful for cannabis
  • Overfeeding, underfeeding, overwatering, or underwatering
  • Using inferior nutrients or unbalanced pH levels of the nutrients solution and/or rootzone
  • Plants that are rootbound, suffering from root rot, or growing mediums that aren’t aerated enough
  • Using inferior bloom boosters with the wrong types, ratios, and amounts of phosphorus and potassium
  • Trimming your plants too much, too often, or at the wrong time
  • Pests and diseases"

I think they will have the tendency to herm, but it’s one of those scenarios your not really going to know until you try.

I have stressed plants so much unintentionally with dodgy timers that they hermed and made seeds, I grew these seeds out just to see what they were like and none of them hermed. I gave loads away to friends, with a check for herms warning, no herms reported. So I guess if the stress is not severe like the original events, of being re vegged twice for 2 weeks each time in 15 weeks of flowering, tgey remained stable.


I actually took 2 cutting’s and got them to root and re-veg. Even with space at a minimum, they’re what I’m looking for. Well it checks most of my boxes. I’m not gonna lie to you I smoked the rest of the plant. Lol. Dried I probably had like 4 solid grams.:wink:

I ended up last run pulling enough bud to last me until Christmas. What happened was this. The HPS lamps have a tendency if they’re not cooled well enough the tent will stay so hot that the buds at the surface will continue to stay green, throw white pistils essentially foxtailing. I’m gonna have to run my inline full blast dumping the house’s heating/cooling. I need to seal it really good but they’re like almost 90 yrs old.

Otherwise bro I hope you’re feeling well as well as your fam. Once again, you have some incredible space and house. You’re definitely blessed and I really dig your art as well. My Mom asks about OG as she is completely computer illiterate. I tell her about some of your harvest’s I’ve seen were massive. Weren’t you growing in Hefty bag’s? I was gonna buy 4 of them together and throw a 5" ratchet strap around them and let 4 cuts get massive.

We’re actually getting smoke this far down from the fires up North. I don’t watch any news any more so it was surprising to here about that much acreage burning. Other than that I’m still kicking buddy. My cousin and his wife and kids visited from Texas after 10 years of no contact. It was very emotional and much needed. Speaking with my Father again. He’s recouping from quad bipass. I’m still fighting my drug addiction but I’m blessed and about to update.

It’s the 4th of July and we have a huge field. The door boys went to PA and spent 25 grand on fireworks this year. I got my AR dusted off and my favorite pistol. I’m gonna oil em up and run them later. Safely I might add. Be safe up there and have a happy one.


Yeah we are all good here man thanks. The yards at our new house are surprising us continually with lots of beautiful flowering plants, vegetables and medicinal fungi. We are very lucky to have found this place it’s like a sanctuary.

Sort of lol, I was growing in 10 gal smart pots, but the water would run through the pot all over the floor and rather than pay stupid money for some big trays I put the pots in big plastic bags and taped them up around the pots :crazy_face: no more leaking water on the floor.

Glad you had a nice reunion with your cuz, I hope your dad gets over the OP soon. Keep saying no to drugs :wink: well the nasty hard stuff anyway. Don’t get arrested blasting off your guns.


I figured I’d update a bit. It’s been rough around here but I’m doing much better. My brother is going to rehab. I’m speaking with my father again. He made it through 4 way bipass and my cousin from Texas brought his beautiful family here. He has one boy who’s jujitsu student at 11 yrs old. He’s nice AF and is gonna play pro ball. He’s got that Blake Griffin complexion and his little sister is so cute. Makes me wish I had kids.

Anyways I had all the Gushers cuttings and a Black Candy Land survive. For so e reason the Urkle didn’t root and I hung in there. I believe I got a Ghost or something mixed up in my autoflowers seeds resulting in this beauty that’s flowering now. I have like 12 strains rooted in the cloner ATM. This is like some OG or something I e been looking for in taste and smell.

How could I forget. I have one of @Barefrog 88G13 HP going. She got burned by high N and really got overgrown. I just pruned her actually and she’s going in a 5 gal smart pot today. Clones as well. She’s looking much better. A slow starting plant but it’s gonna rock.

My light’s are just flickering I see.:grin::+1:. That HPS power drawl. Hehe. I had a really nice auto by @ReikoX and APxGST cross (smelled like Bubblegum)… I’m pretty sure that was the strain get hit by a miniature male Dyvyder. I pulled almost a half full tube off of a small plant. It was still potent AF even being that pollinated.

Trying not to make a super long post as I’ve been absent. Just trying to pull away from the depression. I’m feeling better now that I’ve touched base with my family. I am truly blessed. My birthday is August so I’ll be 39. Sheesh. We’re still here. Weed is officially legal here.:exploding_head:. Yes Lord. The Dracary’s is super fire GG#4 leaning. I got a solid pound of it still and I’ve given at least 2 oz.

Love all of y’all. I’ll touch base back again very soon. I always think about how everyone is doing and hope all of your families and friends are safe and well. Have a Happy 4th and feel free to post.:v::grin:


I appreciate the kind words. It’s a great space. I’m actually blessed to have a large back yard that backs up to woods and a creek. We have furry critter friends and whitetail deer. It’s amazing to have wild life so close in the city but tbh I’m on the outskirts of the heart of the city.

I’m tucked nicely away from everyone and I make sure everyone is clear and safe before I do my thing. I absolutely will be safe or I dog it off. I’m older now man. I enjoy seeing the kids with fireworks any more.

My back is all fucked up. Sciatica is like a pack of flares going off sometimes. I had my back locking up last week man. I’ve lost some weight and actually feel well. Right now I’m right at 6’4" 203lbs. In HS working out and shit I went 225-230 but it’s hard to maintain that level of mass anymore.

My memory isn’t always too great. Lol. Couldn’t have been a full hefty bag. That woulda been massive. I do remember someone growing in hey bails. Be safe up there. :v:


Glad to hear you are better and your family is doing well. Plants are looking good too!


Thank you very much. I appreciate the kind words. I’m barely getting by as far as real quality smoke. Timing is so critical that I end up missing something. It’s made me a better grower understanding exactly what’s wrong and how to correct it. I’m too hard on myself though. I will say this, until I move I’m gonna get a les for my 4x4 that’s quite this HPS 600. Id do better with that heat. It’s a problem and some plants foxtail really bad. Can’t complain. I’ve lived to see legalization. Yaaay! Hehe…

The 88G13HP is getting just PHd water. I’m very excited to take it to flower in a large pot. It took me a day to prune it. It was so overgrown you wouldn’t believe it. I’m excited to get the next going soon. Sour Strawberry, Wilson Zero, and the Romulan. That Rom excites me. Lol.

Have a Happy safe 4th my dude. Ttys.:v::grin:


Hola @Baltimore

Nice to see all is getting better

Hope the Herbs is with you

Don’t be shy



I’ll make sure I tag you here and there. I just wanted to thank you. I dreamed about being able to run some strains like this when I was a kid. I’m a preservationist at heart.

I’ll make sure I select some good phenos and make seed for the future. Mom says thank you as well. It’s cool that MJ brought us closer. She enjoys learning about strains and has become a snob. Lol.

I’ll keep in touch with updates. I’m hoping In these beans there’s a nice dark purplish frosty phenotype. Either way we’ll enjoy it. Thanks again and be safe out there. :v::sunglasses:


I’ve been curing this last run for a little bit now. It turned out pretty nice. The Dracary’s is my cup of tea. I can’t express the lovely GG look with the amazing Bubba gluish taste. Definitely a treat.

The Banana Cake went to long. As a result the terps fell of and blew out a bit but it’s very potent.

Nana Cake


Hey hey. What’s up everyone? I hope all is well. I’ve been busy busy. Lots of outdoor stuff. Yardwork family yada yada. Doing well. Counseling and getting my head back in the game. I’m in the process of kicking and it’s rough. I just know I’m better for it and I appreciate all the love from everyone. I just don’t understand why I enjoy opiates and cocaine. Anyways I’m back in touch with my dad and some of my family. We’re gonna be ok. :wink::+1:

Hey y’all. Somehow I got seeds mixed up and I’m not totally sure that this wasn’t a seed from Mark’s gear. What’s got me fucked up is this was supposed to be an auto of some sorts. What happened was This particular plant under 24/0 started throwing pistils and setting up for flower. Then…it stopped in it’s tracks. I was gonna pitch it but I decided just to throw in it in my flowering tent and she surprised me.:grin::fire:

It’s has screaming terps that I can’t pinpoint. Almost reminds me of some of @ReikoX 's autoflowers work. What I mean by that is most of the autos have some really sharp terps that just moving it causes massive odor. Lol. Whatever it is I hope I can re-veg a piece in the cloner. The plant is just about done. The whole plant last night started keeling. You know at that point you got some sap sappy sap going on. Enough babbling here’s the show.:v::sunglasses:

Unknown strain

Sorry I shake nowadays and the fans are going. Pics rarely do cannabis justice imo. She’s really got an OG golfball look but I don’t dare assume. Any thoughts?


Glad to hear things are going better for you. Nice looking plant. Marks stuff is like a box of chocolates :grin:.


Thanks for the kind words. I can’t complain buddy. The suns shining and the plants are growing. I have a nice bit of medicine tucked away and curing up decently.

I am very surprised as how well the GG#4xPre-98 came out. Even though I stressed them out in a hot tent, the trichrome/kief that’s coming off this bud is amazing. If I really was into bubble hash or isolates I imagine this would make tremendous stuff.

Mark’s stuff hasn’t let me down really. As a matter of fact, ive found some really nice gems. It’s like his autos start flowering then you gotta throw em under 12/12 or regular photo period. It is like a box of chocolates. :grin::+1:.

Last night’s shot. She’s right about there. The plant is still real healthy. Hopefully I’ll get a couple pieces to re-veg. Should be ok.


Just looking at 2 separate plants could you rules out that these are not the same strain? Just asking a ? because they’re so different looking. They’re not that old. The plant on the bottom has just been pinned in a couple spots to get it ready for the scrog net. The one on the top has some fat leaves ey?


You grow some good looking stuff bro! @Baltimore

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The leaf serrations are different, the one at the back has a lot less, so I would guess they are different strains, both looking good though :+1:


Thank you very much. I’m really trying to learn how to consistently grow healthy plants. It’s nice to put a couple good sets together. I’ve been fairly lucky after having spider mites , powdery mildew, the whole gambit really. I just keep the fans going and the temperature a little too hot but it helped tons with PM.

Thanks for coming through. I always appreciate the company. Have a good one and be safe.:v::grin: