Baltimore Chapter 2 "The Wire"

Yeah definitely not 2 peas from the same pod. Lol. The one on top resembles crab claws. I can’t help but laugh thinking about the crabs with one large hell boy arm. Looks like instead of only saving one strain I got them mixed up and saved 2 cuts.

I swear I’m getting senile. Haha. When not to garden. I don’t drink either. My drooling days have been done. That’s what I get for moving spots on the cloner like checkers. One side had a couple clogged nozzles so I moved a space where pressure was right. :roll_eyes:. Sheesh.


I got a female 88G13HP from Bare’s stash. I added a bit too much blood meal an burnt her early on. All that extra N going into flower had me worrying. It seems like putting her into 12/12 she started going crazy throwing tons of new shoots.

Looks like the timing is just right with it’s other roommate finishing up. I’ll be able to throw a net over her in the next few days and figure out how to prune her. Not a flattering shot at all. I’m flushed the pot but I’m still a bit worried carrying the N into flower.


Nice to see you bro, glad to hear you are well. Yep those are definitely two different cultivars there, no question they look completely different in every way. That Dracarys is one I always wanted to run because of the parental figures! Two of my favourites by far and I’ve always loved Granolas work (katsu/bluebird) much respect homie :facepunch:t2:


Thanks for the kind words. Im still holding clones of the Dracary’s and the Banana Cake. I let the plants go way too long. That being said Katsu’s stuff is excellent. I still have a pack of Bubba S1’s and Some OGKBxBubba. The Dracary’s was from some free 3 seed packs. I’m excited to sift through his stuff. He seems like a really good dude who works with the best.

The Dracary’s has a nice chocolate/coffee flavor with the glue finish that stings your sinuses like pool water. Me and Mom joke that the best weed makes your nose burn we call pool water weed. Lol. Speaking of fire strains. I can wait to run the Romulan. The Katsu/Romulan looks great. Id love to have the whole Romulan line. That Communion looks fucking nuts.

I need more room.:wink:. I have so much I want to do. Im getting ready to get a couple autos going. Some of the best smoking grass I’ve grown from Reiko and Mr. Sparkles. I have a cookie tin right here I keep the weed I’m smoking at hand and it’s stained from a Ghost Toof cross from Reiko. Mr. Sparkles Cookie Devil was screaming loud as well. Awesome smoke. I love autoflowers.

Glad to see your doing well. Thanks for stopping by and hollering at your boy. We finally got rec on the shelves and I could’ve happier. I won this from my local Tobacco shop that I get my rolling tobacco at. I had to grab a new grinder. I’m glad I stopped in.


Look at these Bald Faced Hornets nests I had to tackle. I have a video of the nest after I sprayed it. There were a hundred bees easily in the one on my window. It took several cans to knock these guys out. I got hit by them. They hurt bad as hell. The end. Haha.


That’s awesome! Glad you went too! Too bad we’re countries apart or we could swap some cuts! Man I hate hornets! Mean little bastards, screw that shit

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F those things man … burn em with fire after you stomp them out …


How’s my friend @Baltimore doing these days …?
Long time since we spoke, did you take a break from growing or ?

Anyway you take it easy and keep on keeping on.

Happy growing, mate.



My sentiments exactly


Gazo! What’s up dude? Actually I’ve been continually growing. I just had to cut plant numbers down and too many clones to manage. So I’m in slow motion these days. This past year was crazy. I’m just keeping my head down and trying to stay positive.

I’ve put some weight on and got some color to my face. I’m optimistic bro. Just continue to fight the good fight. I just try to do the next right thing and not be so hard on myself. How are you? How’s the weather and whatnot over there? Whatcha running?


Dude those Hornets. Motherbleepers! I had to rip them open so the poison would saturate it. I bought a couple double packs of the 30’ hotshot that foam’s up. The spray absolutely worked. Got out to the nest foamed up. The shit rolled off the nest and they were still alive. Lol. They were so pissed I had to wait a day so they would calm down.

Anyways. Today I was knocking some withered leaves off the Hash plant. I felt what I thought was maybe syrup or a soft drink that made my digit sticky. It actually was leaking out from a spot where I had bent some branches. I just thought it was very cool. I’ve seen DBHP and Pinkman Goo that would leak. Is that a normal trait for the 88G13HP?


I know that’s right bro. I can deal with spiders and other creepy crawlers but bee’s is where I draw the line. Ever seen those red yellow wood hornets that are like 2" big? Fuck that. I couldn’t cut the grass for a sec. Hahaha.

I read up on them and it said they remember faces. Well I had been tormenting them from in my dining room. I thought about it and I’m not gonna lie. I was shook. I felt like a gang was gonna hit me. Lol. I have bad anxiety so small things grow to major problems in my head.:exploding_head::laughing::+1:


I was joking about the summer the power went out. It was a 100°f at night. Well a small straight line came through and took out the power for like 2 days. So this plant got to finish up in the dark before the chop. My camera is shitty and I know nothing of how to adjust a camera for real.

Alrighty then. Let’s check out this plant. This plant surely came out of a small pinch of auto flower seeds. For whatever reason this plant started flowering the stopped. Kinda like a photo period thrown under 13/12 it bogs down then stretches depending on genetics of course. I put in on top of a 3 gallon pot and it grew it to it by accident so I took a chance. I took a couple branches, snipped the buds, then threw them in the cloner. Id like to run it again if it smokes like it looks…:flushed:.

Smells very familiar. Like an auto I’ve grown before…?

I swear this came from like 5 strains of autos

Sorry about the quality

I need a new phone.:wink::+1:

Idk? We’ll see when she cures up for a minute


Looks great bro


Thanks bro. I really do appreciate it. It smells like something @ReikoX put together. It’s smell is so distinct it’s bothering me that I can’t pinpoint it. Not too mention it’s statue imo screams auto. That and the crazy way it started flowering under 24/0 then stopped. I can’t complain. I’m blessed.

Be safe out there. Have a good one.:v::grin:


Nice frosty nugs :+1:

I found Reikos autos smelt like pot purri, no definite smell other than a kind of mix of fruity perfumes.


Sounds about right. Lots of perfume smelling to some like rotten meat as well as some almost fermented grape or cherry. Really loud but the only thing that hits me smell wise. It’s so sharp and different I just don’t know. Lol.

Thanks a bunch for the kind words. It’s always a pleasure to see y’all to you. I hope your family and friends are well also. I found out the mystery strain.:laughing:

MMS-Panama Goo

** Still has several days of drying left but that’s a small bud I took from a branch to re-veg it. **


How goes all? I hope all of this sunshine has brought you hella cabbage. :wink::+1:. Unfortunately or fortunately I’ve been getting help for myself. I fell out a while back and had to make some decisions. My Father’s back in my life. Just slow motion right now.

Let’s take a look at the autos I sprinkled out back about the 4th of July. These are Dyvyder x APxGST. They carry over a nice Bubblegum aroma with a wicked rotten meat smell. I absolutely gave them no nutrients and in between waterings. They’ve done well in this intense heat with spotty PM on the fans mainly. Let me know if you want some of these seeds. I probably have 100. They are Regs. and they’re all very uniform. I got about 60/40 makes to females. Pretty standard ratio. They faded a tad.:roll_eyes:

Here is a Dracary’s clone that was sickly but came back enough to get her fully into flower and see about getting some bud from it. I still have a half lb. from the first run of it and a lb of the Banana Cake. Anyways…


I figured instead of double posting the same day I’d split my posts up. I have a problem with writing novels every time. Lol. I’ll tighten this post tomorrow. This gushers plant is absolutely beautiful and lord willing, it’s gonna give ol boy a nice bag. The 88G13 got furred from a ton of N. I can’t complain for real. She’s still pushing on.:grin::+1:
Gushers left. Ghash is on the right.


Hey @DGCloud . How’s it going brother? Unfortunately life throws curveballs and I’ve been dealing with personal issues but I had to holler at you. I ended up saving 2 out of the 3 strains. I’m happy to say that I have clones rooting and they’re mother’s are flowering.

I’m just not sure if the second plant is BlackCandyland. The leaves in the plant are almost dark green to point of looking black. It’s a week or a tad more in flower. I’ll post pictures in flower. We should be able to ID it then. I appreciate you showing me love. If you ever need a clone back I definitely will be running these. Gushers is fuckin smokin daddy.


Absolutely gorgeous and is still a bit out. I had to take clones in flower a tad bit but they’ve started rooting but the fade on the Gushers is gonna be purdee.:grin::+1: