Baltimore Chapter 2 "The Wire"

Hello senor @Barefrog . I wanted to thank you for allowing me to keep these genetics going. I finished up an 88G13HP female. She was messed up due to really high N levels and didn’t think it was gonna do or make anything worthwhile. What a dumbass.

This is some of the best grass I’ve ever smoked. This particular plant/cut/clone showed dripping like a DBHP but not red. Sweet and clear. Has an almost warm smell to it and is extremely resinous and pungent. Maybe slightly minty or clove maybe.

Like I said this is my first time smoke and growing it period. It hasn’t cures but here’s some bud porn. Once again thank you so much. I can’t wait for the good people here get a chance to smoke some real medicine. I’m in love with just a single phenotype.


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Pictures don’t do this beautiful plant Justice. Like I said top five.:yawning_face::dash::exploding_head::fire::boom:


The candyland I never flowered and I had a big mess up with bugs I ended up not keeping that one around do to space. I. Sorry bro wish I could help but did not flower that one. Also glad you liked the gushers she is a frost monster.


Glad to see you around again @Baltimore ! I’ve been away for a while and haven’t really seen you since I’ve been back.
Hope all is well with you!


My dude Tappy. What’s up man? I’m around. Just kicking it. I’ve been running like 2-3 plants scrogged as far away from the light as possible. What was happening was such I tense light on buds keeps them wanting to stay green and throwing white Pistils. Making you think the plant has longer essentially losing the window.

It makes for airy buds/foxtailing as well as being extremely bland. Just that tid bit of f knowledge has helped my smoke remain soft and sticky. I was just telling good brother DG I think I saved a clone of Black Candyland. I have those Joti Beans you sent sure enough had some BLACK Candyland.

What’s cooking in the pot. Shoot me a link.


Good to see you back and to hear you are well homie! It’s like EVERYTIME I start wondering or asking people where’s Baltimore? After they try and give me a map they say oh he just posted! :joy: I’m absolutely stoked you got that ghash you love!! I’m actually planning some cool stuff with her as well. And @Barefrog …. Well he’s one absolute gem of a human being no question. Bless him


Yeah man. I hear that. I threw a couple plants outside this year. You could see a tiny bit of Spider Mites and other pests but I never come near my plants from outside but I’ve battled with PM, SM’s, Thrips and the occasional leaf hopper. Not enough to shake a plant really. I just know I’m a step away from infestation.

My back yard has Crepe Myrtle’s a Pine Honey Suckle. I have to worry about PM more than anything. I think the moisture dripping down through the trees and onto any plants kicks the PM off. My Dracary’s made it out fine. It’s got that sweet Bubba in it and holds up fine outdoors. I’m pretty sure it’s BC. Everything I see from JOTI looks amazing.

Hopefully your gardening and everything is going good for you. What’s cooking in the pot? New strains? Hmu whenever you get time. Be safe out there.:v::grin:


Yeah man. Without being too graphic. I’ve been struggling with opioid addiction. I kicked the Fentanyl. It brought me to my knees. Again! So I’m in this kinda spot. It’s like the worst love hate relationship with your wife and you know you have to for lack of better phrase “kill her” to survive. Screw divorce because she’s gonna show up and I’m gonna let her in. Lol.

Anyways. I have a very supportive family. I just turned 39 and I’m starting my life over. I just don’t in my heart wanna be a junkie. Man I tell you what this Ghash plant looked troubled all through growth. I added too much blood meal to a batch of soil. Ended up yellowing leaves and the older growth leaves dropped off quick.

I’m not gonna lie. I totally slept on this plant. They finally legalized everything here and everything is super cheap so I’ve been smoking stuff like Hawaiian Runtz (tastes just like Tangie). Moon Rock pre rolls of Strawberry Cough. :rofl::drooling_face:. So in between I snagged a bud of Ghash to see if it’s dry enough and discovered why this strain has been around this long. Top 5 top 5 top 5. Lol.

It’s good to see you and thanks for the kind words. I love this community and at some point I’d like to do what guys like Frog does. Pass the torch to younger grower’s. What you got cooking in the pot man?


I know of the struggles all too well, trust me. Still have friends struggling as well. Sounds like you are on the right path. You have to want to quit for sure, not be forced or persuaded etc. I’m here as I’ve said before if you ever need to talk. As I’m sure many others would be as well. You’ve got this @Baltimore just think how much simpler life would be, plus with that shit (fentanyl) it’s only a matter of time before u become a statistic . I know I don’t want that, ever!! As I’m positive so many others here are and your family without question. Keep your head up and keep pushing forward one day at a time :facepunch:t2:


I’ve got nothing in flower atm, having issues with Athena since switching . I’ve got a BOO (bag of oranges) preservation run for my lost brother Useful. Some Corey/Heime from @hoss8455 , SFV OG from @Budderton , salmon River OG from dynasty and a crap ton of elite cuts I’ve acquired over the last year appx. Since the floodgates opened. Been a tough run for me for a bit too health wise but I’m working on getting back to myself 100% slowly but surely. I’m


Well just chopped my mothers and getting ready for the move once I see roots I’ll be tossing all the moms and starting fresh since I have this infestation. It’s a lot easier to spray them down when they are small and check on everything. So not really growing anything more like trying to keep them alive.


That’s what’s up man definitely let me know what’s up with a bag of oranges. Or I’ll do like we normally do keep an eye out for it and follow the appropriate steps.:wink: I didn’t get a lot of useful stuff. I do however have some BLSR still sealed up when he asked Gene to do a run of it the first time. My Buddy ended up getting some Secret Chief and some other stuff but I grew the.

Honestly just don’t even have the room at this point right now to run even a fraction of the genetics I have. Lol. I’m just taking it easy for real man. I have a small Dracary’s ant I’m gonna root soon to keep around. I like GG and Bubba. So for now just holding like 4 strains. I had a cut of Mint Choc Trip from Useful I wish I woulda kept. Got damnit!

It’s great to hear from you and I appreciate the kind words. The goal is to get a big enough place soon to start pheno hunting for real. I’m just glad everything is pretty much legal now and I don’t have to worry about clones, seeds, and everything else. Be safe. I’m like when 2 are more are there in my name I’m with you.:rofl:

When I’ve been away for too long and haven’t posted I start to withdrawal. Hehe.


Well I’m glad you are back and glad to hear you doing so well. For real though, if you ever need to talk . I’m here bro


I appreciate that very much. I hope that you and you family are well as can be. The plant pulls me back down to Earth when I get out there. I understand how important every soul is so special. Just to let go of all my shortcomings and be a decent hard working man. Nothing wrong with tokin though.:grin::+1:.

Off topic but I’ve been looking for a GGG strain Hammerhead for a while now. It’s got Seattle Soda in it. I see that Seattle pop up in the Truffles genetics I live so much. I could kill myself for not getting the last pack of Umami Truffles. Somehow I’ll hunt that shit down. Lol.


Had to drop some pics. The Gushers still has a bit to go. She’s got some colors at points hinting at things to come. It’s fucking smoking. I’ve already had a couple rookies tell me I have PM. Lol. I don’t even respond to stupid shit. I just post more and ignore more.:rofl:

I smoked my small outdoor Dracary’s today. Nothing beats grass grown under our sun with no added bs. Just clean water and I’m cool with what she sees fit to yield. She stays. My hand on her the first couple grows she didn’t really reach her fully potential. That Bubba brings nice dark tones to the fans. Smells at times warm and garlic like. In the most non offensive way.

Dracary’s Outdoor.

Some Black Truffles from the store.

Gushers. She sure is a stunner. I can’t fuckin wait.

Black Candyland or Urkle. Nothing special. Node spacing is really tight. Keeping her too long under low hanging LEDs made her stunt and bush. Flower stretch and so.e pruning has hoed a bit. She’s clones so we’re still golden. The leaves are so dark green they appear almost black at times.

Just tapping in. Y’all be cool and safe out there.


Man when you open the back door it blasts you in the face. I’m glad I don’t have to worry about carbon filters anymore. This is just an absolutely beautiful strain. I can’t help myself. Here’s a pic of BC/Urkle just to see how dark the leaves are.

BC dark shit.

Y’all tell me. If you’ve grown Black Candyland lmk if it looks completely different. This plant was neglected a bit but when it went into flower and I flushed it got some food in it, she came back green.

So if you’ve grown Urkle and you can oeg it in veg lmk as well. Hehe. I honestly don’t know but it either way it’s all good. It’s a blessing to have a cut from a best pheno.


88 seasoned with some Hawaiian Runtz. The Runtz looks like Moon Rocks it’s so caked in trichs. Not a whole lot to say other than both strains will blister your ass but the Hawaiian smells like Orange Peel. I fuckin love Tangie flavored grass.


Nice! Looks killer


So, I’m taking a vacation to Texas next Monday. I haven’t been outside of this shit hole since 2015. Wow. Anyways going to the Alamo, San Antonio Riverwalk, 6th st Austin. Shooting choppers a d pistols til my fingers hurt. Lol. Baltimore is wak AF.

I had to drop in and post pics of the Gushers aka White Gushers aka TK41 bka Triangle Kush X Gelato #41. My dude @DGCloud extended a big handshake and this time these strains have been cloned and are safe. This plant has been super easy growing but had to be scrogged. I don’t lollipop my plants. I smoke the tiniest of popcorn and am not ashamed of it. Hehe.:wink::+1:

Feast your peeper’s.


Gonna get closer to Houston ???


Nice bro! That’s a frosty ass gal! Hope u have a blast! Long overdue getaway! Enjoy homie

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