Baltimore Chapter 2 "The Wire"

Yup gushers is just super frosty. I still have her in my stable as well. I hope you like her.

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That Gushers is super frosty, have a great time in Texas!

Well when you smoke it you should be able to tell what it is. Purple urkle to me had a little hint of grape in it. But from looking at it it’s reminding me of the candyland.

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I’m sorry I didn’t get back to you. Next time down in April I’m renting a BNB here in Killeen with a range attached. Maybe you wanna come up for a day or two. We’re multi ethnicity very laid back outdoorsy people. I’m not in the best shape but should be good in the spring my dude.

I’m having a great time but I’m in Killeen and can’t find any weed. WTF? @Tejas where’s the glass at here. I need a honeycomb pen and so e Hawaiian Runtz. Lol. My local corner store has the best of everything for rock bottom. Even liquid cart thx juice refill jugs. 10,000mg vac live R. Next time I’m gonna get a PO box and send a lb down. Lol.

I have so much shit at the house right now. Lol the Gushers is gonna be cured and the Urkle should be done. :laughing::metal:


Yeah your right about that when I get it it should be pretty well along. We’ll know.

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Funny come all the way to Texas to find some fresh snapping Runtz of some kind. Pinkish tint to it. Really nice zip of pool water weed. Makes your nose feel like you snorted water by mistake. Refreshing down here. I’m not gonna die in Baltimore.

  • I’ll snag a pic when I go back out. Military town grass.

Hello my friend hope you’re doing well etc - after your latest ‘binge’ with the demon that is Fentanyl - glad you are well and still growing some nice flower etc. :facepunch:

Take it easy and if you need to talk - im just a pm away… okay mate …:ok_hand:.

Happy growing/smoking …



Gazo! What’s up man? How goes it over there bud? Would it be crazy to say I’m well and clean. Well. Let me be honest. I have to take some prescriptions and a shit ton of weed. No coke or Fentanyl in my system. I’m just about to deliver my first clean urine at my clinic. Feels good man.

Somewhere some angels are taking a break smoking one together like “finally we can leave this motherfucker alone”. Lol. I’ve had a hand on me. Don’t get me wrong. The trenches are there I’m just off the front line. I have larger news but I have to bounce.

Mainly that I’m about to have 2 rooms to run in. Maybe like 20 plants each room? I’ll have specs to get this stuff underway soon. Got a new laptop for my 3d printing/gaming. Looking for some Romulan seeds in my room. I know I fucking got some. I’m popping some awesome shit. I just gotta figure where it’s at in a million seeds. I still have some of the stuff you sent me. That Pennywise is gonna make an appearance around here. Ttys. Be safe.:grin::v:


Hey what’s going on. I’m here. I finally got clean and I’m not looking back. We’re still printing. I got pics of my latest print. It’s ampsw FNS40 long slide. Uses a built in forward 45°stabilizer that holds a mag that is to be used when the initial mag runs dry. Anyways we’re still doing good there.

Flood tables are coming. May go HPS for a couple runs to offset the cost of some decent LEDs thatl be replacing these guys with but… Imo eye Hortilux full spec HPS lights are superior to LEDs but km not arguing. I’m moving on. I think less have the potency, power, terps, potency, heat, light spec that makes it appealing in a smaller setup where heat is critical AF.

Got some Orange Durban and about 5-6 BBf4xGoji OG’s I’m gonna rip. The Gushers is tits and the Black Candyland still lives as well.

Does anyone have any Triangle? I saw MMS did a Triangle Bc. I was Kate to see it but I’ll still be on the lookout. Anyways I know that Romulan is in here. Fuuuuuuuck.


Thought I’d step in and say hello hello. I’m up drinking coffee playing Xbox. It’s very cold out and I’m warm. Can’t complain. I picked up a bag from a guy who was so Indian from I did he couldn’t hardly tell me he had grass.

Shout out to Foreigner’s. Not the band. He just doesn’t speak a lick of English but he was super cool and we agreed on Tirty Dolla. Which K though was rape.:wink:. So I threw my money at him and ran…

It’s so nice to be back.:v::grin:


Gushers and Black Candyland. I saved both. Thank Goodness and @DGCloud My fucking dude.


HPS is finished as grow room lighting. You can’t even purchase that stuff around here anymore. LED is here and I think it’s reached peak effectiveness.

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Lol Damn Joe you didn’t have to bodyslam me. Haha! I understand what you’re saying. I swear I still love those Gavita DE’s. They definitely did produce good grass. Oh did I mention that the power isn’t a problem. We get a maintenance fee with water/power wrapped up. It’s always like that.

I give it 10-15 before they crush these houses but until then I’ve scored 2 rooms. One being twice the size of the other. Got my uncle that works at a plastics shop. We’re gonna make 2 tables out of anti bacterial medical board they use in Johns Hopkins up here.

It makes perfect sense what you’re saying though. I’ve been going back and forth with myself. The heat is really the main drag for me as plant and ceiling height is my biggest issue. I’m having to scrog everything to make sure they don’t foxtail or lose terps from the plants wanting to drag on. I’ve gotten really good at nailing pull time. My trim game. That’s another one bud. Thanks for stopping in. Be safe.:v::wink:


I have some Triangle Kush x Stardawg. Say the word, they’ll be headibg down I95. CONGRATS on your “situation”, Bro, keep at it!! PM “personals”, if interested. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Senor buzz buzz. How are you sir? Everything is going pretty well. Its great to see you bud. I appreciate you popping in and showing me love. :grin::+1:


Man I didn’t know Useful passed. Terrible stuff man. Happy to report I’m still clean. I’m waiting on one more strain before I get this run into shape. I still have a grow or 2 before both rooms are operational but the cloner is getting scrubbed today and I’ve got to clean the 2 d room still and paint it. No biggie. Get it done while it’s cold AF. No bugs.:wink::+1:

So here’s the deal. I had no problem saving what I believe is the Black Candyland (big green gal’s) and I saved the Gush for sure. I had to reveg it but they’re growing like weeds now. I’ll have healthy cuts from both in the cloner soon. You can also see my mother Dracary’s has been blasted by too much N. I took cuts and a small flowering clone is revegging from pretty far in flower.

Black Candyland

Lots of clones to cut already on this girl.



Got some promix, mykos, perlite, and flower fuel ordered for the next 2. I burned the Dracary’s by scraping a bucket of dirt from the bottom w/o mixing after sitting for a minute. Have clones rooting but maybe the uppot from a 1 gal to a 3 with some peat and a bit of potting soil may bring some new green. Otherwise use the clones and chuck her. Any thoughts or input is always welcome.:v::grin:



@Tappy Tappy! How goes it my dude? I just found a lost bag and the first card was from you. I hope you and your family are well. Drop me a link to your current grow. Love you man. Be safe.:grin::v:


Nice bro! Keep up the great work! You’ve got this, life is so much better not worrying about that shit (next fix) and you’ve got tons here rooting for you. Everything is going well and the plants are looking good too, love it!


Thank you very much. It’s a blessing to be able speak to you and everyone here. I’m not hiding out alone anymore. I missed visiting @oleskool830 and I’m sad but I have family in his hometown and friends from here in TX as well. I can wait for an OG meet and greet. Thanks for the support dude.:pray::grin::+1:


Of course bro, I always worry when you take a hiatus. No joke. Glad to see you doing so well, truly am. I know all too well the stranglehold that shit can take on life. :facepunch:t2: much respect