Baltimore Chapter 2 "The Wire"

My man. Anything anytime. Just holler.:wink:


Broooooo!! Good to hear you’re doing well!! I’m hanging in there.
Looks like you’ve been a busy beaver over there! How’s that Black candyland? I’ve got a couple going this round too!
Stay safe, man! Take care!! Hope the contents of that card treat you well!


The black Candyland is pretty good I haven’t grown any other Jodi stuff yet. But the second round of it’s going to be much better than the first. The first grow I had nitrogen tax really bad.

So I know that there’s more color and more potency to pull out of the plant this around. I’ll definitely be posting pictures of them throughout flower I’ll make sure I check yours out as well or stop in and throw me some pictures please.

I feel a zest for life that I haven’t. Even have a woman in my life now. Not that I had trouble ever with women. I just was so junked out that I didn’t want anybody being near me. Love is necessary. Great to hear from you. I’ll make sure to tag you. ‘God’s Space Needle’ has animal cookies 09 in it I believe. That one looks amazing and I want to see some purple kief in my life. My buddy grew MMS E pupil and had pink temple balls.:drooling_face:


Well I need the biggest of hell gentleman. I was gonna make a separate thread for this because it’s been a problem now for a while now and I have seeds that need to need to germinate.

As some of you know I have several hundred SSDD f2’s here in pucks. They look viable really. A few white ones. Besides that I have some heirloom stuff that needs to be brought out and shared. I’ve heard of soaking the seeds in a weak acid solution. The name escapes me but it’m reading about Hydrogen Peroxide weak solution to soak them in.

My question is what’s a surefire way or a way heads use to pop? I’ve been killing seeds I have no business having. Help your boy bring some gems to the forum. :wink::pray:


Shot glass with water and a few drops of peroxide to soak overnight, then paper towels or soil works well.


I appreciate the help. I understand this sounds absurd but I swear to beJesus bro, I kill so many seeds. I’ve read so much they were using coconut milk to reinvigorate old seeds. I mean seeds older than the crust in my underwear old. The fuck?

They were talking about pulling the shell off completely without fucking the embryo up I guess. Then keeping them pampered I assume. I was so tired of seeing so many successful seed pops that I got all bent out shape and blocked Kyle Kushman again. :roll_eyes: Strawberry Cough issues. Real Bad.

If anything good came from this week I have a new phone coming hopefully today. My photos have suffered from a cheap ass camera phone. My man @HolyAngel sent me a Google Pixel (amazing phone) but the phone fully charged shuts off as soon as I unplug it. I’m going to have it fixed. The guys at the cell shop kept trying to buy this phone. It was super unprofessional how many times they tried even behind each other’s backs. Holy is a fucking Angel.

We’re gonna get these seeds to pop. There’s no way 400 mature seeds and can’t get some to pop.


Maybe once they pop in the shot glass I can put them into my dome with some dirt in that mofo. I’ve had problems before having seeds pop then they mold off or dampen off.

I usually put them in wet paper towels in a Ziploc wrapped in something to keep them dark under an led or something for extra warmth. I was getting damn near 100% fo so long. I lost the last 2 Wilson Zero beans unfortunately.🫣


Well the new car has a new fucked up door and rust panel down the side.

The door is folded under neath at the joint. I bluffed the younger drunk punk who backed up into it and he said “did I do that?” I asked him if he thought he was Steve Urkle and if he thought I was a bitch. He said no and there’s no camera footage. I live in a “Homes Corporation”/ghetto.

I have a few options. The biggest craziest option and throw my life away. Take my breaker bar and flip his Mustang that’s illegally tagged and push it on the curb, flatten all his tires on both his illegally tagged cars and use my glass popper and trash every window in both in 2 minutes.

He has no insurance on either car and he hasn’t made a move yet, apologized or anything. I really wanna run in his shit but his sister has absolutely nothing to do with this.

Go all out or fall back and allow street justice to run it’s course. Idgaf about throwing hands. I’m 6’ 5" 230 and he’s not built like that. I’ve spent too much time in prison dealing with tender hearted bitches most my life. He lives right across the street as well.

Flip this bitch while it’s still out here or take it on the chin and let him slide?

This is the problem. His Volvo is missing the rear bumper. So his driver rear side has pieces of jegged metal not wrapped in a bumper and his car is Silver. Forrest Gump could’ve solved this one.


The short term revenge-relief might not be worth the long-term bullshit. 20 year old me would say flip that fucker…38 year old me knows better…lol…even if the guy is a knob, not worth it.

Lol…but I love your passion


Ah man! Bastard. No need to go back to jail bro, I know that feeling ALL TOO WELL ! Karma will get his ass, or maybe just tell him you are going to be collecting cash bud-weekly until he’s caught up. We are similar height/size. Usually just telling people “what you expect of them “ works just fine, there hasn’t been many that wanted to test my resolve :wink:


I know it Tap. The 39 year old in me fell back and we have to call the police. He has no insurance and I’m almost 10 years w/o a charge. In able to get my record expunged and get my gun rights back. I’m a non violent offender with no domestic issues ever. So my attorney said everything looks good. We’ll see.

In other news my girlfriend got her concealed carry here. It finally came through. Maryland is one of the toughest gun states as well. Until I’m good I don’t play games with guns. There are to be respected and locked up. Dude I’m such a nice guy, if I’m mad like that somebody has really done me dirty.

I’m sipping a cup of coffee playing Battlefield 1 campaigning. Lol. So get me wrong I don’t want anyone to get hurt over a car but he’s done this to other people in different neighborhoods and he’s just acting like it doesn’t even f****** matter so if he doesn’t come over today I can’t let it go any further because it’s getting too far away I’m calling the police he had enough nerve to bring his car back and park it out front again so he’s a f****** idiot.


Sorry if I sounded over the top. I didn’t mean to say my size matters in hand to hand… I just know he’s not that kind of guy. You’re absolutely right I’ve been to prison and I understand what’s going on and I don’t need to go back for an automobile.

It just sucks knowing that all of us are living in such low s***** conditions that we use our car to work with to make money just for now. Until my legs heal a bit more. It sucks when somebody in your neighborhood steals from neighbors. We’re all poor as f***. Lol. I don’t know man it’s like this new generation in the past 15-20 years is a hundred times worse than 80s babies. I thought my generation was lost. Sheesh.


My plants are looking much better now that I hit them.with some food. My Aunt stole my fertilizers. These plants have beautiful new growth and they started praying again. Let’s see.

Romulan Bx1
There’s 5 seedlings total. The last one is jn the Gushers pot. Separating them in the morning.

Gushers (TKxGel#41)
Man shout out to @DGCloud I’m proud to keep these 2 strains. The BCandyland will be below. One of my top 5 strains grown so far and will continue to hold this one indefinitely. Ty my dude.

My Dracary’s mother and most other plants suffered terribly from lack of key nutrients but are bouncing back so well since new food has been introduced. Thank God.

You can see how well this reveg has opened up. Yay! Lol

In-house Banana Cake clone. Still alive. Good hybrid.

JOTI Black Candyland c/o DG.
It’s great to see how thrashed they were and how much better they are doing now.

The big plant up front and the one gal all the way up top same pic are BÇ.

I also have popped some C99xDD from @Mr.Sparkle I can’t wait to see how they turn out.


sorry about all that shit man kind of sucks. I would feel 100% the same way you did and exactly the same thoughts would be running through my mind . in fact I have a problem here that I had to take care of and I wasn’t sure how to do it. A friend of 10 years informed me that if I didn’t supply him with bud every week he was going to call the law on me.


I guess this was about three weeks ago and I was so furious and so worried I didn’t sleep for about three nights trying to figure out what to do.

I have no record I’ve never been to jail let alone prison but Im made up a bit like you and there was no freaking way I was gonna let this slide. not a chance in hell.

Im 6’2". 220 , he is not . I paid a Private I $300 to follow him for a day and figure out where he goes. The dude did an incredible job and speaking of what a way to make a living. anyway it turns out on his way home from work every day he frequence this little hole in the wall bar very close to where I live. The dick told me the day he followed him he stumbled out of that bar drunk as hell and knowing him and what a drunk he is I figured he did that every day…

As it turned out he did do it every day.

when I pulled the hoodie off my head and he saw who was sitting on the hood of his car I thought he was going to have a heart attack.
he did exactly what I hoped he would do and ran like a little bitch through the parking lot.
halfway across the parking lot he fell down and started crying. yeah a grown 50 year old man laying on the fucking wet concrete drunk off his ass crying like a little bitch.

I had practice the speech for about three days I took all the best parts from every crazy movie I ever saw and I played it to the hilt. I think I was so believable because I wanted to kill him and I know he knew it. I tried to get them to stand up fight like a man but he refused. boy his gums were flapping I didn’t mean any of that I was drunk I don’t know why I said that I wouldn’t do a thing you know me why are you doing this.

I almost just let him lay there crying like a little baby walked away 3 steps , but I am me and I ain’t changing anytime soon so of course I turned around and was going to beat the ever living shit out of him. I can still throw one hell of a punch or a kick but I can’t run too fast anymore at 70 just not something I practice lol.

I picked his bitch ass up and cracked him with a backhand so hard I thought I broke my hand.
he took off like a friggin scared rabbit just left his car there and disappeared across the street into a neighborhood.

I went over to his car it was completely locked up but he left the drivers window down about 2 inches. I took a huge piss into his driver seat…
I had my cool brass lighter with me I pulled it out and rolled the neurode edge all the way down the side of his car as I walked off.

my voice carries like miles and I’m not kidding it’s extremely deep and loud and anyone within half a mile of me can hear me while I’m just talking when I start to scream it covers neighborhoods lol.

I screamed across the parking lot to that neighborhood and I absolutely 100% no doubt no he heard me that if I ever saw him again I would kill him.

I got a text message from his wife this morning telling me he told her what happened and thanking me for not doing anything more than I did. she said he came completely clean and told her what he did to me and she said that she thinks he got off light. she told me I would have no more problems from him .

I text her back told her to tell Dave that what I yelled to him across the street I meant. she instantly text back yes he knows it and you’re never going to have any trouble from him again. I blocked both of their numbers.

So I’m not telling you what to do I’m just telling you I absolutely understand how mad you are and how your hands are tied. I sat here for over a week fuming over this shit and I knew if I didn’t do something it would drive me internally mad.

I’ll tell you want man I just don’t know WTF is wrong with these people. today’s world has no accountability I’m 70 I didn’t grow up in that world you fuck with me with me or my stuff or my family it’s going to get handled.

I was going to walk in the bar and start talking shit to him and then scream out what did you say about my wife and then invite him outside to do the deed. I was sitting on his car trying to figure out what exactly to say to him when he walked out.

Something needs to be done to the asshole who did that to you I don’t know exactly what but you can figure out something maybe just embarrass his ass in front of all of his friends slap them around call him a bitch something


dude you sound just like me. lol. not in a bad way but generous to the point of allowing people in your inner circle and what do they do when they think they have enough intimate knowledge that you wont fuck them up or do anything for that matter. well im going through that with my Uncle right now. see hes on Moms side and he smoked crack his whole adult life until 8 years ago. my Uncle took me to buy Heroin when I was 13 years old. my Mom would only let him use the car if I was there so being the one who keeps secrets. I let everyone in my life fuck me and some tried literally. Im staying in his my Grandmothers house who passed it to my Mom because Uncle is a convicted woman beater and everything else against women. he robbed his parents savings when they were alive. stole GPaws gun collection we had to buy back. he stops by and is and has been insinuating hes gonna move back in because he doesn’t wanna work and we live in a paid for house where all we pay is a utility fee and were running any amount of water and electricity we want. GROW BIG FUCKING WEED! lol sorry.

I appreciate your caring. I already pretty much know how i’m gonna handle the situation. I have to allow a small bit of time to pass because its way too obvious. I cant wear any guns because I shouldnt. Theyre necessary most of the time. i only say this because leaving it means the police wont kill me if they see one. its to a point where im ready to carry out of safety reasons living on the front line. im not gonna lie to you I can be scary in certain situations because I have the street smarts to see a easy lick a mile a way and if the person im with is lookin like a vic. Im gonna fucking trash his cars silently then im cracking the engine blocks. its not even that serious. Hes been crashing into peoples shit and skating. on some real shit. im biding time. i have to. Cooler heads prevail in situations like this. please believe he made this way worse than it shoukd be.

other than that dude everything is pretty good. it sucks to hear a supposed friend town drunk tried to put the ratchets on you for something he found out about over supposedly being a friend. thats why I dont have anyone over. people talk shit about you. do shit with breeders genetics that are shunned. i stopped giving cuttings out because no one wants to do the work that are born from the 90’s besides kids born into the craft want to put the necessary work. i saw 3 Gavita fold up led setups that someone in the hood bought thinking they were just gonna profit off weed. ended up damn near giving them away,

anyways. thanks for sharing that with me. Im not mad to the point where I wanna physically hurt him but this is why you must have insurance on your car and I was locked up for driving w/o insurance sober and slow AF. he has some learning coming dude, Its great to see you. thanks for coming by and giving me a tale of inspiration. my own family is using the threat of jail right now to try to run me out of here I live so they can move in, if I get 25 years. im laying everyone down in this shit. jk… :roll_eyes:


Sounds like you need to get far away from that shit


Need to remove toxic people from your life…cut that shit out with a butteknife…sometimes hurts, but necessary…sometimes fun, but necessary.
Life is too short to waste energy on shitty people.


100% correct!!

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Good reason not to share what you do with anyone.


You aren’t kidding dude. I feel stupid exposing my innermost shit but ever is gonna be OK. I expected that shit to be reciprocated but prison sentences later.

I’m healing quickly now that I’m not shooting that shit. I’ll have a job before you know it and I have a house to move into here. I gotta clean it out. That’s not hard but I’m half assed on my feet right now.

Anyways all is well. I got my Mom and Dad in my life. I’m gonna make sure I see him a day stop all this shit in my life. My empathy has always been my greatest shortcoming. Thanks for stopping in. You’re right. Do what you do alone.