Baltimore Chapter 2 "The Wire"

It got to a point of why and the fuck am I still doing this. I stopped and haven’t looked back. It’s a Rocky road and we got a lot got a long way to go but vest believe we’re pushing on through what thee fuck ever. They fucked up not keeping me in a box. Lol. I’m jk.

I love you’re attitude. You reek of a laid back guy. Keep on keeping on. You’re a cool dude. Thanks.

The plants are looking greener every day. The fertilizer is has brought these girls back into the green zone. Got em ph’d just about spot on. I’ll be cleaning the cloner out for future Romulan clones and the usual suspects.

I may let the Black Candyland go if it’s not my cup of tea but the last plant was not fed properly in flower last time so probably not. Lol. I have a huge girl now who’s looking pretty good. She’s gonna put a gang out if I keep her on track. Time will tell. Yall be safe and thanks for coming through.

I’ve also got a few 2x2x3’s to use for whatever. Maybe I’ll try some single big clones per each tent. Idk…autos?


Hey hey. Things are heating up in Baltimore. I gotta pop a couple more of @Mr.Sparkle Cindy Devil’s and some @ReikoX fam mix. Just keeping notes for later. Hope yall are well.

Here’s the Romulan. We’ve got 5 nice looking specimens. Shout out to brother who got suspended for flipping me fresh ones. I can’t wait to collect some pollen. Yay yayee!

I’m sorry I’m posting the fuck outa my main ladies. You have to understand these plants were all dead. Pulled out of this depression rut I’ve been in for a couple years now. Im back on top of shit in my life.

Here’s the list for sure that’s going to be cloned soon. Dracary’s, Gushers, Black Candyland, and Banana Cake. They look way better and are starting to explode in growth.

Sorry for not cropping all the screen shots.


Looks like the N is driving them to stretch. They were so deficient that I’ve given them a third strength of store bought fertilizer with Microbial guy’s n gal’s. Lol

Only thing differently that I’ve done is threw a full spec HPS bulb in and tighten the screws on my hood. I lost a EH bulb due to the fan slightly rocking my hood for a year. Screws backed out a bit. I could tell from the glow something was off. Talking about liquid metal in the bulb. It was angry red for 2 hrs after shutdown.

PM everything in your setup as often as possible w/o being a plant watcher like myself. I got some aloe and I’m gonna get these SSDD seeds to pop. Any ideas? Like put them in the fridge for a bit then the heat may signal a pop. 2018-17 SSDD F2’s im trying to make a jug of F3’s.

I’m all ears. I search function a fuck ton here always first.:roll_eyes:


It’s great to see you getting back on track bro and doing good. Truly ! As far as the beans I’m not sure, sometimes we have those bitch beans that just won’t pop. :thinking:


thank you so much. I appreciate the kind words. OG is like church for me. I feel awesome posting and seeing who’s doing what. Anyways.

I got some of my auto Flowers out trying to figure what to run. Like I said I’ve been having trouble popping beans. Either way I’m wasting time every day I have empty tents. lol. Tonight, its cleaning the aero cloner out and getting cuts from all my ladies so I can get ready to flip them shits.

I can’t wait to smoke some Romulan. Shit looks amazing. I’m just so excited to be really tending the crop again. :grin:


Hello. If you’re reading this I hope you are warm, safe, and have some grass on deck or through the roof.

I struck out with the SSDD seeds again. I’ve given them a peroxide wash. Then cracked some of the seeds, scarification on some seeds. I have aloe. I tried carefully peeling the husks off after a peroxide wash then put them between plates warm dark Yada Yada.

I swear I’m trying so hard to get these guys to jump off. The insides embryos are white and looks viable to me. Like I said I peeled into a few w/o disturbing the integrity of the core. Looks solid. I dunno. Anyways.

My main tent is on the 2nd full day of 12/12. I had to cut my large Black Candyland plant out. It had a blight or virus where the lower fans were dropping and I was fighting a losing battle. Knock on wood everything is good. Still got my 5 baby Romulan going and the autos popped and are in dirt. Pics soon.

Be safe. Have a good one.:v::grin:


You will like the Romulan man, I was given some bud 2 years ago to try, it’s very good for nerve pain and a nice high relaxing buzz.


He’ll yeah bro. I’m suffering from nerve damage in my ankles and knees. I’m searching for green bud after a purple craze chase. I buy a 1000mg bottle of THC syrup for 25 bucks and maybe have 100mg every 3-4 days. Just so my tolerance doesn’t max out. I’m not trying to get stoned for the sake honestly. Opiates of any type have no effect. So they’re banned from my body. Lol.

I’ve been looking for strains that have been around and are still stomping mud holes. So this I’m running the Romulan this round because I’ve heard it’s extremely potent. Long story short. Soil was a tad hot. They’re all doing well. We’ll make some beans if we get some lookers.

After pitching the BCandyland I flipped the tent and everything is looking swell. So far.

I filled my cloner with the Gorilla Bubba, Nana Cake, BC, and the Gushers. I been smoking Runtz crosses lately and I dig them.

Purple Runtz

I’ve just amassed a crazy collection chasing fire. I’m like Tappy trying to jam plants everywhere. Lol. I’m gonna move in the next 2 year’s or under. I’ll be able to run and preserve everything I can for the next generation.

I leave you with a shot of the Gushers. The Triangle and Gelato mesh well together. Anyways I’m just healing and needed to be back here regularly. I hope you’re all well. Love you guys.

DG’s fire Gushers cut


Can’t figure out why these few plants are doing this. I out the seedling in a clear clean cup and was afraid any algea was probably making the plant sick. Ie been looking g for answers. I have a microscope from Oleskool. Just looks like necrosis of some type. This cup is slid into a dark cup for the moment t and has room in between the two. Idk?


I realize that post doest have much to go by. Here’s some shots from the scrog. I’m afraid to uppot this one gal to a 3 gal. I’m having to water and feed this girl twice a day. I’m afraid I may shock it or the soil may be off.

Probably ably tripping. Most of this mess co es from a GG4XBUBBA plant in a si gle gallon as I said. Haha. Ahhh man idk. They’re gonna need a 2nd net when they stop stretching.


Hey who the ffff. Lol Sorry I caught a pest.

Gelato Cake are in a Blue Cookies knockoff from my bodega.

It’s alright. I’m planning on running a room of this Gushers. Then my normal run different stuff tent… It’s coming together.

That’s a haze on the plastic under the grass. Just a reflection.


I had a feeling I was dealing with Leaf Septoria. Unfortunately it was a matter of being sick, depressed, strung out, and my aunt used an entire trash can of clean soil for this run I’m on. I threw some together and used too much Blood Meal.

High ass N. Spotting that leads to necrosis. Makes the leaves yellowish kinda like a mag Def or N Def. I’m ashamed to say I used a pot of soil again because the plant was a small male. If you’re new and you read this please…

Use good clean soil, good watering practices, lots of good air circulation, decent plant spacing, remove any leaf litter asap (check the pots too). There are many forms of leaf septoria and can be confused with pests and deficiencies. I had a clone in a clear cup and the roots I thought were suspect. They were really healthy and exploding. Damn Funai. I’m just putting my personal knowledge up even though most growers know this stuff.

Has anyone used lost coast plant therapy? I’ve heard great stuff about it and would like to introduce an IPM regiment. I’m broke til the 5th so I’ve been cleaning about wating to get some small items.



Got the Lost Coast Plant therapy in and its my second day applying it. The plants look great and if I’m happy with this run and LCPT as my IPM. My cuts look OK kow. TG!

I put in a second trellis net. Everything looks really nice and was necessary for sure. Nothing laying over this time. Anyways. I’m prepping for a 50 plant run next go. Excited. Very! Lol

Anyways let’s look at some pics. Like I said this is progression over the weeks. Hmu. Feel free to post or whatever.

Tent last week

Tent this week with added trellis. Sorry I’ve been reworking branches through the net, forgot to finish post. God Damn “Cake” cartridge has me sweating after 2 hits. Lol

Just some random shots. Yeah man that LCPT is some good shit. I have to say that coming across these problems and properly diagnosing then fixing it has helped me tremendously. No substitute for experience.
Mule Fuel overflow from NJ/NY think it’s Harmony’s shit. Tastes like my GelatoXRace Fuel OG kinda NL5…


Awesome! Glad it’s helping!! Nice to see you happy and going so strong bro! Keep it up

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Thanks dude. I appreciate you stopping in. I’m just trying to keep moving forward. I need to slow down a tad. I’m too early in my recovery to put too much on myself right now while my body is healing.

Like I said,I’m getting ready after this run to do 50 plants a run. I’m ready and its the right time. I’m gonna kill this shit. I got some great fertilizer and the blocks of promix hp are coming…

What’s up with the BOO? Everything turn out OK for you? I’m sure when you’re done it’s a load off. Hehe! Alright. Be safe out there.


I cleaned my cloner real good. I have a shit ton of small cuts I can take. I did take some last night and sprayed everything down including the fans. Gotta clean and spray those. So I’m quite happy I could save all but most importantly @DGCloud (s) strains.

Cloner cleaned and partially filled. Oh yeah, out of 5 plants it’s looking like 1 fem 4 males one real nice male short bushy branches funky indica looking compared to the female which looks more satty like. The Romulan that is. Be cloning that girl soon as well.

Cloner clean.

Man this Gushers plant is looking great. They’re all praying to the HPS gods. Lol. I think I’m finally grasping the grow correctly. :rofl:.

They all are looking great. I’ve been using a new fertilizer. Kosher af in there. I have 2 GG4XBUBBA clones in there that are pretty big. I got the pull times down for these. I can’t wait.

Yall be safe. Keep that airflow up and leaf litter out of everything. Take notice of any spotting, necrosis patches, discolored leaves, coppery sheen. It resembles many deficiencies. Leaf Septoria aka the black shits.


Boo is pretty much done, Just needs to be shucked and then figure out how many stamps and stuff I can obtain then I’ll put up a wiki etc. turned out great !


That’s awesome. I’m so glad it worked out for you. I have to do another Dj Short BB seed run. Lol. I fucked it up but I still have enough to make another run.

There’s a few strains I have that are Top Shelf. :roll_eyes:. Hehe! Na seriously, some last of strains (as far as I know) and some quality Heirloom’s. I do have a few that I’ll get too for the group. I can 't call it a seed run because that’s bad ju ju. Maybe I’ll not attempt to make seed and end up with 1k.

Just blabbing. Ay you have a great super bowl Sunday. Be safe bud.


You too bro, hope you have an awesome day as well!

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I apologize for some of the posts having grammar issues. I have a ew phone I’m trying to sort out. I did a setup really fast and skipped some stuff.

I’ll get this spellchecker in order. There’s nothing like saying the opposite of what you mean. Probably think the ol’ boy is on the shite again. Lol. Na we’re clean in Baltimore today.